>no figure
nintendo cant even get a good special edition
That will be the mystery item.
Why shouldn't I just buy D5 + DLC on PS4 which has a more comfortable controller and will play in 1080p instead of 900p on the Switch?
So does it add anything new or is it just the original game with all the DLC included?
Same game but the extra is Bunny suit Seraphina character to play as
Stop spreading this lie.
It's the complete version of the game
For the low, low price of only $119.99
720p handheld mode, 900p docked mode.
You can't take your PS4 on the go.
And the Switch has support for up to 1080p. We don't know what the max res is on this game.
Incorrect. Those are what BOTW will be running at.
>The Nintendo Switch device offers a 6.2-inch, 720p multitouch display that runs at a 1280 x 720 resolution when used in a handheld mode. When docked, the Switch is capable of outputting full 1080p visuals through an HDMI connection to an attached TV.
for fucking Zelda, but for disgea.
never played disgea, can I just buy this, play and have fun with the story?
>All that bullshit NIS fed us about D5 requiring the power of the PS5
>Hundreds of on screen sprites!
>There's no way we can do a Vita version
>Switch version
Fuck this.
>capable of
Meaning not every game will make use of it.
i wish the switch version would have more content like human priere, but it would cause a drama bomb for the ps4 playerbase
GeGetting it just for the soundtrack
Moving on...
You're saying this as if you're disproving me of something. I said "We don't know what the max res is on this game". The specs you cited are for BOTW, while the console itself is 720p while up to 1080p docked. Any claims that Disgaea 5 runs at any resolution on the Switch are false, hence why this post is a lie
>supporting NISA
No thanks.
Nintendo reps already confirmed Zelda is 900p upscaled to 1080p
disgaea 5 looks identical to disagea 4 on the vita.
which looks identical to disgaea d2 on the ps3.
Disgaea 2 on PC has extra characters that weren't in the other Western releases of the game and no drama has resulted from that. Why would the PS4 playerbase stir shit?
Bring back Marjoly too.
>1080p instead of 900p
Where has NIS said that
That's what I said
>Meaning not every game will make use of it.
so what? Mario kart and splatoon do it for instance. why cherry pick zelda?
Which looks identical to disgaea 1 on psx
Disgaea 1 isn't even on PSX
>can I just buy this, play and have fun with the story?
Yes. Story isn't really connected between games. But each entry has numerous new and improved mechanics, so going back to older entries can be frustrating,
X is a variable for 2, 3, p or vita friend. It's 2nd grade algebra my man.
>900p meme
>caring about resolution on an RPG
>Only on Playstation
What they meant by this?
Higher res assets make RPGs look prettier
Not that it matters since there's no confirmation of what Disgaea 5 is running at
Only On Playstation has never meant anything. If a game is developed by third party developers its fair game for being released on anything.
nah I heard the game offers really much value and you can play it very long so that would be allright?
One game is over 10 years old, the other only 2.
OP here, forgot to mention, depending on your region, D5 and the dlc is 75% off on PSN store
Guess that isn't for the US. That's too bad. I would happily snag the season pass for 75% off, but $35 seems kind of steep when I never get too deep into the Disgaea post game content anyway.
Well, shit. I bought Disgaea 5 over during the PS4 christmas sale, and got to chapter 8 already. Guess I'll hold off on playing it until I get the switch version.
At least I didnt buy the season pass.
fuck off
why would you buy the switch version? you already have the base ps4 version, just get the season pass
>tfw you're currently being in post game Metallia extract farming on the PS4
Fuck off,I just got this game. Not doing it again.
The last Disgaea game I've played was 2. How is Disgaea 5?
Because I want to play it on the go, and have the physical collectors edition. The version I have right now is digital.
Now that it is on the Switch its shit
>Disgaea: 'Get Fucked, Early Adopters' Edition
every fucking time
ok that makes sense
Disgaea 2 was the best, so prepare for disappointment.
>Disgaea 2 was the best
Disgaea 2 was the worst, so prepare for satisfaction.
All Disgaea games are garbage, so prepare for disappointment.
>USD $89.99
Of fucking course NISA is going to go back to their predatory ways whenever they get a chance. Switch has no positives at this point if publishers are going to charge a fortune for the few games it receives.
There are a shitload of new mechanics, but the core gameplay is still pretty much the same. Diagonal throwing is awesome though - it's not some kind of secret technique now and you can actually fucking aim that shit.
>Tfw Nisa will support the Shitch more than Playstation for now on
Should I stop buying their games?
Mechanically, the games just get better. Story, on the hand are hit/miss.
They meant *also on PC
>That's right, we're SHITch-ing it up for the sonybros!
>shitposting about the price of a limited edition
Its pretty good other then a the item world forcing you to kill everything.
disgaea 2 was bad imo.
Gameplaywise it's the best by far.
Story is meh but have a lot of chapters and funny moments.
>Supporting NISA
4 > 2 > 1 > shit > 3
I've been capturing everyone to level up my squads with. It's honestly taking about as long as it took me to tower throw my units to the exit anyway. But this way I get a bunch of random bonus items for more innocents and item points or whatever. It's not too bad.
NIS seems to be the only one supporting Vita to
They also made it so that enemies in the item world are nerfed to the point where they pretty much just die in one hit, since otherwise it would take hours to level anything up. Pretty dumb design decision all around.
Was 3 that bad?
A lot of people think so. A lot of people don't.
>no Usalia shaped onahole
no thanks
No, but in Sony land, graphics matter more than teh game. The whole story aspect is not especially worse than 4 horrible ending, but it was a convenient excuse to hate the pixel sprites.
The only thing 4 has over 3 is it looks nicer. Other then that they both have the same shitty mechanics.
>mystery item
THIS BETTER BE A PRINNY AMIIBO (at least in card form)
It amazes me how much Sup Forums likes to think 4 has a good story and cast when they pretty much go full pokemon speak with their catch phrases.
no, that user is just a shitter.
3 also has the best opening
3 should have kept the school theme to the end, the war then final twist just felt forced. Some characters could have got more focus, like Big star, or Shamploo, those 2 lose any importance once their chapter ends.
I hated 3's story and characters. Plus power of friendship ending.
I wanna a beryl amiibo.
>europe will get it before NA
really, reggie?
If they made amiibos of the generics, i'd buy them all up.
They weren't going to do a Vita version because NIS is too ass at optimizing to get it to run on Vita.
Did you play D4 on Vita? Constant slowdowns, D5 would have been unplayable on it.
Switch is stronger than the Vita so it makes sense for D5 to run on it.
it's coming on launch in NA
Is 12 switch even included in any combo? I know Wii Sports was included in Wii combos at least some point in time.
3's story and characters are garbage
No its not, I pulled that image directly from NoA's twitter account.
>no pikmin
well we know what will be their E3 main game
This is a memetic statement, you literally refuse to expand on this because you can't.
5ma5h, or Monster hunter.
>dat pic
>legs up to give u upskirt view
>nothing to upskirt or see...
$50 game at retail
I have to say 3 was my least favorite too. But that's like saying it's my least favorite candy bar. I like 3 least of all the disgaeas, but it's still Disgaea so I like it. Make sense?
NISA has it listed for spring and there's reports that it's in the launch line up with a bunch of other stuff, there's no way they're launching this thing with 5 games
Is Nintendo going to start stealing its competitors exclusives? Bloodborne 2 on Switch when?
just the ones no one wants to play like disgaea. so yeah, maybe bloodborne too
It should be something different since we're going to double dip, plip.
The 2 year old game also bombed because the fanbase in question was too busy waiting for a shitty fanfic of a finished series to come out. They don't care.
>lose an exclusive*
>"Yeah, well that was a bad game anyway"
Every time.
The Witch and the Hundred Knight had the same LE for both PS3 and PS4 version so I kinda doubt they'll do something different for this.
Looks like fucking shit.
I'll be getting Just Dance 2017 instead of this trash on launch day.
who fucking cares. it's not like its killzone or uncharted
I have never played a disgaea game
Convince me
are you pretending it's not shit?
Not that user, buy I'll go more in-depth.
Mao was the least motivated of any of the MCs. He sold his dad out over a video game. Even for Disgaea tier nonsense, that's pretty lame. Then he spends the she game having daddy issues because he feels bad about fucking his own pops over, instead of going the true demon route like "fuck yea I'm the overlord now". It's like they couldn't decide which way they wanted Mao to go. He was demon enough to sell his dad out, but then spends the entire game trying to pretend he doesn't care while really he's just so broken up over it
Almaz was OK, I like him for the most part. Weak ass hick comes to the netherworld to try to fight the overlord so the price cess he secretly loves won't have to, but he's too weak, fails, and ends up being the overlords servant. It's cliche, but I still like almaz.
Raspberyl, I find her cute as fuck but her character was still, eh. She's a dilenauent as a demon by doing good, but she does it because it's basically breaking the rules and being taboo, which is what being a demon is a about, so.. she's trying to be extra bad by being good?
Sapphire. Again, just like Mao, she's supposed to be so cold and heartless but really she's just so full of feels. If we didn't get enough of that trope from Mao, Saphire added even more we didn't need.
Mr Champloo. Nah, he was cool. Bam.
And the hero dude turned villain, he killed Mao's dad, then pretended to be Mao's servant to try to groom him into a worthy opponent because he was bored and needed so.eone to fight.. except that we k ow there are countless tless netherworlds out there full over demon Lord class demons, not to mention plenty of other overlords. Go fight Valvoga, Zetta, but no. He wastes his time trying to make some little bebe demon brat into an overlord instead.