Darkest Dungeon, discuss
Opening subject: best girl
Darkest Dungeon, discuss
Opening subject: best girl
If she's such a smart doctor, why doesn't she know that filling a beaked mask with spices is completely pointless when it comes to disease prevention?
Didn't know i have a fetish for female abomination
I wouldn't mind licking her armpits after a tough dungeon desu
also we should consider going to /vg/ since we're having threads pretty much all the time because of the DLC being on its way
seriously we don't need a darkest dungeon thread up 24/7, that is the literal point of the /vg/ board
I'm about to go to the third phase of the Darkest Dungeon.
What should I prep for? I foolishly did not bring any antivenom to the second phase (with the revelation templars) and luckily only lost one hero.
savescumif anyone from /rlg/ is here please forgive me
Diseases and shit still probably smells putrid as fuck, it'll help.
any advice for a noob to get a good start?
Long walks in the bitch.
That or getting really, really good at stunning/slaughtering the 4th row after you give it one turn.
What is better, to smell rotten shit while you are going to die or smell spicy spices?
Even jester said it
trapped chest called like that is a protip senpai
on a more serious note - don't ruin this game for yourself by starting "optimally"
you will end up doing the same shit over and over essentially making the game a boring grindfest
discover and learn the game on your own on your first playthrough - this really applies to most of the single-player vidya in my opinion
find fun in having your beloved heroes on death's door, eventually losing some of them and raising others to legendary status through nerve wrenching darkest dungeons while becoming completely immersed in the setting thanks to stellar art and sound direction
Will I need the revelation reducing trinkets?
just bought this game cuz of all the shilling on Sup Forums , did i do good or did i get scammed ?
Did yiu have fun?
The fastest route takes you across one of those guys, but eh no not really.
give me a good shuffle party to defeat the shambler
Because it wasn't entirely pointless.
The smell must have made the shit they were dealing with at least a bit more bearable, and it still served as a bit of a filter against airborne diseases.
It's pretty good but not perfect. Know what you're getting into
Because that's what the doctors of medieval times believed. They didn't know shit about germ theory. If it hid the smell, it was good enough. In any case, plague doctors were more likely to spread the plague, because their protective coats were never washed.
>if I'm energetic enough to play, I'm too restless to appreciate the dialogues or the comfort of the camp
The game has a lot of issues that a lot of people can't deal with, but you'll get a shitton of entertainment out of it if you can.
No, Revelation is only used in dd2
Plague Knight looks good in HD
if you can appreciate good music, art and the fucking narrator and the setting and if you like rpgs with roguelike elements and don't like feeling OP in your game, then this is going to be one of your fav games
Reposting this because I want some feedback on this
>vampiric party members will gain "take a bite" ability which will leech health from either an enemy or an ally of your choosing
>vampiric party members will take a bite off other party members if stressed and on low health
>vampiric party members can't work with religious party members
>vampiric party members can't be healed by normal means
>vampiric party members suffer penalty from high light meter
>vampiric party members have modified, stronger abilities
>vampiric party members have many bonuses the lower the light is
>removing the crimson curse is specially hard
>special consumables to protect from the crimson curse
>special trinkets to use against vampires
>many themed vampires: mosquitoes, leeches and the classic bats
>storyline reveals a war of eldritch entities fighting for this universe with the hamlet chaos being one of them and the one behind the crimson court being another
>occultist uses the chaos from the manor to work his magic
>new class: blood mage
>uses the magic from the eldritch entity from the crimson court to work
>blood mage and occultist are rivals
>can work together but with special interactions such as plus damage and minus defense
>blood mage uses health to fuel his ability and has special interactions with vampires such as being able to heal them
>occultist and abo imune to vampirism
>slavic (aka the first witcher vampires) vampire class which has two modes, similar to the abomination
>vampire characters specially resistant to stress
The idea with this one is that the chaos on the manor would fuel and use people's stress while the blood entity would use people's blood and be a natural rival to the manor's chaos, protecting from it's effects.
try playing the game on a mild dose of a psychedelic or a dissociative, makes you insanely immersed and easy to switch from literal flight or flight response while in the dungeon to comfiness and deep thought in the camp
but remember user - don't do it too often!
At some point I think adding character relations where two characters get a symbiotic relationship of gaining buffs by working together and stress penalties by not (with special quirks and afflictions if one of them dies for example) would be good as well, but not on this exact expansion as it would be too much content to make.
A regular protective mask would do that, and I'd argue that being able to smell what type of shit you're dealing with would be useful for a doctor.
Grave robber - Occultist - Man at Arms - Jester
I've beaten him this way
Meant to be one post but had to break it in two.
Did good
When is that low-grind mode supposed to be coming out?
Love DD's aesthetics and the gameplay seems enjoyable, but there's only so much grind and RNG I can handle.
I don't think that they had better shit than sulfur, alcohol, bandages and basic stuff like that.
the first three are godlike but I've been mostly disappointed by my Jesters so far in terms of damage
how about a highwayman instead?
Are you with Red Hook? Are you making a mod? Else I don't give a HECK
>dismas x reynauld ultimate bro relationship
fun idea
I'd also like anything slavic or witcher related because I'm from pooland aka the medieval shithole of yurop
Use another grave robber instead.
Plague Doctor with one stun trinket made it a breeze for me. Kept the back row permastunned while my frontline ate everything. I went Leper/BH/Vestal/PD, with one move resist trinket on Leper, due to polyps
why tho
don't highwaymen have like three move abilities? also that fucking riposte
The mainstream belief at the time was that diseases were spread by odors, the miasma theory. Thus avoiding the bad smells meant you avoided the disease. Hence the spices in the mask. They also avoided touching the infected with their bare skin, hence the coat and gloves. What they didn't know is that microbes and shit (sometimes literally shit) would get on their coat and they'd spread the disease by not washing their coat and moving from cities to cities. The mask did help, but they didn't know it was because of the mask itself, but thought it was because of the spices.
It's a safe bet that most in a DD thread would.
The game's core fanbase is a legion of fucking dweebs who adore concepts.
It's a shit game plagued by terrible mechanics and lazy RNG stats, if you lose guys late in the game you have to spend fucking ages grinding them up just to get them to even attempt the high level dungeons you unlocked.
Ok i hate to start the "get gud" spam, but...
I bought the game during the steam sale, had struggles during first battles, learnt guide, ended up loving the game after understanding it...
... until Champion dungeons. At first, I dont mind getting hit for extra damage, I was doing Veteran runs too easy. But when my strongest range heroes can't finish stress dealers due to enemies dodging all the time and when I have that fucking collector showing up when he never shows up at all on pre veteran. Not to mention my strongest healers can't keep up unless I delay time (which is a rarity here)
But that's ok, i've got time to grind a bit mo...
>brigand vvulf
>you don't have a choice unless you want to lose upgrades
I didn't want to be like this, but this game dived from my favourite to my worst. Even the bullshit of XCOM didn't make me uninstall after 1 horrible battle. What the fuck happened!?
Grave robber has same mobility and more damage.
You want to get rid of the tentacles the fastest possible.
>He fell for it.
I know dude, my first post in the thread is a joke referencing the false belief.
> you don't have a choice unless you want to lose upgrades
Or you could just recruit a couple of level 0 heroes, have them get fucked at the dungeon and nothing of value was lost.
Unless you're playing on NG+ then you're fucked.
Highwaymen is an okay melee, but he doesnt have abilities at camp to boost that damage. Only to make his ranged attacks okay. His best build would probably be a shuffle-centric lineup where he can PBS every turn without having to waste it on riposte.
Riposte can sorta work, still very weak if you have an antiquarian using him to protect her.
Send in level 0s and abandon quest. 1 shit guy dies, no buildings are destroyed and bandits are delayed.
Also how about running away from collector? Literally no reason to fight him on champ unless you got the chain stuns and really want to a single fucking 2,500 gold.
Champ is the part where you actually have to start caring about team compositions and locations.
Git gud.
I already did suicide runs when needed, It wasn't the struggle of gold, but the point of keep restoring my buildings. It's not fair to add that on top of the upgrades when I can barely come out champions.
Would you watch a Darkest Dungeon movie, Sup Forums?
ah Ok sorry you meant to the bandit attack. Do my people have to die before vvulf shows up? you are CERTAIN no buildings are lost when my people die?
Collector has appeared on three routes so far and has blocked three "must pass" corridors.
But hwm does have camps skills that boost both range and mel damage. GR doesn't. But GR doesn't have dmg penalties for her attacks and has much better crit.
this is some dankest dungeons I can get behind
You can get leveled heroes from the stagecoach
You realize after you run you can just go back into it and it will be a different fight unless you get disgustingly unlucky?
That or drop shit from your inventory if you're that spooked.
Oh shit, you are right. I have never actually got a highwaymen that had that, probably because they are okay at best and you start with Ditmas who has clean guns.
I dont really like GR very much, not sure why might just be me. She has good early curios though, and works good in a blight lineup since she can dart to reduce resistance.
What's the max level you can get with full upgrades though, 3?
And even that is if the game decides not to flood you with level 0's anyways.
Reevaluate your team comp. Buffs and CC are important, you can't just spam damage and heals.
No, it'd probably be shit. But I'd play a 3D ARPG version a la Dragons Dogma
Would you help an ally to get her stress level down?
if I was certain it's not going to be schlock like for example doom or mortal kombat movie
stop fucking posting the inferior >eye version
Never post this again
>dat camp mod which allows characters to fuck each other to reduce stress
If they remember to keep the Lovecraftian themes and not just another vampire hunter flick. Like, focus on the ancestor/heir and the mystery under the manor. Not on the fighting.
> apprentice
> easy shit
> veteran
> just keep your abilities and skills fully upgraded, should be ok
> heroes died? just recruit some more at 1 or 2 levels below from the stagecoach nothing much of value is lost
> champion
> time to get RNGfucked, lad
I stopped having fun playing this game. Even with the fully upgraded Stagecoach the max hero level you can get is 3. If you lose a Champion at level 5-6 to RNG dogshit have fun grinding for hours again just to replace him.
Literally nothing wrong with having a thread here as its just a single thread unlike shit like overwatch that has 6 threads up at Sup Forums AND a general
Maybe once the DLC hits we'll move there as of right now there wouldnt be enough people for a general.
> I'd argue that being able to smell what type of shit you're dealing with would be useful for a doctor
I don't think you have ever smelled a corpse, especially a rotting one.
The smell is not just uncomfortable, it's downright unbearable.
>have 4-man party
>full health
>find pic related
>stop having 4-man party
>be overconfident
>neglect to remind myself
Every 3~5 missions
Remind yourself that
ah fuck
Literalyl no reason to fight shambler outside of apprentice dungoens since he has the same loot regardless and stops dropping anything after 5 fights.
>be overconfident
>forgot to remind myself
>keep getting away due to dumb luck
>keep being overconfident to the point where i can notice it myself
>intense dread due to the massive incoming karma but im doing so good though
>Literally no reason
>what is hubris
dude literally just remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer!
that artstyle is awful
>The way is so fucking lit man. The path is clear. We require only the strength to follow it.
I think I would find it kind of funny to hear him read stupid meme versions of his quotes.
>Thought I could handle a Champion Dungeon with my A Team
>Loads of backup A's but I bring Reynauld because its the Necromancer
>Do well, get to the boss, think I have this
>Overconfidence strikes, eventually stress takes over
>Turns passed, the dead rise
>Reynauld dies because the Vestal is Fearful
Fucking goddamnit, this spike between Veteran and Champion is killing me
Thankfully, the man has way too much integrity to do that.
>Red Hook implement mod support on Steam
>First mod is one that replaces the narrator with Nyanners
Haven't they suggested that in the kickstarter campaign? I would really like to see developed relations between characters. Like, if one character hates the other he might refuse to be in a party with him, randomly refuse to buff/heal/protect him or even try to backstab him. On the other hand, characters who really like each other might get a buff from from being together, but sometimes take control by themselves, much like with afflictions, when their friend is endangered - heal/buff them or take a blow on themselves. They could also somehow incorporate the personality quirks into relationship system.
that would be too much even for my infantile meme self
yes and thank god he has
fucking mongoloid manlet russia we war you
t. pole
I would rather prefer a TV series. Either live action or animated.
Thats why you divide your levels rather than having four level 6's and the rest of your crew being 1-3.
This is also why you shouldnt do suicide squads that you dismiss unless you are really fucked on money as it means you'll get less experienced characters to replace those who died in exchange for a bit more money.
The RNG will really rarely fuck you to the point where you would lose a character, at most only happening once or twice at worst in a single game which isnt too bad when you play for an average of 100 weeks with many fights just in a single week. Its the same shit as missing a 99% shot in a game like XCOM, its rare as fuck but will likely happen atleast once because of how long the game is.
>MLG soundpack
Fuck you, i for one am hype for mod support.
But reaper is male?
>Characters who don't work well together can go on a team-building weekend away to build up their comradely
NO, plague doctor is female.
Someone post a picture showing the small tits, they're small but they're there.
>tfw there's schizophrenic quirk that makes the character chronically mad
It's so she doesn't have to smell her own horrendous body odor.
>fucking mongoloid manlet russia we war you
What did he mean by this?
Maybe you should get off the internet if you get triggered by a reaction pic, Patryk
What's the most hyper offence team I could pick?
Don't care about healing or debuffs, what completely rends things?
I really like this idea, sorta like afflictions but more neutral.
>tfw your crusader and vestal get really fond of eachother and gain many positive bonuses from being together but suddenly. your vestal takes a killing blow and your crusader becomes perma afflicted from seeing her die.