So to enjoy the Switch on day one you will need

So to enjoy the Switch on day one you will need
>Console $300
>Game $60
>Game $60
>Online service $50
>Memory Card $30
>Screen Protector $10
>Case $15
>Battery pack $30

Thats $555

plus 8% sales tax = $599

Seems like a lot

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nice troll post, we know aren't 2 games worth buying on launch

Why would you need 2 games, a case and a battery pack just to play on day 1? Stop being willfully retarded.

Nah, more like:
>Console $300
>Zelda $60

Though, it is still more than I would like to spend.

Thank God I'm not poor

just stupid then?

>buying the things you want to buy is stupid
t. poorfag

>muh wallet argument


So the same price as a launch PS3, except you actually get a game and accessories?

>Console 300
>Zelda Special Edition 80
>>Includes case
>uSD Card 10

ill need a
>console 300
>game 60
>memory 10 (assuming it isnt built in like it was on the wiiu)
370 +tax

SONY B T F O!!!!!!!!!

PS4 - $400
External 120 GB HD - $80
Game - $60
Online - $50
Plasma TV - $400 (starting)
Sixaxis with Rumble - $70
Charging dock for Sixaxis - $30

Somebody do the math. That's gotta be at least a thousand dollars.

>Plasma TV
christ I know nintenbabbies are living in the past but come on

I know, right? It's
>4K OLED HDTV - $2,000

why not build a pc instead? you do know how to build one right?

>plus 8% sales tax

plus tips

>Nintendo STILL cant into HD resolutions
>"""HD Rumble"""

>Switch on day one
>Online service $50
Online will be free until the fall, you silly goose.

>why not spend $1,000 dollars to build a machine that doesn't run the games you want instead of buying a $300 console that does run the games you want?
kys yourself

silly nintendrone, you cant watch bluray on the switch

>lying on a neanderthal rock carving forum

>On day one
>Online is free until Fall
>Memory card comes with the Switch
>Needing a battery pack/screen protector/case to have fun

This is a shit post. It's almost as shit as your game library after 3 years, asshurt Sonygger

I just preordered and paid in full. It's $380 with a game.

>>Game $60
>>Online service $50
>>Memory Card $30
>>Screen Protector $10
>>Case $15
>>Battery pack $30
>Day 1

house - 50k
car - 10k
food - varies
education - 500k until college

that's at least a million dollars

Then watch it on a blu ray player or some shit?

Not all video games are movies, i know its hard for you to grasp that concept if you are used to ps4 "games"

you forgot to include the price of the game, user.

Nigger, what you using to post here? Your PS4? Didn't think so, might as well upgrade it so you can play games on it.

>doesn't run the games you want

If there is no PC game, including emulation, you're interested in then you are beyond help.

On Day 1, the online services are free. -$50

So to enjoy a ps4 or xbone you need
>Console $300
>Game $60
>Game $60
>HD ready TV $1000

That's $1420
Plus 8% sales tax= $1533

Seems like a lot


pick one

>car - 10k
t. Elliot Rodgers

It doesn't come with a real controller either. You have to buy that, too.

Console in Chicago is $330 and Zelda is $68.

$398 and all you have to play is one game until summer.

Amazing deal Nintendo!


My wallet is fucking huge. It is the final argument.

Where is titcow?

Why is Nintendo so incompetent with ergonomics and controllers? Every single controller including portable consoles is shit. Had to buy picture relevant for my 3DS even though it is the XL.

And the ps3 launch was incredibly fucking miserable and it took years for Sony to finally catch up on sales

Don't know if you're trying to be positive about the switch or not

We literally bought a 4k TV from best buy for like 700 dollars over the holidays

I'm getting


I have a spare 64GB MicroSD and don't ever play online.

I have a friend at Target who gets 10% off and another 5% off with their Target card.

334.68 for this after sales tax.


why the fuck i need online services day 1 when there is 0 online game at launch

i mean im not gonna buy it but if iwas just get zelda+ console until something decent releases

>tfw it's $400 in Canada

Don't forget to buy this because you can't play while charging shit.

>Don't buy video games guys, DON'T PLAY VIDEO GAMES! STOP!

>PCs run Nintendo games
pls kys

>best buy
Kek you got ripped off then, even if it was black friday.

t. Former best buy employee

uhh, yeah

So just like everything else then?
I'd say just like everything else, but PS4 and xbox still dont have a game worth playing
>online service
false. Its free for 3 months on launch
Wew lad, have sonyggers ever been more btfo than this?

That launch price bit them in the ass. It them like five years to recover from that.

Might as well just buy a pc

But i'm only getting one game? lol

What about the australians?

>nobody owns a tv

did a quick tally and it's about $800 for this underpowered tablet just to play the Breath of the Wild port with some comfy accessories in Leafville.

just fuck my everything up senpai

I hope

nintendo will charge $90 for the hdmi cable, ac adapter, and dock. so they could sell it portable only for $210, but they won't, 'cause they're jews. trying to force their gimmicky bullshit on people

the switch was never an online console. the only games that require online are mario kart and splatoon. which both can be played offline with friends

also you can stop being poor sonyfags and xboxfags already do it

>he didn't buy an OLED HDTV

plasma is goat

>march 3
>buy dirt cheap Wii U (used trade-in or craigslist)
>buy zelda for wii u

convince me not to do this

>run this terrible emulator that only works for 5 minutes before crashing and is janky as fuck even when it is working
pls kys actually a really awesome idea.

>Game $60
>Online service $50
>Memory Card $30
>Screen Protector $10
>Case $15
>Battery pack $30
You don't need any of that, you fucking retard.

>Console $300
>Game $60
>Online service $50

First months are free. Online prices haven't been published.

>Memory Card $30

What for? At launch there won't be a huge update, saves are stored on the cartridges themselves and it will most likely include it's own SD cars like the 3DS.

>Screen Protector $10

Not necessary.

>Case $15

Not necessary.

>Battery pack $30

Or just plug it at home.

You seriously can't be this retarded.

>including tax price

Why not include the price of the food you have to eat in order to be alive and play? Bozo.

Yeah plus they didn't even say anything about a new Kirby game. I'm gonna wait like two years before getting it, by then there will be a price drop and a good amount of Nintendo refurbishments listed on their online store so I'll be able to grab this shit cheap.

why? thats exactly what i plan on doing

the tablet by itself can do 60fps 720p nigga

My dad got a free 4k LG TV for buying a new phone.

but.. you are the one forcing the wallet argument there. You are fucking ordering people to not buy things they want, because you don't agree with the price.

>buying Nintendo consoles before they're hacked

>Memory Card $30
SD cards are cheap, though. Who doesn't already have a few 64 gig ones lying around?

I didn't have a TV for years, I used my PC monitor for consoles.

I recently got a refurb 48 inch Samsung smart TV for $300 though.

just imagine how glorious it will be when its hacked user. invest now for the future

>tfw it's 400 in canada
>more than PS4s are right now

>the only two launch games worth a shit are Zelda and Bomberman and Bomberman is $30

This. I really doubt I'll end up having to buy all those things separately.

Free online until fall dumb shit

>Switch $300
>Game $60
>Game $60
>Online service $50
>Memory Card $30
>Screen Protector $10
>Case $15
>Battery pack $30
>Sofa to sit on while you play $1000
>House to put the sofa in $500,000
How could Nintendo do this to us, bros? Over half a mil just to play Zelda? What are they thinking?

it's more than PS4 everywhere

I don't think it'll be possible to enjoy games on the Switch without a screen protector.

>plus 8% sales tax
nigga where do you live that has sales tax that low?

You're welcome.

>8 percent sales tax
Where do you live

Forgot pic

Congratulations poorfag. Enjoy just getting a commodity everyone has had for over 50 years.

Less than I paid for PS3 and I didn't even have any games on launch except some shitty Gundam game.

>Those frame drops in the gameplay trailers

Yeah I'm sure you'll get stable framerate

on milk simulator at least

Not Op but I live in Texas, Burgerland and tax is 8 percent

>not removing the sofa to buy more switches

>frame drop

xeno 2 was the only trailer with shit frames. go watch the tree house gameplay. they do mario kart split screen on the tablet with 720p 60fps

WAIT you have to buy a memory card??

I had little reason, I don't want television.

My monitor was fine for consoles and PC games alike.

with only 32GB built in i'd say its a necessity

i think i paid 2.5k for my 65inch plasma. And you basically have to turn off all lights and curtain all windows to immerse in it.

You goddamn lucky ass burgers make me so fucking angry.
Not only is your dollar worth 30% more than mine, but your taxes are lower too?
This is fucking bullshit.

the trade-off is we get fuck-all for social programs


Wii u has a current hackable firmware, and allows for cfw with backup loaders. Buy a shitty 150 dollar console and pirate to your hearts content.

The switch won't be worth picking up for at least 2 years.

Considering that the games all come on cartridges it shouldn't be much of a problem. Unless you plan on buying a gajillion games off the E-shop.