So what is everyone's honest opinion on Super Mario Odyssey?
So what is everyone's honest opinion on Super Mario Odyssey?
>sonic 06
They should make a sequel called Super Mario Exodus
Looks like shit.
Seems you always have to run
City level clashes with the Mario style
The ugliness of that low-texture fork people level
The ugly bunnies
Hat gimmick
The visuals are jarring, to be honest
Platforming looks really fun still
Its like a big apology letter to everyone who was miffed by 3D world's poor excuse for a 3d platformer. And they're doing it by frankensteining all of the elements of popular retro 3D platformers:
>Game has a big city location ala sonic adventure
>Mario powers up by putting on different caps (64)
>Stupid fucking googly eyes (rare)
Looks fun but feels like the had a game and just put mario there to sell.
He's going to get shot.
The "real world" levels look awful.
The Super Mario 64 styled levels look okay.
Seems like they're finally bringing back more complex 3D movement. The visuals are so odd and jarring it might just work.
I'm not a huge platformer guy but it has my attention, shame I'll never get a Switch.
What the fuck is wrong with his running animation? It looks like hes sprinting at top speed with little tiny steps but is actually moving at normal pace. The movement animations in 3D world were pretty fluid, but this feels like hes running on a grid
>New Donk City
He is running on a grid. In this game Mario always runs, and you can turn him left, right or back. Do a backwards jump or forwards jump, but you can never stop him.
apologize, he was right after all these years
Graphics look worse than True Crime on gamecube.
might be really good. I liked the open world thing thing had going when he was swimming, and Im glad Galaxyfags were BTFO when he only mentioned Sunshine and 64 as inspiration
the candyland level looked stupid though. I want to see a level played through so I can know what to expect
I hope he jumps through another portal in the city and fights Dennis Hopper
I'm going to be mildly annoyed if Donkey Kong has no presence in New Donk City.
some of the levels looked interesting, the ones based on real world locations look shitty. the overall mario artstyle has been destroyed.
I don't give a fuck about Mario, and I want to play it. Shit's pleasant to look at.
Good because Sup Forums finally can say that 3D World was underwhelming.
>new york city complaining about immigrants
This game looks like it'll be the best 3D platformers in years
It finally remembers why people liked Mario 64 and gave mario more complex movement abilities. It gives you bigger and stranger worlds than even the game where this midget fuck goes to space.
My god this game has already shown to be everything that Galaxy-3DWorld weren't and it's so much better for it. I would easily say this is the Switch game I'm most hyped for, which is hilarious considering we've been shown shitloads more info about BotW.
might get it a year after release if it's on sale/bundled with a switch
DONKey kong
I think anyone can agree that this city thing is really weird
Considering that's the point, yes, I think everyone including the development team can agree.
Looks awful visually, and the real-world location/people idea is retarded
not in a good way
it could work if the NPCs didn't look so fucking horrible
looks great. its just what i wanted (mario 64 style with bigger levels)
>new york city
It's not out yet. How would I know?
Don't worry guys, I found the mayor
>New Donk City
Nsmb style looking too bad now, huh?
I like how there's a reference to every past Mario game in this new one.
>Donkey Kong
>Super Mario Bros. 1-3
>Super Mario Land 1-2
>Super Mario 64
It's not even NYC dipshit
Looks fuckin cool
user, didn't you hear, Mario 64 is bad and controls like shit :^)
>still making games with that stupid wii halo effect
my great great grandparents moved here from Italy to be around other white people not fucking mexicans, niggers and indian shits
Half of the racial slurs for immigrants (kike, mick, guido, whop, etc.) all came from New York City back in the early 1900's.
RPG Mario
>Don't add characters that don't fit with the Mario canon
>Ok Miyamoto-san
New 3D Mario
>Fuck shit up with realistic people
I'm calling it
the city is obviously the center of the story, something something save the city and get back home
but the city is also a semi sized open world while also acting as the hub world for the levels
OMG a Mario game referencing past Mario games.
majority of italian immigrants were from southern italy
you're basically mexicans
What the fuck are you on about? Original characters in super Mario RPG looked way out of place.
>Hey Luigi, the shrooms leavin Mushroom Kingdom, right?
This, they have one year to fix this, but seems like people don't care by looking at the youtube comments and likes from the trailer.
I disagree, but in any case it's only one level.
With so much time before release, I'm not taking everything there as being set in stone. I'm staying realistic about that, though.
autistic observation
I don't think I can ever be okay with the visual of Mario in a realistic looking city but everything else looks amazing. I'm so happy they're going back to 64/Sunshine formula, Mario has more moves again, and they actually have new characters instead of the same Mushroom Kingdom inhabitants we've seen in every game for the last 8 years.
o wow a racist italian, i would have never seen that coming
>there are little fucking hardcore edgelord kidz in this there RIGHT NOW that hated this game based on it's wonderful trailer, and most of it stems from some 1950's big city level.
Holy shit, Sup Forums REALLY hates fun and thing's graphics are more important than having a good game.
Have you actually been to New York? It's entire past, and even today, is full of immigrant haters retard.
Not convinced at all. I don't think there will be a central hub world, Mario appears to live inside the giant hat thing similar to the mario head planetoid in SMG2.
When was the last time they referenced Super Mario Land in a game outside the token Daisy cameo?
nah, mexicans have significantly less sandnigger genes
every NPC better have a heavy Boston accent
disappointing is still in development.
everything looks good except this sonic 06 cringe new york level
I was honestly kind of blown away at Mario platforming off his own hat as something very "Mario-like" that I'd never seen before, I feel like that sort of gimmick should have existed back on the SNES at least.
That's about it.
And into the trash
Shut the fuck up, Guinea
>we've been shown only ~four levels so-far
It's gonna get weirder, calling it now
And it's gonna be great
is it a sequel to mario is missing?
I'm going to admit at first when I saw the hat tossing I was like "This is stupid" and only once I saw him use it as a platform I could go "...Why the fuck haven't I seen this before?!"
It's such a simple thing, but it's also such a nice element as well.
I'm judging at face value, of course I'll judge it according to what it looks later too, my opinion is not set in stone based on this footage but I can still judge using this, I'll adjust my judgements accordingly like any other person
Miyamoto has gone off his rocker long ago. I can imagine him in a dementia induced tirade demanding this game gets made while the poor Japanese devs have to listen to every thing he says because of the Nippon business hierarchy
It should've been a Mario-style New York. Everything about this Nu-tendo is reminding me of the Dreamcast-present of Sega.
Not quite. Mexicans come from Spaniards, remember? Guess which European country was the most cucked by muslims?
Oddly enough this seems almost like Nintendo's 16-years-late answer to Sonic Adventure.
Maybe in SMRPG and TTYD, but I thought the ones in PM64 looked fitting enough.
mexicans are the product of spanish mating with native south and central american tribes like the maya.
wtf Nintendo
On top of that, they've got significantly more nigger AND indian genes in them. It's completely disgusting.
except nintendo is behind it, so it wont be fucking embarrassing like SA 1&2
fucking moulignon
I like the idea of an open 3D Mario but the city aesthetics and the realistic people feel very odd.
>boss set ontop of tower in NYC
>isn't donkey kong
missed opportunity desu
Mexicans are Mestizo you fucking idiot
they have more in common with native americans than they do the spaniards
Can I attack people with fireballs?
this so much, they should have stylized it way more or something
It's exactly the same feeling as seeing Sanic in the real world for the first time. But it also looks like a lot of fun.
My thought in seeing it was "wow Nintendo made this just to piss people off who don't like things to change haha."
>Hat gimmick
a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business.
Game itself looks really fun. The hat gimmick seems like a good way to get a double jump. I'm not a fan if the way the hat looks though.
The graphics look like trash. Its disappointing, but unfortunately expected. This goes for pretty much every other game shown off. I'm curious as to how much Skyrim will be downgraded, or how shitty the frame rate will be.
>It's exactly the same feeling as seeing Sanic in the real world for the first time.
Well I dunno about you but I never got used to it.
It's like Megaleg and the Armored Mawdad from Pikmin 3 had a horrifying baby. I like it.
Imagine if bowser had kidnapped some new bitch that was a hedgehog princess, it would be exactly like that because Peach was always a humaniod, unlike in 2006 where having sonic become romantically involved with some 3DPD was mega ultra animu jap horseshit that was beyond stupid.
with a bit of luck we'll be able to bounce of their heads sunshine style
I'm glad mario is going back to sandbox levels
The hat mechanic looks cool
NYC is weird as shit though