Even NEOGAF thinks the Switch is gonna flop

Even NEOGAF thinks the Switch is gonna flop


You have to go back

No shit, who the fuck thought "Wii U + Paid online" would look appealing?

of course neoGAF does
neoGAF thinks anything that isn't sony cock will flop

of course they think that, have you seen all the threads they've been posting here

So they are right?

Of course they do, NeoFag is a sony shill forum.

NEOGAF was only good when CBOAT was there

NEOGAF went to shit after CBOAT was banned when he was right about Titanfall


Of course they would think Switch is gonna flop, you retarded sonygger.

They are right, but Neogaf is Sony fanboy central

Same SonyGAF that, up until recently, was giving Phil Spencer premium deep throat.

It's a Nintendo handheld, it'll do fine.


Who has this one Vita TV neofag picture?

Neogaf was 100% certain the 3DS would bomb and the Vita would kill it. If you try to have opinions contrary to the circlejerk there they will literally ban you.


It's called Sonygaf for a reason. They want everything but Sony to fail.



>He seriously believes this

Yeah that's the one.


>NEOGAF went to shit after CBOAT was banned when he was right about Titanfall

CBOAT was banned first time for being wrong about Titanfall's resolution on xbone and got baited by ntkrnl. Then claimed MS only won November 2014 NPD's by 10K consoles. Real number was Xbone outsold PS4 by over 400k.

It was always a mod account. Went silent as soon as they knew they were intentionally being fed shitty info and got played.




GAF thought the Vita TV was going to be a rousing success.

Suffice to say they're not exactly the brightest bunch

Didn't expect that. They usually dickride everything

>everything Sony



>cherrypicking posts


>NeoGaf is a failure of a site and literally the opposite of everything they say is true

taro is an artist
also >Kainé


Saving this screencap for when Nintendo DOMINATES nextgen

>dead on arrival
>might do 20m lifetime

these are almost complete opposite statements

Not neofag, but might as well be.

Wow sonygger central thinks a nintendo system will flop? damn, really makes you think...

It's fucking SonyGAFfe, just like this used to be Sup Forumstendo until like 2/3 years ago. You're an idiot OP.


>kids who completely missed cartoons from the 90s, and before.

Yeah, nah.


>Sonygger Echoe Chamber Hivemind thinks Nintendo will fail

Stop the presses OP!

Even though I agree Nintendo will fail,it shouldn't be a surprise Sonyggers will be Sonyggers


Fucking called it


Don't discount the nostalgia market. Nintendo had been around in home consoles since the 80s and a lot of 30+ year olds w/ full income will pay $$$ to play a Zelda game that looks that fucking hot.

Wii U failed because it had no killer title and it didn't differentiate itself from Wii at all.

>sonygaf thinks nintendo console will flop
gee what a surprise

Who gives a shit what Neogaf thinks?

>people will deny the existence of Nintendogaf

makes sense, half of this thread is probably made up of crossposters

>people will deny the existence of Nintendogaf

It's a Sonygaffer trying to deflect. Figures one of you would show up.

We live in an era where EVERYONE thought Hilary would win, she didn't. Trump is the future POTUS.

The time when "thinks they know shit" is no longer relevant, nobody knows what will happen.

no such thing, sonygger

oh sweet summer child

>thinks the Switch is going to flop

Water is wet, the sky is blue, etc.

They defend PS+ price increase, they're the definition of Sonyggers.

>Muh cherrypicking

>this image again
>thread on the left made hours after the right
>classic Sony Defense Force response is to copy what others are doing, but put their spin on it
>asspained Sonyggers make images like that to try and prove "NintendoGaf!" but only prove how much cancer they are themselves

>Even NEOGAF thinks the Switch is gonna flop
And the sky is blue OP

>nintendo fans don't care about console war nonsense so they just ignore the thread like any sensible human being
>sonyggers get so upset they shitpost the thread to bump limit because god forbid someone point out the blatant flaws in their console

really gets the noggin joggin huh

>nintendo fans don't care about console war


I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore

>Popular website full of people with common sense thinks a gimmicky overpriced fisher-price shovelware console will bomb well liking the most popular and powerful console more.

No surprise.

SonyGaf huh? Strange...they were so excited for the Switch after the reveal...
