Ff xiv

Prelim Patch Notes

We QoL now boyz

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> Dye preview

>Are you the WHM who asked whether to use the hat with that coat or orison some time ago? Glad to see you've made a decision, though I was a little more partial towards orison for the sleeves and WHM patterns.


i ended up satisfied with the pirate coat after noticing i could dye the boots white and the leggings red and end up with some more white/red motif happening in the lower half compared to the Orison's plain white.

She's a fucking dancer.


Trying to set those tested,
fragments in one direction.
Celestial noise detected,
but maybe I'm unsuspected.
Static to give; to reason.
Turning to me for defense,
Transmissions begun, completed:
Setup to breach; to reset.

>think the scholasticate robes are really neat with their red trims and red ribbons
>the healer robe from gubal is some ugly shade of brown with a red ribbon
>the caster robe is the correct black color but doesn't have the red ribbon
Here's hoping that we get their robe at the end of the chain in 3.5.

>5 story quests
Fucking wowfags complaining 2.1-2.5 was too long.

Dancer for money.

The rest of the MSQ is coming out with Part 2 and we're probably gonna get a long-ass cutscene like for 2.55

i've never played WoW outside of the trial and 2.1-HW sucked absolute dick

if you were doing it at the time, in one patch increments, sure, whatever.

But now when most people hit 50 and are at the 'i'm close to heavensward i can taste it' phase and try to power through it it SUCKS DICK

i dont understand

how hard is zarvan going to be

>The number of Wolf Marks earned for those that place first, second, and third have been raised:
>First: 600→1000 Second: 450→750 Third: 300→500

The story sucks anyway.

not as hard as THIS!
*unzips dick*

>The following items obtained from Alexander (Savage) can now be dyed:

They said they wanted to make them a bit more unique looking this time compared to normal version but didn't have time to make them dyable as well. I guess they fixed that now.

>Garo gears will be at the same price at the 205 pieces anyway

>will be able to dye alex gear

thank fuck

too bad only a few chest pieces are actually memorable

Too bad there were almost no actual differences. It was a bad excuse.

supposed to be harder than sophia according to yoshi which most likely means rf wont be an option this time
i heard as hard as a12s but the only source for that is the person's ass who told me

a12s isn't even hard anyway

nothing is hard in this game given the right context so thats kind of a retarded thing to say
the point is it wont be a faceroll for the average player like sophia

>No last second Paladin superbuffs to make the class not cucked.

>You have to actually jump over a mechanic to avoid damage
The absolute madmen they did it

>still haven't done any of the HW EX trials
>still haven't cleared coils
I'd probably get there if I attempted it but I'm too comfortable not doing that.
I don't want to do them unsync'd either. That just feels wrong.

Lmao took me a sec

just use the cross server pf for it

Nobody gave you PLD scum permission to leave the cuck shed

Buffs won't fix PLD/DRK balance. Only a rework of at least one of them will.

>they restricted chat in PVP

>stupid gimmick theyve had since day one finally has a use since t1

Actually I think they originally did it to cut down on win trading.

Has Paladin EVER been well designed?
>1 fucking combo
>like 5000 situational cooldowns
>Riot Blade costs 80 TP for some reason, basically only exists as a dead appendage that does shit damage and doesn't lead to anything.
>No AoE.
>2 of the 5 new skills have to be used giving Paladin combos because of how much of a trainwreck ARR PLD was.
>DPS is fucking laughable.
>Shield Swipe turned into an off-gcd, completely raping PLD TP sustainability.
>Still no AoE.
>Clemency competing real hard for "nicest looking skill in FFXIV that is fucking useless".
>Shields much weaker than in ARR, no longer can they block up to 30% of a hit.
>Literally the only good thing in this mess is that Paladin can sorts of use Succor every 2.5 minutes.
>Even this skill has a retarded activation system.

Paladin is a mess right now because Paladin was horribly designed at ARR launch, it only worked because of its cooldowns, but the class was very poorly put together from the start.

PLD doesnt need buffs. no amount of buffs will make it any more interchangeable than it is now with DRK unless they simply make it better, which will result in the same situation, just with the two reversed. the point is that its only "inferior" by a small margin, but everyone pretends they are a min maxing speed running raider so they opt for drk instead.

>The random rule will now only be available when two players battle. NPCs that previously used the random rule will now use a different rule.

Literally "The Random Rule has been abolished from this region"

Less than 5 days until 3.5, here's a story recap to keep up:

> The WoD just got fucking dropped without any trials or anything fighting them.

Seriously what the fuck, I was so excited to take them on.

You literally fight them right before they disappear.

>Need 35 more victory as Adder before the update
I'm so fucked.

Why? Even if you check freelance option, every victory will still go to your active GC.

>no info on new items to put into the armory
There better be in the full patch notes.

>patch notes try to avoid spoilers
>yet show the next never before seen phase of Zurvan

Yeah in some shitty-ass duty. I wanted a trial fight with actual mechanics, not some gay solo fight where I just stomp them like I do every other duty fight as a warrior.

Sadly it doesn't change the fact that every single damn npc is on a ridiculously short timer and with card droprates that rival pre-nerf whistle droprates.

I'm actually not sure about that, which is why I'm trying to get this done before the update.

>tfw you win so hard you endanger your world

>level 60 dungeons

they missed putting the other dungeons in. just a mess up on their part.

It literally says it will in the preliminary patch notes. Don't worry about it man.

>Saying that you want them to stop making Hildibrand quests because they've gotten stale gets you crucified anywhere besides here.
What the fuck is wrong with this community.

So with Cross Server Party Finder becoming a new thing, are we going to see more server banter and shitposting in-game and in these threads?

>Yoshi will address scholar by removing cleric stance from the class
>AST will also receive the same fate, but have their cards buffed to compensate
>WHM will not have their mp issues addressed but remain the only healer who can use cleric stance

Would be a fun way to start off Stormblood.


isnt it actually finished on ARR?
the HW hildi is community request right

No, we don't. Everything MSQ related in the trailer will happen in 3.5.

>3.5 Anima has 3 quests
So, we're getting relic 270 and 275 in the end?
Didn't they said they would never make the relic as strong as the raid weapons ever again?

>>Yoshi will address scholar by removing cleric stance from the class
I'd quit the game.

What if he simply made their offer wives attacks stronger as a result?

>Two Diadem NM kills away from Notorious Monster Slayer title
>Diadem shutting down on Tuesday
>Don't know if achievement will
reset or become unobtainable when new Diadem comes out




The patch notes say that the achievements will back and you'll be able to finish them, except for small changes in the requirements.

As far as I recall they've never said anything like that.


It's called Notorious Monster Hunter, I wonder if that's a MH joke.


Shitty patch

The trailer apparently had some stuff from Part 2.

We better not fucking wait 2 months to see Dalamund

>tfw You didn't fall for the healing meme

>no new on umbrite step nerf
`Don't only nerf umbrite, sands are worse.

>The trailer apparently had some stuff from Part 2.
Yes, but not from the MSQ. It wouldn't make sense because Belsar's Wall will be added in 3.5 and it wouldn't make sense to continue those scenes of primal ritual and death in march.

Maybe we get some MSQ in 3.55, but nothing major. Only something small to lead into Stormblood.

>german XIV voices
Disgusting. The only ones that sound alright are Alphi and Alis.

>that one pasty nerd hunched over a keyboard who brags about parses in-game

>half this QoL shit should have been in since launch.

Why are people happy again?

>that one shitter that uses "I'm not obsessed with damage" as an excuse not to try

Because you pay $13 a month to like it

did they ever put an end to some housing furniture being destroyed if you remove it

shit still makes no sense why my chandelier will break if i decide to try out a different one

>sands are worse.
Nigga what?

>Not using your leves to get some Amber-encased Vilekin
>Not having a fuck ton of Blue crafter and gatherer script
>Not using your poetics on Super Enchanted ink and Thavnairian Mist
>Not getting your daily moonstone from the Ixals
>Not being a lazy piece of shit and just buy the materia off the market board




Yeah, but only moveable furniture. I think lights and doors and such still get destroyed.

>100 leves for like 7 sands
>450 for 1 sand, 2 days+ of 50 and main scenario, hadly fast
>5 days for 1 sand
>oy chee vey

>And people want SAM to be a tank when we already have overlap

>glamour log never

How else are they gonna solve this inventory problem?

They only show class buffs in the full notes. Have faith.

They make dummies for housing where you can display your gear on them. Thereby freeing up space from your bags.

>people actually think SAM is happening this expansion.

It's BLU.


>only 1 dummy for small, 2 for medium and 3 for large.

>The game has the capability to remember every recipe you've made and every item you've gathered
>But making a glamour log is somehow impossible
Fuck you Yoshihack

>none for apartments because fuck you

>game still has the functionality and latency delay of runescape with minor packet loss
>"oh but hey, we're spending resources on swimming!"

Please understand. PS3 restrictions. Maybe in 4.0.

>Paladin has some of the best unique gear out of all jobs in the game.
>Has been out of the meta for an entire expansion.

>Sohm Al(Hard)
Yawn. All of the dragon dungeons are so fucking boring.

>swimming areas all look like sea of clouds with a water filter but no mobs are present.

>>The game has the capability to remember every recipe you've made and every item you've gathered
Except for master crafts for no apparent reason.