Street Fighter V Thread

It's time for sf/v/ lobbies, get in EU bros

CFN : Paprika
3 rounds
Pass : 2222
Comment : Open from 2 to 2

I guess you guys are too busy shitposting about the Switch to play.

>they still play sfv

>I still care about what people play
You must have a great life

Oh shit,incoming in a few minutes mate.

Any tips,Balrogbro?
It's still up,join people.

I would join but i got to go and do aegis reflector in the clubs tonight.

I'm not good at explaining so try to see what i'm doing during the match.

Who's ready for SFVR on the switch

Here's what I think for now Turkrog bro:
You're too passive, and way too predictable because all you wanna do is dash punch or dash low from full screen. Try to get in more because balrog has one of the best pressure of the game

Still trying to figure out how to considering KKB overhead is too obvious and I dont know what to use against defensive peeps yet.

>tfw hk stomp super failed again

So was the last round better with all the normals?
I actually felt happy when you did the CA combo at last,congrats.

It was a lot better yeah.

>it's a "me missing a CA again" episode
just fucking kill me already.
Sorry for the taunt didn't mean to disrespect you, just the CA missing as funny.

Taunts bring fun,do them when you feel like it.
>Aegis pong

GGs guys, only had time for a few today. Gonna have to GM a tabletop session soon, got some prep work to do.

It happened 3 times during the 7 or so matches I saw/played.
Can you do it consistently in training mode.

That was the best and it dealt a whopping 60 or so damage.

How do I memorize all the egregiously bad hitboxes to be able to know what's safe or has it been like this in every game

Download FAT, a free app that list frame data for everyone.

EU or US? Is the lobby still up?

are y'all willing to help beginners get better at the game?

EU and the lobby is still up, except it's FT3 now because we're only 2 in it

you have to be willing to help yourself

Lobby is back to FT1

It feels like you improved your combos,good job mate.GGs to you too.
Join and play,that's the best way.

When will capcom learn that king of the hill lobbies are shit? Just swallow your fucking pride and make lobbies similar to ANY OTHER FUCKING FIGHTING GAME ON THE MARKET. Jesus fucking christ. Is it that fucking hard to make a lobby system where more than 2 players can play at the same time? Fucking hell capcom, get your fucking shit together you fucking fuckers. Fuck

Nice choke Paprika

T-Thanks, it's only been the billionth time i miss this


Ok,what's going on with the lobby?

Don't know what happened, my game just crashed.
Also american bros can you refrain from joining EU lobbies ? I know for some it's playable but most of the time it's a laggy shitfest.

The game crashed, I'll reopen it with same details as OP.

Fruitfag here, It was kinda laggy on my end though. I'm sure it was on yours too and I'm sure you would of hit it. ggwp

It's still going,you can join back instead if you want.

>Zangief going in raw just to be defeated to a random kick
Well,good try.



Connection is pretty poor on my end. I mean, I can play, but things look like they're hitting on my end, then 1 second later I'm eating a full combo

Host changed,check for same details except CFN for ThatRedPyro


Mika is so hot. I want to drop this shit game, but I can't.

heavy stomp is dangerously easy to miss though. ex srk is a much more reliable follow-up

SF5 was dead on arrival.

USF2 is the futrure.
SWITCH over now, boys.

>Taunts bring fun
Let me guess, you also enjoy the fuck out of bananas and climbing trees?

Ok I'm off, I literally only lost because of lag. Instant jumps, instant dash throws, CC from nowhere.

>Tfw beginner with shitty wifi connection.

I'd just ruin the fun...

Also left because it's starting to get late
GGs everyone,hope you had fun.

Anyone still playing?
Also can a complete beginner with 20 hours join?

It's still running,go ahead and join.Don't look for the Username but comment while searching,the hosts are different now.

getting on for EU lobby, haven't played for a couple of weeks so ill probably be trash though

GGs too all that I beat due to lagggg. Sorry if I ruined the fun.

I'm gonna try to learn FANG, no bully if I'm total ass with him right now.

I'll fight you in real life mate

People mostly stopped playing after a few DLC characters

Season 2 brought no one back and the christmas wave of purchases has already faded

ded game

you said you wouldn't pull this shit, Capcom. Now you have and you killed your own game.

Everyone is still playing though, what are you talking about. It's still the most lively fighting game around.

actually fuck it i'll play alex

It's the only fighting game around. GGXrd and BB and Skullgirls are a fucking joke

And yet the population in SFV is a tiny fraction of what it once was. If you look at the pop chart you can see that it flattened out in early October, has a spike at season 2/christmas, and that spike quickly fell back down.

PC SFV barely has 1,000 players

Dead game.

I got pancaked by Zangief. I should of jumped more but I don't play vs grapplers in casual much.

alex 2stronk
gg t. vega

so if i win this 3rd one i go to the bottom right?

Do less of the crawling leg thing. And I'm Gief is trash it's good

yeah gg

holy hell i still have no clue how to fight a bison

Ggs, I'm going to have dinner now.
If the lobby is up when I come back, I'll hop in.

why are you using pc numbers and how is 1k representative of dead anyway? that's easily enough people to play with and have fun right there without even counting the higher number of people playing on ps4.

>why are you using PC numbers
because those are the numbers available and there's no reason to believe a trend in PC players won't be mirrored on console

>how is 1k representative of dead
because the initial PC SFV player count was 30k.

dead would mean nobody is playing anymore. I easily find games within that player pool.
>no reason to believe
I guess except for the fact that console numbers have always been higher than PC for fighting games.

>dead would mean nobody is playing anymore
No, user, a fighting game is ded when most of its player base have left and the only reason it's still got pros is because of pot money provided by the publisher. Capcom has to keep the game on life support with tournament pots.

>consoles have higher numbers than PC
yes, that is why I said trend and not absolute number of players

good games eurobros

ggs lobby, surprised i was able to scrub a victory out

dead is not living. sfv still has enough players that I can play at any hour of the day and still find a game. I know you like being hyperbolic but don't act like the word "dead" is an accurate description of the game's current state. the game is definitely struggling compared to where it should have been right now but it is not dead by any means.

>this term has meant this thing in the community forever but fuck that my random and literal interpretation is more important!

it isn't dead. it still sees tournament play as a main game and still has a player base. Third Strike is dead, UMvC3 will be dead soon. go ask /fgg/ and someone will tell you the same thing.

Sf4 never had more that 1k players on Pc at any given time either but noone was retarded enough to call it dead