You're going to buy my next game, right Sup Forums-kun?

You're going to buy my next game, right Sup Forums-kun?

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Only if you nuzzle my forehead with your sweet-ass bangs.

>generic anime girl

I'm not a reclusive virgin, so no.

Of course

Just make sure this time it's on pc, you dumbass.

Bravo, it only took 4 posts for the beggars to show up this time.

I want to play Tsubasa's game

Threadly reminder that this is the game that we were promised, wanted and deserved.

Nah TMS was better than another Persona Q

I'll pirate it and uncensor it just like Kiria's first game.

>Fire Emblem

Only if Tsubasa appears in that FE Musou

I hope there's a revised version for the switch so I can see Tsubasa's Kirias

Am I supposed to be able to guess what game a generic anime girl is from? Persona?

Only if it comes uncensored, OR the japanese/asian version has english subs, otherwise get fucked, I am pirating again.

I am so sick and tired of this le thicc meme-


yeah. I really want new mirages though, maybe a power of the wildcard kinda thing

It´s going to happen, nintendo never learns.

how about you announce a fucking port or something like that first?

I want to play with Tsubasa's tsubasas