ITT we look at "I am a gamer" gringe

ITT we look at "I am a gamer" gringe

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It's not that I don't have a life, I choose to have many.

Not in the same category but still dumb


You forgot the image with multiple popular characters

>Not consumable within 3 seconds
not today

ribbit d0t com /r/gaming
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how the fuck do these fat fucks still wear a fedora after all these years?

Le portal reference xD

I literally did just that

>manly tears
>pls respond

got me good

oh look, the entire SWTOR population came

Who are they paying respects to though?
Also, insert a "entire SWTOR playerbase" joke here.


Carrie Fisher


>moot was still around and thought to be around forever
>manly tears
>erik kain just fucked up
>Sup Forums gold didnt exist yet
I think the quality of Sup Forums is like entropy. You can only get a more shitty imageboard, enver better

>Text doesn't continue behind the dude's head, it just skips to the other side

>Google her beacuse I have no idea who the fuck is she
>It's Leia
>Died 3 weeks ago
>Heard literally nothing about her death
I mean, I never cared about Star Wars and I never cared about celebrities but whenever someone "important" dies I hear about it all the time nearly everywhere for about a month but I heard nothing about her, did no one care or am I this out of touch?


>Sup Forums - Baby Pictures

you're out of touch

I'm out of time

her mother, another actress, died soon after

this has to be fucking ironic holy shit


His chin looks broken