AGDQ 2017

Now: Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

Next: Crash Team Racing

Sony block and shieeet

Other urls found in this thread:

first for diaper boy


his baseball cap annoys me

>Runner is not allowed to mention anything related to "killing yourself" after the Crash 1 fiasco


funny scream

>Crash 2, CTR, Jak, Sly, Ratchet for the whole day

Who /bestblock/ here? Sony always wins baby

Reminder that broken Mary Sue characters are for plebs.


I am capable of empatizing twith them, because I've been in the same situation. What's your solution? Just tell him to spend his whole life in his flat, hidden from other people?

He has to do something. Wallowing in self-pity will not help him, going outside and doing something worthwhile will at least take his mind off it. He'll feel better.

It's not about the money. All people strive to do something significant in their lives, and work is part of that. Maybe he'll find friends while working, or even a girlfriend.

There ARE people who just arent destined to have a normal life. Maybe he's it - but maybe not. Giving a normal life a shot is worth it.

>never amount to shit in life
I don't want to amount to anything. I want to enjoy my life as much as possible. No matter what I amount to, it'll all end when I die anyway. I'd rather enjoy my life as much as possible before then. I find that video games are what I enjoy the most by far, and I've tried lots of other things.

If you care so much about chasing an eternal carrot, go right ahead. But don't assume that just because someone would rather do what they enjoy instead of chasing some far-off goal that their life is shit.

Hey Sup Forums, i am going to take a break during this run because i am feeling like shit, please give me a (you) when its over


He even talks like he's choking.

Fucking britbongs can't even learn their own language.

Reminder that angsty rebellious teenage characters are for children.

>arguing about shit from a deleted thread

Fucking pathetic. Let that shit go.

It's over man

>speedrunning is the most degenerate act man has come up with

what did he mean by this


Sleep tight papper mario

reminder that arguing about anime is for children

but somebody on the internet disagreed with me and now my entire life has to be dedicated to proving how wrong he is

now kiss

I can think of worse stuff 2beeH

Anything noteworthy happen since seat sniffer?

>all people strive to do something significant in their lives
That's simply not true, and it seems like all your slight misunderstandings derive from it.

Calm the fuck down. We're not even shitposting. This is a legit discussion and I'm interested. Fuck off if you don't care.

reminder its cosmo that keeps posting pictures of himself and starting threads. hes an attention whore


I don't give a shit. That's the wrong kind of autism for this thread.


>scratching my balls
>accidentally pinch the tube going up

It fucking hurts what do I do?

This guy needs a better couch.

How is he so composed?

Even if I regularly get thousands of viewers, I'd still shit myself with an auditorium of people watching me play.


Mighty No 9 runner was a pretty cool guy

what happened?

>We're not even shitposting
That is where you are wrong. You are not discussing anything related to video games on the video games board.

This reminds me of older GDQs.

Comfy :3

>Guy in red pants

Where there's a croppable face...

Any 6 star runs yet?

>being so indoctrinated you're obsessively compelled to work your ass off for Goldberg's profit even if you don't have to
Good goy

pinch the other one so the pain will be balanced out

Man fuck this level.

>Donkey Kong Country Trilogy Relay later tonight
I'm gonna cum, lads.



Reminder that if you are afraind of posting her, she's not your waifu and you're a beta fag.

what about cock vore, ponies and diapers

Legit most fun runner of the event.

Oh shit is it really CTR after this? I lituerally just downloaded it out of a nostalgia kick but I guess I'll just watch it instead.

oh fuck, did I miss CTR?

Hang on, was this dude at the ESA marathon?

>he says in an AGDQ thread
Trannies, amirite?

Well, you weren't going to have kids anyway right?

no its after this run

The slippers are kinda cute.


There was a tranny incident

O-okay, here I go...


bUrself ban bUrself one bUrself bee bUrself and bUrself you'll bUrself get bUrself the bUrself swarm bUrself


Holy hellballs that's an ugly human

You called?







>thats NEVER happened before...

it's not about chasing an eternal carrot. It's about understanding your responsibilities and growing up.

In this life, you're constantly working for moments of peace, and developing the monetary power and human connections to mitigate trials and tribulations. Being a kid your whole life will not protect you from the dangers of this world.

I want to clarify, it's not about playing video games as an adult that is the problem. It is the attitude of "I don't want to grow up" that is quite silly.

Reminder that if you're annoyed that someone does not post his waifu, you're insecure about your own waifu.

Who is that lady who read donations?

what does this have to do with ANYTHING, why are you here? why are you posting this literal garbage?

Can one kind user help me with the link to the TTYD run? I missed it and I want it to have it on deck for future runs.

>says he has a waifu
>owns zero merch of her

>he fell for the "lmao grow up and accept slavery" meme

>announcer has a flu
She's been touching too many people

haha wow
triggered af!

someone give this girl some nasal spray

Is it just me or the game is a fucking slideshow?

So growing up is working a job you hate so you can simply wake up the next day and go to work in hopes of that on week off you managed to book. Because everyone I know complains about their job, daily.

Sorry, just not really interested in doing things I don't want to do until I retire and get shit on by the younger generations and government alike.

This guy is kinda bad at this game.


Reminder that you'll always be a beta fag and your "waifu" will always be shit because you don't even have a single picture of her.

youd think they'd at least get their teeth fixed while they were ruining their body.

Lay off mate, the shitposting has been earnest fun and discussion for the last couple of threads, not spamming or forced memery. Plenty are watching and commenting on the event too so it's not derailing anything

It's you

Growing up is about supporting yourself, whatever that means in your particular, individual case.

If you can get by without working a 9-5, more power to you. Stream video games. Live off patents. Play an instrument.

Growing up, however, is most certainly not complaining about growing up on Sup Forums. It's about you, not the rest of the world.

Have there been any high energy runs this year?

Face it, when was the last time a good crash run happened? Ever?

Never played this but the bear riding animation is hilarious

It's still fun for some reason

I'm just messing with you. Nobody really cares too much.

mighty number 9

Just go to r/speedrun and find the VOD thread.

Why do only communists hate anime?

MN 9

>Crash Bandicoot

fug you got me good

>runner consistently fails tricks, speaks like his tongue is too large for his mouth
>EU:oh this runner is quite lovely isnt he
>rest of the world: this shit sucks?

Reminder that will never manged to bait a picture of my waifu and your attempts to do it will only make you seem desperate.

Is Crash Bandicoot the most nu-male game ever?