You'll never use the tablet, you don't go outside
Face it
You mean you won't be picking up hotties at the airport with Skryim on the go?
I'll never get that shit at all
Who ready to rob tablet from beta manchilds?
I don't understand how they could go from the really comfortable and nice looking WiiU pro controller to that fucking abomination. Just look at it. It looks like some fucking 3rd party shit released in 2002.
>robbing beta manchilds in the new age of Trump
Prepare to be purged.
too smert to stay inside
>Who ready to rob tablet from beta manchilds?
how old are you?
yeah, try to rob my Switch
(Sincerely, a 1,86 cm 120 kg 23 year old manchild)
I can play at work so I will use it often
If that was the system, and it only cost $250 dollars at launch, I probably would have been suckered into buying it 6 months or a year in.
Not buying it now, especially since it is a shitty NVIDA shield with no games, bad framerates, and poor battery life.
I am 99% sure that a VR dock is coming for the thing. They won't announce it right away because they don't want comparisons to Virtual Boy to overshadow the system launch, and of course the games will not look very good, but that's kind of beside the point. VR on phones sells and the Switch is in a somewhat unique position to tap into that.
I will use the tablet plenty of times to play games while shitting.
>implying I don't have my conceal carry on me at all times
Please try, I'd love to shoot a Sup Forums tard
From their insistence that you can play all games even ARMS which seems custom made to show of the fancy new controls with the Joycon+Grip or Pro Controller, I see no reason why they didn't just make it a box.
Keep the catridges, give it more memory and more power and throw an Ethernet Port on there and I'd buy it day 1 even with paid online but with the current set up I'll wait till it's bargain bin
This is all I ever wanted
How do I transfer to the alternate universe where they actually get good things made by Nintendo?
Yeah but it will be good to play in bed
y-y-y-y-you too
If this fails Nintendo will triple down on a new gimmick rather than just giving people what they want which is a 3rd party console with first party Nintendo games or Nintendo software to be 3rd party
The bell is tolling and it tolls for Nintendo
>You'll never use the tablet, you don't go outside
I still take shits though
i just wanted the nintendo vita for cozy handheld gaming in bed
instead i got another wii
>VR with a shitty 720p screen and Nintendo's "graphics"
I think you're way better of with some decent phone
The Switch is 720p. Nintendo isn't going to tap in to bleeding edge technology. That isn't what they do. They take existing technology and repurpose it into something cool.
Why would you want to steal a $300 switch when people carry around $700 iphones?
Without the touch screen, battery, seperate joycon logistics, and need for a compact size, they easily could have had a basic home console version of the switch for under 200
But it's literally objectively and nonfiguratively better than the vita if you ignore the release dates and price.
Phones can be easily tracked and remotely bricked
Fact check: True
/thread, literally.
>nintendo should just release an Xbox 360 to market that will make people happy
>Without the touch screen, battery, seperate joycon logistics, and need for a compact size, they easily could have had a basic home console version of the switch for under 200
Wouldn't be surprised if they do that as a hardware revision
The Switch Home
In 2/3 years there'll be a good enough library that people would buy a screenless Switch to sit under the TV
You think the Switch won't be? The Switch itself is the console, not the dock, which means the Switch itself is what will connect to the Internet and have all your personal information on it, just like a phone.
It takes me 2 minutes tops to take a shit. Eat more fiber my dude.
Says you fatty
Right after I take out a loan to be able to afford the pro controller
>70 dollerydoos
the opposite, I'll probably never have it docked
i like to push it out and suck it back in to simulate a futanari qt fucking my ass tbqh
>He's not going to use the tablet while taking a shit
OP confirmed autistic
Literally was at a bar last week catching up with friends from college. Someone mentioned they wished they could play mariokart. Everyone talked about how awesome that would be. Another guy mentioned how the switch would let us do that, and everyone got even more excited. I know we were drunk but now most of us are planning on getting one simply for that reason.
>tfw too nonthreatening to mug someone
Oh ok. Carry on then.
I doubt it will be honestly
The Switch isn't great but it's better than a 360. Face it as much as they're harping on about the gimmick being optional the lion's share of their resources went into it.
With the same resources they could have released something as strong as the PS4 or close enough that developers wouldn't mind developing for it just to mop up a few potential sales
you can still play in your bed
All I fucking want is a strong Nintendo system with no gimmicks and solid games. Fuck. Why is Nintendo so retarded?
>Nintendo could have just made another PS4 instead of the Switch