So how long until the PC master race gets paid online?
They're the last ones left.
So how long until the PC master race gets paid online?
They're the last ones left.
That's not how pc work fag
Microsoft doesn't only own the Xbox user.
Will Valve implement paid online?
My ISP sends me bills every so often, who's yours?
If Steam became a paid service it would be.
I want to see them try.
If Steam became a paid service people would put a bullet in its head and kick its body into a ravine.
Microsoft tried it and got BTFO, so never.
That would be hilarious. Steam would die immediately. Just like the paid mods, steam wouldn't last a week.
Then maybe we can go back to physical PC media and escape the digital meme.
>He thinks Valve wont create "Steam Gold"
All they have to do is offer trading cards for being a Steam Gold member and the cucks will come running
Say it with me
Seriously though, it will never happen because PC is a "open" platform so this sort of jewishness just doesn't work.
Dota, CSGO, and TF2fags WILL pay for it and defend it and you're retarded if you dont think so
desu I'd sign up for this
Not every PC uses windows retard.
And they say consoles font ruin gaming
I'm sure they would, lets just wait and see what happens ;)
We pay a monthly internet bill to play online what are you talking about
Nearly all PC games require it.
>we can go back to physical media
Pipe dreams
We dont take IF or any hypothetical bs.
We will deal with it when they tried. There will be blood.
We pay so we can fap, playing online games is just an extra.
Consolefag here. Nigger we also pay monthly internet bill.
Microsoft tried and failed hard
Probably soon. Valve has seen Microsoft introduce it. Valve has seen Sony popularize it and Sony shills defend it. Valve has seen Nintendo adopt it. I don't doubt that Valve will try to implement some sort of service soon that will eventually force us to pay to play our games.
They'd just move on to other games.
How is digital a meme? How is physical superior to digital?
Won't happen because they function completely differently.
Consoles are closed platforms, and everything multiplayer is hosted on their own service.
On steam, and most PC games, the online servers are maintained by the developer or publishers themselves.
This is also true for third party WiiU games, hence certain games like Devil's Third shutting down after a few months. I would assume Nintendo would offer hosting like their competitors if they're going the paid online route.
Not all games require it. And my original statement still stands.
Now bend the knee peasant.
Do people actually believe that valve is the biggest pc gaming company in the world?
Origin and Uplay will suddenly become much more popular
Are you having a stroke?
Do you actually believe it's not?
>Implying that Russians and Brazilians have money for subscription
Silly, right?
It is tencent actually.
>people abandoning Dota 2, TF2, and CSGO ever
Are you?
They already paid for their internet. Literally, paid online.
I will kill Gabe Newell and his daughter when that happens
Happened once already when Microsoft tried to charge PC gamers for GFWL, just like XBL, when that first came about. Simply put, no one played it during this period and Microsoft made the service free later on.
>all these pcfats saying they would just drop steam if they introduced monthly fees
Really? And lose your whole game library at the same time? How much money would that be just down the drain?
Tencent is the biggest pc company in the world, dumbass.
There's absolutely no reason for it considering that Valve is already drowning in their billions of dollars and a monthly fee would only piss off steam users.
>people who play F2P games will pay extra money for them
You didn't think this all the way through, did you?
You can see many alternatives when you stop sucking gabens dick and stand up
Im a talented indie game dev and if Steam ever forced online fees, id pull my games off Steam
I'd just stop playing them desu.
It would clean it of Third World shitters.
>There's no reason for it
Valve and Bethesda tried to introduce paid mods with Gaben defending it. There's all reason for it, including their main reason which is they want more money while doing literally nothing.
Emi is best girl
forgot to add pic
all good games do
So this is the latest thing the shitposting IRC is targeting.
This will never happen on Steam because it would instakill Dota.
We do, it's called the Internet Bill. I still don't get how you people buy consoles just to waste money to play online when you already did so with the bill.
There are many online services providers. Uplay, EA/Origin, Steam, whatever Activison games use and others. I doubt they all would simultaneously go like "boom, now we charge for online!'. However, if Steam picks it up, then it's possible others will too
It's called the internet bill
Yeah, same. It's a good thing I don't have to pay random companies to use their servers too.
There's a shitposting IRC? No way.
Doesn't EA already have an xbox gold-like monthly service on Origin?
They failed that time. Paid online is much more than paid mod. Do you think they are that stupid?
Also they just got a way to make 3rd worlder to pay for the games, you think chink br slav jungle gooks will just stand passively like good goys?
>what is pirating
Crabs in a Bucket much?
The entirety of Rizon
>Paying for anything
The only people who play that shit are third worlders with toasters.
Slav here. The day Steam becomes paid is the day I go back to pirating everything.
It's not required to play online, so it isn't a issue
>Thinking steam is the only way to get games
Want to know how you're new to the PC gaming?
>have to suddenly pay $5 a month to play the 100 games in my library I already own
If you think this would end in any other way than the largest backlash ever witnessed in the history of mankind, you are motherfuckingly retarded.
>Do you think they are that stupid
user, they tried to implement paid mods. Of course I think they're that stupid.
Oh right. I was expecting something more for some reason.
I hope they do it so I get an excuse to stab this fat motherfucker
As soon as Trump and the GOP kill net neutrality. So about five months
>in my library I already own
Um... user? Have you read the terms and agreement?
Shh. Don't tell him.
Its 100% gonna come to pay their billis but they will find a way to disguise it.
There are only specific shitposting IRCs for /vg/ generals I think. And /u/
>all those russians and BRs with literal toasters playing f2p shit will surely pay to keep playing
The only retard here is you.
I feel like Microsoft really wants to with Games For Windows Live (Deceased) and Games For Windows Live 2.0 (Dying).
They just can't pull it off since they are incompetent.
Steam has no reason to charge for online when charging for hats is 10x more profitable.
The thing about PC, is that you have a choice. That's what PC is about, choice. You can use a different service, pirate games, emulate older games. GOG would probably profit if Steam did such a stupid thing, no one would want to sell their game on steam.
yeah but console owners are much more of a captive market, PC has a number of different platforms, if one started charging the others would become more popular.
Honestly it's weird that you don't have to pay a subscription for CSGO or OW, they'd be making tons of money
>lose your entire game library
>not knowing where the install directory is
valve is smart enough to realize that the poorfags playing CSGO and TF2 will pay for hats and knives and shit but would turn their nose up at paying for online
their skinner boxes make them enough money as it is
You don't own these games, user
I think thats more like mmos having monthly subscriptions.
Doubt that will ever go farther.
Microsoft actually tried that with an early form of Games for Windows LIVE
What did you think the LIVE part meant?
>However, if Steam picks it up, then it's possible others will too
It's just as likely that they will see it as an oportunity to stop being considered shit and inferior to Steam, not do the same and have a chance at growing a lot in popularity.
For fuck sake. I said don't tell him.
They make much, MUCH more by selling cosmetics. League of Legends proves that f2p with cosmetics makes bank. Not everyone buys the skins, but the one to five percent who do, spend a shitload of money on it due to poor impulse control. I used to go to the old League forums before they turned it into reddit2.0 and there were seriously people who would buy EVERY skin for a character they played, just to collect them. You throw in things like limited edition skins for the holidays or other events and you end making a retarded amount of cash.
Season 2 when
>implying I switch to another platform and leave all my games and wait until that other platform turns into a dick
after 20 years of buying gaymes its time to go full pirate if they do this
>bethesda tried to sell skyrim user mods
>they had to take it down because of the backlash
Never gonna happen. Everyone will just start using gog/origin or just use linux. It's not like consoles where you're at the mercy of the company.
I'm sure microsoft will try their best with that windows 10 store bullshit
>Publishers give less of a shit about PC than Consoles
>PC has pirate fags
>PC is infested with people that solely play F2P crap like MOBAs and TF2
>Shitstorm over paying for mods
>PC ever having paid online
How do you people remember to breathe?
Even IF steam became paid online I would just switch to gog. Why is it so hard for consoleplebs to understand that we can use multiple services on our device.
>Tfw idort
>now have to pay $180 a year just to access online on my shit
>Be PC fag
>New games come out
>Very demanding
>Have old hardware
>Want to play games at 1080p
>Have to buy new hardware
Oi vey goyim. Check out this new hip 500 dollar GPU! Buy now :^^^)
>They're the last ones left.
Did Nintendo announce paid online or something last night?
and digital video game rental as bonus for the yearly sub
and get this : it's actual rental ,as in you get a fee game for a month and it goes away, no the entrapment rental of sony or just free shit on xbox (unless that changed too)
Wonderful, one of Nintendo's few saving graces and they chuck it.
This, but they won't do it until more people are on w10.