Nintendo Treehouse Switch Event

Treehouse is live and showing off the Switch and its new games in great detail.

Find the "Nintendo" channel on Youtube, Twitch or wherever and join us in this comfy thread to talk about it.

Currently on: Zelda just finished, now showing Super Mario Odyssey

Please show gameplay

Mario looks so fucking good


Second for 60fps?


This looks better than 3D World

Not that that's hard to do

Miyamoto is still so cute, even at 60.

>breasts are part of the stomach

Non-casual Mario confirmed


I want to pet mario's head and hot glue his mustache


first Sup Forums meme of 2k17?

Bros... What's this feeling in my heart...?

Do I actually... give a shit about Zelda?


I want to see more of this comfy Zelda game

fugg D:

Wtf was that sound in the background?

I wonder if we'll see any gameplay or just this conversation

Galaxy is for casuals confirmed


Mario Galaxy confirmed for casual, Sunshine confirmed for 'core'.

60fps good resolution on games but they don't have anti aliasing :/

Look at his hair. It's a sign of the changin' times.

Why is that the brightness of zelda always look off? since the E3 it looks like a game with fog and brightness to mask bad quality texture

Is Miyamoto based Sup Forums?

>Mario around "normal" people
it just looks weird, why couldn't they scrap the realistic feel?

>TFW your doggo gets vaporized by an ancient spider rape laser

>keep arguing with myself whether or not I should buy the Switch
>finally just say fuck it and do it, preorder it along with Zelda
>feel liberated
>feel like I can just have fun now

Not a good idea financially cause I'm poor but whatever, I'll just work harder. Feels good.

Hope you lads gonna play MK8 Deluxe and Spla2n with me.

This is Bowser's Castle. They say it's the biggest Koopa-processing
plant in the Mushroom Kingdom. I used to work here. Well...I was really a slave. Like all
the others.

If the New York shit in that Mario trailer were removed I'd be fucking amazed by it, it looks so good aside from that bizarre Mario in the human world stuff

Oh look an "orginal" mario game. whats the count up to now 5000 game with him in?

>A more core oriented Mario





Whats the purpose of making their mock up of New York named after Donkey Kong? There was even a diddy named store and Dixie named Street


>odissey is amario game made for non casual
>casuals will just play run
well, mario run was a good idea

I want to play Milk with Erik.

Super Mario Maker and Run confirmed by Miyamoto as casual shit, Odyssey is where it's at.

>No Xenoblade Chronicles 2

It's official.

>miyamoto will die in your lifetime


Miyamoto does not like this man. Where is Birru-san?

Chiko has the right idea. Exterminate everything, ask questions later


Speaking of SMM, how the fuck is there no slightly enhanced port of Super Mario Maker for the Switch?

Would've seemed like a fucking OBVIOUS choice for a no effort port that everyone would enjoy at launch.

He's also around a bunch of low poly forks that cook things in a wold made of food.

>speculative art

Close enough.

It's only for a part of the game, and it's a joke.

So if Link went to sleep for 100 years, does this mean that the Zelda he sees isn't the one from before he went to sleep? I wonder if they'll address that in the game.

Holy shit the graphics on this Mario game are N64 tier.

This looks like a fucking N64 game

>nintendrones will defend this

Its called being a sentimental fag

>she will never play your dick like an ocarina

there won't be any

HHAHAHA can't even sell it on its own merits have to pull out mario 64 fucking hacks.

>There are posters here who weren't born yet when SM64 released

In Tokyo

Didn't you see him at the event last night?

>We want the videogamedunkey audience

I want to hold and comfort her


They'll do it next year or so. They don't want to cannibalize SMM 3DS right now.

How did Nintendo allow this madman to get so much power into their headquarters?

>Switch Hardware Director
>Mario Odyssey Producer

Will he become the next president and save Nintendo Sup Forums?

>play sunshine again
>actually get sweaty palms on the no-fludd levels



It's stream quality

I dont know why but this always happens

The newest trailer has much better colors

The game is based around different worlds and artstyle

The city was made like that on purpose

of course i will

I skipped MK8 because of console switching, so i will definitely get MK8 Deluxe, especially with a real battle mode, all the DLC's and mah nigga King Boo

0.05$ have been added to your Playstation+ Account

>thin eyebrows

Fuck off


The original Donkey Kong is a pastiche of King Kong. The construction site DK climbs is inspired by the empire state building scene from the end of the film.

>tfw no more erik

I hope so

Koizumi is a god

It seems its going to be some big twist or something. Some shit went down 100 years ago and Link was there but doesn't remember it.
Zelda is his great-granddaughter

Miyamoto hates Toad

dude it's like 60 years old

He's finally getting what he deserved

See you gay bowser

Don't want to hurt Super Mario Maker 3DS sales.

I imagine if anything they might go for Super Mario Maker 2 or something.

2 gems have been added to your bomberman account

>New Zelda game aimed at core players, not casual
>New Mario64 like mario game, aimed at core players not casuals

Holy fuck did nintendo wake up?

>chill Delfino music

What has he done in the past?

No excuses

The next game that decides HURR MARIO WORLD ONLY cant ignore the new material and monsters present in Odyssey

Im looking at you Tanabe, i don't care if Miyamoto told you "Mario World Only", there was a fuck ton of 3D World and Galaxy enemies you couldve put in



It seems like Miyamoto understands English, so why can't he speak it?

Maybe you could try not being autistic about it and just enjoy the level design?

He's pretty much the new face like Iwata was

....uh holy fuck I didn't even think about that


That's all it takes for a guardian to vaporize you and your dog in an instant. Why haven't you been practicing your marksmanship and evasion skills?

>Galaxy confirmed to be casual trash

Will Galaxyfags every be able to recover?

I still to this day hear people complain about controlling the camera in Sunshine.

I would regularly spin the camera around in circles and still walk in a straight line in that game. People are retarded, there is nothing wrong with that camera.

>Miyamoto actually discussing complaints he gets for once
I'm suprised

>tfw you misalign your QPU in Super Mario Odyssey and end up in an alternate dimension Australia

Same reason why I can in turn understand his Japanese but I wouldn't be able to reply to him in Japanese.

Why would he when he's fluent in Nip?

Still waiting for an edit of this.

Donkey Kong had a construction site setting. If you look you can actually see red girders all over the city too.