Ok, let me state this first off. I like Nintendo. I'm not a fanboy, but I do enjoy their games, systems, and philosophies. I also like Sony, and I'm OK with Microsoft. I don't really have a favorite per se, but I think each company brings something new to the table.
That being said, I feel as though the Switch is being shit on way, way too much. It's fine to express disappointment with things, but outright dismissing a system due to some tech specs seems foolish to me.
Here's some things I keep seeing:
>The battery life is a fucking joke!
Yes, the battery in it is pretty low, but considering what Nintendo seems to be doing, it's actually not that unimpressive. Their other current portable is the 2DS and 3DS XL. Both of which can play games on the go, but both have average lifespans of about 3.5 - 5 hours, if playing 3DS games. DS games increase that lifespan a bit more, but they're still pretty low numbers.
Thinking about this logically, how many people play entire games in one, long, unplugged session? I'm going to assume the vast majority of people who use these systems play them while they're taking a nice shit, or they're going for a quick car trip, or maybe even on a lunch break. Typically, that span of gameplay is going to be around an hour, tops. I've owned a number of portables in my time, and I can say that I personally used the batteries for power far, FAR less than the AC power.
>This thing isn't even close to powerful like the PS4 or XB1! What a disaster!
Think about this. The Switch was designed to not only play on your TV, but was also designed to be taken on the go. Putting the power of a PS or XB inside of there would give you a battery life of about 2 minutes, if that. On top of that, it would be bulky, heavy, and generate a fuckton of heat in your hands.