Why is he wasting his life

why is he wasting his life

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Why are we all?


Do you happen to be a transgender queer whose only interest in him is his money?

This, Flesh and bones working for tomorrow, and tomorrow doesn't exist.

Shut up fag

there is no right way to spend your life.

He has millions, he has no reason to do anything anymore.

He won, and now he's a loser.

What do you mean?
He seems to be enjoying his life, as much as any billionaire with nothing to do does.

t. wageslave who can't fathom not spending every day slaving for a corporation

Nigga what? He is rich as fuck and can do whatever he wants for the rest of his life. How is he wasting his life?

He is living like a king.

Time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted, m8
Tomorrow exists as a concept

He currently has every candy in the world in his house now.

Shit, also meant for

>was total NEET, spent all of his time shitposting on Sup Forums
>decides to make game, Sup Forums likes it, listens to what Sup Forums says to what to put in the game
>actually makes a good game
>becomes fucking huge because actually included what people wanted and good ideas
>makes a fuckload of money
>makes millions if not billions
>buys fuckhuge house
>stops making game because like the autist he is he gets bored of it
>new developers turn it to shit
>sits back with his ultimate NEET bucks he made off of autistic children so he could live the ultimate autistic NEET lifestyle

He's a multi-billionaire who more or less stumbled onto a phenomenon by accident by remaking somebody else's Unity game and shilling it to hell and back. Bear in mind that he used to be a literal Sup Forumsirgin: ask yourself, would YOU still be making games if you had two billion dollars?

Well put.

Surprisingly he's not on the spectrum

He's the king of Sup Forums.

He made a game based off of what Sup Forums told him to put into it, ended up making a good game, made a fuckload of cash off of NEETs, got bored and stopped making it because he's loaded, and then the people who took over made him even more money from autistic children.

What makes you think that?


Either way he's basically the ultimate NEET.

He has a fuckload of cash, a big house, and doesn't have to do anything at all for it, he just sits down and watches children and normies eat up his game.

He won Sup Forums forever.

Just like pewdiepie
Just like martin shkreli
Just like Zack and Cody
Just like yanderedev
Just like Donald Trump Jr.
If you browse Sup Forums then maybe one day you can become a billionaire or B list celebrity

This. Literally the perfect existence

Notch won at life and his eternal reward is shitposting without consequences. I'd do the samething if I were him.


>would YOU still be making games if you had two billion dollars?

imagine all the cool shit you could do if money or giving in to the demands of the market(casualization) wasn't a factor

you could make a hundred million dollar arthouse game

For a moment I thought that was Joss Whedon.

Does anyone honestly enjoy spending time in this shithole?

What would YOU do with two billion dollary doos?

Start a competent rival against Nintendo.

Fund Dreamcast 2.

Quit my job and live a "normal" life, with a budget. Dedicating my days to videogames, meeting people, and being creative in various ways, such as; programming, painting, sculpting and tinkering.

Because he can afford it.

Notch could literally just buy a studio and make whatever game he wants through other people oh wait

nigga's got more money than he could ever spend
why would he care about how he spends his time

you don't need two billion dollars to do that

Why are you?

it would be the best
unless you developed some multiplayer game all the joy of playing it would be tarred by you having spent 3 years pouring over every model and trigger in the game

>was total NEET
he had a job and a girlfriend.

He's watching children now?

Throwing an occasional cocaine infused yacht sex party once in a while is not cheap, user.

his wife divorced him literally the day she was able to to get divorce money

i wonder if this is why notch became an alt-right faggot

He needs to come in and save Minecraft from Yeb and Dinnerbong.

>don't get a prenup
>get fucked for it
most dudes who go alt right have only themselves to blame for the circumstances that 'forced' them to go alt right

She didn't get anything

He's never been alt-right either. he hates them. He just calls out SJWs as much.

would he even be allowed to work on minecraft after he sold it

he regularly posts alt-right conspiracies on twitter about Hillary like the emails and that really crazy thing about pedos

He is the tragic hero.

>hope to become a game company like Valve
>made tons of money
>got married
>later get divorced
>sell company and and friends to MS
>friends get a small 6 figure package
>Notch gets the rest of the millions
>spend days shitposting on twitter because he's a rich guy who can

he posted about that?

it's real btw. the pedo stuff

yes comrade its all real, but trump being compromised by the russians isn't

What his wife did to him was not normal. She was a 4/10 who literally married him for his money. That fucks a guy up. Women are fucking evil.

I highly doubt she deliberately divorce raped him

evidence for russian hacks? none
evidence for the elite fucking children? Dating back to ancient greece


Invest into the future of waifu robots, and live the comfy neet life

if the greeks did it it can't be bad

>the emails
>alt-right conspiracies

Didn't say it's bad.
They don't think it's bad either.
But it's real.

>always went on vacations with his pals/co-workers
>developing a project together, a labor of love that happened to be lucrative
>had a wife
>life was good
>alone, no one wants to hang out, everyone got on with their lives
>no wife
>big empty house filled with unfulfilling luxuries
>shitposts on twitter all day

buy a nice house. take care of my family do a little investing. build a nice pc and play games and travel the world and learn how to golf.

You guys realize fucked up alimony is an American thing, right?

Last I heard he was pretty depressed. He worked hard for awhile to earn vacations, a vacation means something when you've worked for it. Now with billions his entire life is a vacation. And it's a pretty hollow existence. He doesn't seem passionate or interested in anything, not even the medium that made him wealthy. He could do so much with his money but does anything, odds are he'll be found dead and alone in his huge empty mansion one day.

didn't some celeb offer to smoke weed with him and hangout, notch's loneliness is self-inflicted

You realize the United States is the best country in the world, right?

#1 in school shootings, fat people, and wealth inequality

Your point being?

>#1 in fat people
Pretty sure that's Mexico


entropy will reclaim everything and nothing will have ever mattered

mexico is stealing our obesity now!?

per capita but there are still more fatties in america

>wealth inequality
I doubt they're #1.


>buying a nice house
>not constructing the ultimate manchild adventure cave with bedside water slides and secret rooms and catwalks and a bona fide 81 kilometer long underground maze built in your favorite vidya architectural style
your taste is so sensible I'm almost getting angry

that's russia, but since our new government wants to be so buddy buddy with them we'll soon overtake them on that

china is going to win the fat bowl in the long run

and thanks to all this BLM, alt right bickering the wealthy will fucking destroy us financially while we fight over bullshit. Whoever is in charge is really good at this shit.

there are no adults

They're half the population and also have about a fifth of the GDP per capita compared to the US making their obesity even more impressive.

Reported to the ADL

what happened to americans owning up to their fatties

mexican cuisine is pretty unhealthy, and they've replaced water with coca-cola

Then why do you always complain about Commiefornia

user has a point, your Divorce laws are fucked up.

commiefornia = not america
dying rust belt that is a net drain on america = real america

because he can do whatever he wants but does nothing.

>White and Black nationalists claim Protocols of Zion are real.
>PoZ says Jews will destroy societies by instigating racial fights.
>White and Black supremacists proceed to instigate racial fights.

Always made me laugh.

you can't not waste your life.
the only difference is he's wasting it doing things that he likes, rather than retiring at the ripe age of 80 so you can enjoy the money you wasted your youth working for, so you so you can sit around and do fuck all for 5 years because all your friends are dead

Real life Elf maid sex dungeon

america is still fat

but #1 is literally incorrect information since other countries are fatter now

He earned his entire life before he hit 35, he can do whatever he wants.

not to mention
>wonders why he has no friends
>wonders why the friends he had hate him after he sold them down the river
>spends every day crying about it on twitter

Why doesn't this guy just go full Bilzerian and bang fucktonnes of hot paid sluts in a yacht.
Get a personal trainer And go full such douchebag.
Sit on his yacht doing cocaine while he gets blown by sluts.

you're really joggin my noggin

>why is he wasting his life
>t. some wagecuck/NEET

he wants to burn all his money, so he can go back to being a neckbeard in a garage, so he can get his drive to make a game back

besides the fact that dan is a huge faggot and everyone know that, hookers and drugs really aren't that fulfilling

You're the kind of person who'll sit on there deathbed and regret everything

because bilzerian is the one multimillionaire that's actually even more pathetic than notch

I've always suspected that hookers and blow are severely overrated in the long run.