This deserves a thread of its own

This deserves a thread of its own.


Why does it take a generation to do one zelda game?

what even is 1 2 switch

Its the typical gimmik game that nintendo launches with every system

How many games do you nerds buy?

>Its the typical gimmick game that nintendo launches with every system


waggle to milk

Except it's $50.

I'm hype for a new bomberman

not buying a switch for 1 game though

Reminder the only good game and that launched with the n64 was sm64

pilotwings was rad dude

Nintendo Land was my favourite of these games
Too bad it'll never have an online multiplayer sequel

and pilotwings

And the switch ISN'T launching with mario. It is launching with ONE EXCLUSIVE GAME. ONEEEEEE AND IT'S A FUCKING KONAMI BRAND FOR CHRISTS SAKES
wii u

>Have Wii U
>Only missing out on Bomberman
As much as I fucking love Bomberman, at least I know I can wait until summer when I need to buy Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon again.

Is it included with the system?

It should have been a pack-in game. There's not enough to warrant a $50 price tag, let alone $20.

And N64 was a shit console.

I thought Bomberman was dead?

zelda and bomberman at work will be comfy
too bad this console will die in 4 years

Bomberman is fun. Kind of hard to mess that game up.

>4 years


>Switch isn't for kids guys it's a mature game system for adults

Tech demo that should've been a pack-in a la Wii Sports and Nintendo Land

Took me time to notice that the Switch logo is red Yin Yang

Maturity is realizing you don't have to care about what others think about you when playing video games.

No one owns a WiiU, though. This isn't the same situation as Twilight Princess.

The Wii version of TwiPri was the better one.

Looks great
Konami actually doing something right for once
>1 2 Switch
It looks fun but it should have been a pck in game
>Skylanders and Just Dance
Who cares

I'm looking forward to the Switch but I probably won't get one until this Christmas

This is the first time in my life I've seen someone with this opinion

Jesus christ

Literally the only advantages of Wii TP were widescreen and slightly better aiming. Not enough to topple GCN's superior controls.

I'll be fine with Zelda and Bomberman

Do you guys buy like 10 games at launch?

You wish

Remember how the besy zelda and probably the best game, definetively top 10 of all time, was made in A YEAR?

Nintendos main problem right now is the pace they realese games, too slow for anything substantial and thats most likely due to more exoensive and harder games to make due to technology, plus nintendo isnt experienced with it, remember they where in the ps2/gamecube era until the wiiu came out, thats like 7 years of disadvantage.

Also what are all the 2nd parties doing? Camelot, retro, gamefreak, creatures, hal, next level, Intelligent Systems?

But I thought Nintendo rehashes? wtf Nintendo

>No one owns a WiiU, though
People will emulate it tho

No one does, and people are just using this to shitpost instead of the actual bad points that came from that presentation.

>Super Bomberman

I-is it safe to be excited?

Very few people will emulate it, certainly not enough that it would actually make a difference in sales.

You're delusional if you think the average nintendo consumer is experienced enough to emulate the WiiU.

>tfw Dark Dawn 2 fucking never

I would debate that as many people have a Wii U now as they probably did a gamecube around the time of the wii launch, mainly due to smash. no facts to back that up that was simply my impression.

>tfw I want a Wii U but it's already being scalped

I really hope Nintendo ports over more than MK8

someone post what a good launch line up should look like
preferably something that actually happened


People get pissed every time a console comes out because "NO GAEMS". Every single time. Sure, some launch lineups are worse than others, but they're never "good".

Anything but one wiiware tier exclusive

>Breath of the Wild is a launch title
>People are upset about this
You wouldn't be playing any other game besides Breath anyways, so why does it matter?

1-2 switch will sell zero copies and everyone will make fun of it, or it will somehow sell well and be the next wii sports aka a thing everyone associates with the console launch that everyone has but never played more than 1 time

I really dont see why there should be any other game besides Zelda at launch. Its like asking for poor sales and decimation.

could be worse. could be the n64 launch lineup


Army Corps of Hell
Asphalt: Injection
Augmented Reality – Cliff Diving
Augmented Reality – Fireworks
Augmented Reality – Table Soccer
Ben 10: Galactic Racing
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance
Dynasty Warriors Next
Escape Plan
F1 2011
FIFA Soccer
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
Hustle Kings
Little Deviants
Lumines Electronic Symphony
Michael Jackson: The Experience HD
ModNation Racers: Road Trip
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
Plants vs. Zombies
Rayman Origins
Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen
Super Stardust Delta
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
Touch My Katamari
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Virtua Tennis 4: World Tour Edition
Wipeout 2048

>These were the only games it got though

I feel like they're massively out of touch. The Switch seems like a desperate Hail Mary instead of an actual well thought out launch. Starting to think that Zelda won't even be that much better for the Switch, which is looking like just a portable Wii U. Even Twilight Princess had widescreen support and waggle meme for Wii.

zelda is on wii u and bomberman is by modern konami, and it has blatant microtransactions carried over from konami's last bomber game which was pay2win mobileshit

The fact that it is not included with the console will make it a failure, nobody even knows what the hell it even is

Honestly people today would tell you how much of a shit game Pilotwings is.

PS2 launch was great.

Armored Core
Ridge Racer
Gungriffon Blaze
The yearly sports games
And a few mediocre RPGs.

>zelda and bomberman at work will be comfy
>implying the battery won't be dead by the time you enter the building

Reminder you will be able to play the new Zelda at 4K on PC.

It is worse than that, though.

Mario 64 was the first 3D game in the franchise and made full use of the new hardware. Zelda is just a port from Wii U.

>Tekken Tag Tournament
>Dead or Alive 2
>Armored Core 2
>Eternal Ring
>Dynasty Warriors 2
>Ridge Racer V
>Gungriffon Blaze
>Smuggler's Run

Granted, this was the western launch which a few months after the Japanese one

I only buy like 50 games over a consoles life span but it would be shitty if they only released 50 game over 5 years for it

>zelda is on wii u
Again, no one fuckin owns a WiiU. This is not an argument. The people who own a WiiU are the kind of people who are going to buy a Switch anyway.

Yeah. I seriously thought it was going to be the pack-in. There's no way I'm paying $60 for that shitty tech demo.

t. Cawadoodie babbie

Adults drive to work with their consoles off, you dingus.

well I do, which is why I sure am glad Nintendo made their new console's killer app accessible to me.

>not gaming while you drive

All shit except Timesplitters and Dead or Alive 2.

>Tekken Tag and Armored Core
Nigga I will hunt you down

There will likely be multiplat shit at launch as well. 3rd party Devs have 2 months to get their own releases in order too.

Either way though, Botw should keep people busy for awhile.

Nintendo kept pumping out remasters to give themselves more time to make BotW.

By the time it was done they ran out of time on the Wii U.

I liked Gungriffon Blaze when I was younger but looking back it was kind of shit.

Do adults also work only 3 hours a day?

Quit acting like this is is somehow bad. Dare you to post all the Launch Day games for PS4.

I've already looked em up. I'll help you out. It was all games that were already out, not exclusive, or sucked ass.

At least the Xbone had Ryse. But thats all it fucking had.

I absolutely can't buy this shit. If i ever get it, it'll many years later after at a pawn shop.

I hope nintendo goes the way of Sega. Puts thier shit on other platforms and just gives up.

I will not buy this turd just for spla2oon.

so it's the fuckonami meme finally over?

>1-2 Switch is not a bundle in

Is Nintendo retarded? Did they not learn from Nintendoland on the Wii U?

Not that user, but I'm guessing he's not going to solely be playing video games while on the clock.

Jesus christ, this place really is filled with NEETs.

Don't forget NEW GAME

I want Rogue Leader quality third party exlcusive games. They could do that 16 years ago, why not now?

Most people only get an hour lunch break, kiddo.

Has there ever been a console with a strong launch? It takes time to establish a library

We'll see ITS WORTH FOR ZELDA ALONE guys on release.

So. You're going to buy a $300 handheld to play a snes and Wii U port.

>A Zelda port

Not a system seller because people can just buy it for the Wii U

>minigame collection for casuals

motion controls are old news. casuals don't care about them anymore.

>bomber man rehash

yeah nah. there are a billion bomber mans you can emulate and play exactly like this one

>Just Dance



This is literally their only hope, but I doubt that enough parents will buy this overpriced garbage for their kids just so they can spend even more on toy figurines.

It takes people with responsibilities who aren't NEETs a pretty long to play through a game.

That kinda proves the point. The PS2 launch was varied enough that even people with shit taste found something to like.

They're trying really hard to bank on Zelda's name to get them through the launch window.

Works for me but I have my doubts about the audience at large. Some people might want more.

>implying people have a Wii U

this is why I'm getting a Switch actually

Most people who care about Nintendo games do. The rest of us don't care about the fetch quest marathon.

>Yin - quality games
>Yang - powerful hardware
>perfect balance of both - gaming bliss

Looks about right.

Okay I never really understood the whole launch lineup meme. Suppose they did have several promising games ready to go at launch? Would it really matter? Games cost $60, and buying anything more than 1 game at a time is usually out of the question with most people's wagecuck paychecks.

I'm not defending Nintendo really, it's that it shouldn't matter. If the console doesn't have any games right away, then you don't HAVE to buy it at launch. Give it some time, see what games come out for it, then make your decision. Xbone and PS4 didn't have fantastic launch lineups either, and they seems fine.

I will admit, $300 is a little steep when you also factor in the paid online (which is stupid, yes). But nobody is forcing you to buy the switch.

Now, if the launch lineup is any warning of the consoles future lineup, then yes, we might have another WiiU on our hands. But honestly, they're not going to list EVERY single game in their launch lineup right now. More games will be ready by launch than it seems right now, and many will be released so close to launch that it shouldn't matter. With what we've seen, I think the Switch shows more promise than the WiiU already. They just have to not drop the ball and release a steady stream of quality first party titles.

Personally, BotW will be more than enough to keep me busy until the next game eventually comes around. And I know most of you have ridiculous backlogs that can always be played in place of the next big thing.

>come up with a canon reason for why they will ALWAYS rehash the same game with the same charcters in skyward sword.

>have an unbearable number of mario rehashes.

How long can thet actually do this?

>i'm skipping their console full of good games with free online because lol nobody owns a wii u, so i'm buying their new overpriced console with far less games banking on a game thats not even exclusive so i can pay nintendo for bad online

>we have delayed the Switch in order for there to be games
>this is the fucking launch
oh ninty what are you doing
Well, hopefully most of the games are first-year titles.

Of course, has Nintendo even LET any other companies have devkits yet? That could explain a lot.

That's because they reused pretty much every asset from OoT and probably used a bunch of assets that were unused from OoT's device cycle.

Have you ever noticed how the song that plays in Termina Field is the series theme? That song was absent from OoT and almost doesn't fit in Majora's Mask. I bet that was cut from OoT along with several of the minigames.

The amount of shit that Nintendo must leave on the cutting room floor must be astronomical.

I'm triggered beyond believe because the dots are asymmetrically apart from each other.

>Suppose they did have several promising games ready to go at launch? Would it really matter?

Yes, it would. I don't want Zelda. It's also a bad sign, not only because of the games at launch, but the games on the horizon. It's basically all WiiU ports, with no graphical benefit, and a Mario game. It's just Nintendo up to their old shit again - huge development cycles, never taking a risk on a classic franchise unless it's guaranteed money, mid-range games released at full price, and now with the added non-benefit of paid online.

Imagine you don't like Zelda, but you were excited about the handheld aspect. What are you going to play? Mario, in December? Come on, now.

GC lifetime sales were 30 million (I can't imagine too many of those were sold AFTER the launch of the Wii). WiiU lifetime sales is 12 million.

Should I go for that gamestop promo for an extra $50 toward the switch if I trade in my U? Makes the total price + Zelda about $200

Don't forget Japan has Dragon Quest Heroes 1+2 and Disgeae 5 (if you can't wait a few months for english).

If you are willing to import, that's a solid lineup.

Why would i get a dead console for the inferior zelda version?

Would hacking or emulating get rid of the frame-drop issues that Zelda BotW (Wii U) has?

>1 2 Switch (pack in)
>Mario Odyssey
>Mario Kart deluxe
>Just Dance (doesn't matter much really)
>a couple indies or two
>Fast Racing NEO (the bonus one the leak talked about)
>Pikmin 4 (where the fuck is it)
>GameCube games on Virtual Console, aka the leaked ones, so Melee, Sunshine, luigi's Mansion, and animal crossing

That would be a very serviceable launch lineup even if Odyssey would need more development to release in the launch window