because fire emblem is a cuck series

>musou shit

Because FE is a shit series that not even Sup Forums pathetic loner waifufags weebs care about.

because fire emblem went from good rpgs to waifudatingweebshit

This Also who gives a fuck about a new game for a dead system?

Fire Emblem has become putrid shit and if I do play it it'll be in Japanese, it's probably going to be on the Switch from now on anyway and I'm not funding a cuck company

Because the last Fire Emblem game was fucking shit.

because FE is retarded waifu pandering garbage now. they might as well release Fire Emblem Xtreme Beach Volleyball at this point and complete the transition already.

Path of Radiance HD anyone?

would be hyped if it was anything other than musou shit
Fuck it, even #FE2 would be more interesting.

Im a big Fire Emblem nerd (played the old NES japanese ones) but jesus christ, why the fuck a Musou?!

I guarantee you it'll be about the shitty mobile game and the musou (featuring 75% Awakening and Fates characters!) and if they do show off a new FE I won't get hyped after how Fates turned out

Maybe it would have been better if it announced more games coming to the switch and not just one series.

that would imply nintendo is in touch with fans and had considered the fact that Ike is the most popular character and that beyond emulation no one can fucking play path of radiance

>nu FE warriors
>nu FE mobile

Why should anyone talk about this? FE is dead, move on.

>fire emblem was dead before awakening
>fire emblem was waifu trash since the beginning

Really makes you think

Who literally cares?

Show something of value like Smash, Pokemon, etc.

People should know not to expect FE15. Mainline FE takes years to make and SHOULD take years, they need to learn their mistakes from Fates, it's just too soon.

FE Warriors, FE Mobile, Corrin amiibo (at last), new amiibo for FE Warriors, and possibly the last of Fates NA DLC are all very safe and realistic bets

It just needed rebranding.

>Who literally cares?

fucking stop saying literally you cunt.

I wish they'd gone with female corrin for advertising/amiibo stuff, I actually think she has a pretty good design compared to the femboi

FE is Ninty's forced meme. So forced they had to edit it for kids.

>, it's just too soon.
Its been a year and a half since Fates was initially released, m8.

FE15 will have a Q2 2018 launch.

we need shining force to come back and put these shitters in their place


Well it's cucked Metroid well enough.


Fuck you Conquest was the most challenging game I've ever played.
>Inb4 muh bad story
Video games for gameplay not stories and cinematic cutscenes, Not to mention it has best girl.

>Fuck you Conquest was the most challenging game I've ever played.
Well that's because you're a nintendo drone who plays nothing but baby shit. That wasn't hard to figure out.

Outside of the story and the English version Nohr was awesome, the rest are garbage however

What's path of radiance?
Last I checked there was only 3 fire emblem games; the original, awakening, and fates.
Surely if they made more they'd acknowledge them.

grow up

Fates development stopped officially in May 2015, DLC development stopped in March 2016.

That is, at best, a year and some months to make a game (a bad game) and that's if they reuse the Awakening engine yet again instead of developing a new one for the Switch (which they have to because no more dual screens).

Awakening and Fates in spite of their respective success stories, were very reasonably spaced apart release-wise. It is too soon. We're very obviously going to get FE Warriors and FE Mobile (which we know absolutely nothing about, we need information on this) first.

I'm excited for the future of Fire Emblem because I enjoy all of the characters, music, and gameplay in every map and I'm excited to see what the new entries bring to the table.
I'm also very eager to see more of FE Warriors, it looks very fun if HW is anything to go by.

Because fuck that shit series.

>and the musou (featuring 75% Awakening and Fates characters!)

i like how people complain about this yet this musou wouldn't even exist if awakening hadn't saved your shitty series

embrace the waifus or die out

Improved-gameplay or not, Fire Emblem became generic weebshit for pedos, even my diehard FE-friend hated the direction.

And the upcoming game is another Dynasty Warriors numbersfest.

Sup Forums in two posts

I feel like playing FE. Should I go back and finish FE6 or just go straight to FE8?

I was playing FE6 a couple of months ago, but everything about it felt like a worse/less polished version of FE7. I haven't played FE8 in years.

muh gameplay faggots striking again

except this time the ""gameplay"" is not even good

because Sonyggers and microshits are in full shitpost mode after the switch presentation. Sup Forums typically likes nintendo but the board is overrun with people trying to bash it as hard as they can

>Shining Force

Good joke, Shining Force makes even Fire Emblem Gaiden look good.

I'm not obligated to suck the dick of nu-FE just because it gets a few spinoffs

Fates was a garbage game even with waifu appeal and they won't learn a thing from it

Go ahead and finish FE6, then go FE8.

>an entire direct dedicated to a garbage sRPG series

And to think it almost died before awakening

Worst timeline

Because FE is awful waifu shit now which is worse because rarely do those characters have any character.

Play 6. 8 sucks because its too fucking easy
People talk about how awakening casualized the franchise but fe7 and 8 are babby shit compared to fe5

>implying it isn't going to be about the mobile FE game

>you're a nintendo drone who plays nothing but baby shit.
Only I own a ps4 pro for Bloodborne, Titanfall 2 and Project Cars
And I'm waiting for Gran Turismo Sport and Ace Combat 7

sorry they didn't reveal your new metroid game champ, maybe you'll get your chance at E3

Because 300$ for a console weaker than the fucking Wii U.

I was expecting 250, best case scenario 200, but nah lets do 300 to take the money away from early adopters before declaring it selling slow so lets reduce it down to 200.

I fucking promise you, the Switch will be 200$ 6 months after lunch.

Great, let's talk about it when they show it

Nah, it sounded mostly like disappointed Nintoddlers hoping for a real console and not Wii3: now with less games and more rehashes/weebshit.

Sonyggers make themselves obvious, and Xbots rarely exist on Sup Forums.

ITT: fags who forget lyn's drone army and eirika waifushitters

the only thing awakening did wrong was become popular

FE12's harder

Minus the dating part, it was always a waifufag series, before Awakening, on threads here in Sup Forums before /vg/.

>FE Warriors
>Base roster is Marth,Awakening and Fates characters

>yfw Ike,Lyn and Roy are separate DLC

who cares




I just wanted a new monolith soft game and I got it

I would take a single good metroid game over 10 regular FE games though


I do

Well Ike exists in Smash still, so I guess they sorta remember.

But then again, so does Samus, Sheik, MegaMan and Duck Hunt Dog.

Fuck I love Memri tv

Archanea go home


Path of Radiance looks like hot garbage in HD, trust me on this.

Because Fire Emblem is a shell of its former self and the shit show that was the localization of the previous game left a sour taste in everyone's mouth.

Just buy the Nippon version, no more region locking

This. I want a new FE game. Maybe something that mixes up the gameplay a bit, instead of fan service.

no what you want is classic FE to come back and put all the nu-FE garbage in its place (the dumpster)

FE used to be legitimately respectable and well-made, then Awakening happened

You mean the GBA games happened.

>"muh gameplay"
Has Sup Forums really gotten to this point?

I hope they put subhumans in the new game(s)!

It was really just a matter of time

Post yfw N3DS combo port of the Tellius games

Awakening was a travesty due to shitty map-design and a lack of variety in terms of objectives. I can't speak for the other 2 routes but Conquest has some of the best maps in the series and is really quite challenging, even if the story makes me want to gouge my eyes out.

Yeah i guess he grow up from shitendo stuff

because is musou and musou is a pile of garbage

What's a musou?

There's a difference between a normal game with sexy men and women in them, and blatant waifu game with one-dimensional cardboard cutouts as "characters". Neo-FE fits in the latter, especially the shallow characters.

I hope fatigue sets in soon, so Nintendo can stop pretending FE is now a tier one franchise.

Like Dynasty Warriors

Oh. Gotcha.

>except this time the ""gameplay"" is not even good

Aside from censorship, what problems did you have with fates? Just curious, because I had a blast with conquest.

>Sup Forums has been hoping for a FE musou for years
>finally gets confirmed
>these threads

Oh shit, pls let that happen

SF2 is better than any FE to come out in the last twelve years.

I just hope they don't force the game full of waifu filth. At least put a few decent characters in it.

>people still bitching about waifus

NoA sterilized Fates for you more sensitive types. What more could you want?

>Westbrick having anything to be smug about

Also, yes. that would be amazing

Because it's probably mobileshit.

My thoughts exactly. People have been wanting one for years. Quit bitching. It's not like KT is eating Nintendo's dev resources to even make the game. Here's hoping it's a good musou.

>Not to mention it has best girl.
You're what's wrong here.

Yeah, i played 7 and it is definetly easier than Awakening, at least if both are on Normal.

You can break the fuck out of Awakening with Robin and the children, but if you are playing normally, 7 is definetly easier. 8 is even easier too even if you ignore lolSeth.

>FE Musou details
>FE Mobile reveal
>FE Cipher stuff (Japan only)
>FE merchandise (Japan only)
>FE mainline tease
This is what I'm expecting.

And boy do I sure hope they stop making it seem like FE started at 11.


It's warriors
I don't give a fuck

Corrin amiibos and amiibos for FE Warriors my dude. Also the last of Fates DLC NA didn't get

I also don't expect a mainline tease unless they want these spin-offs to flop and lose all attention. Wait until E3 for that.

the writing's dogshit. but the maps in conquest are fun

no one cares