WAAAAHHHHHHHHH! I'm a child who can't afford $10 a month because that's my Ramen and tendies budget :((
Seriously, you poor fucks are pathetic. Stop buying $80 mouse pads with tits on them and you'll be able to afford things.
Grow the fuck up.
WAAAAHHHHHHHHH! I'm a child who can't afford $10 a month because that's my Ramen and tendies budget :((
Seriously, you poor fucks are pathetic. Stop buying $80 mouse pads with tits on them and you'll be able to afford things.
Grow the fuck up.
Other urls found in this thread:
A bag of nuggets are like 11 dollars. Stop shitposting
or I can just not buy the console
>11 for a "bag" of just nuggets
Ronnie please get help
paid online is literal robbery
>>Grow the fuck up.
>and pay for an online service for a kids toy
I'll still have the mouse pad after I paid for it.
Are consolebabbies really this bad?
>"you dont want to pay for x? you must be poor!"
ever met a rich person? they didnt get that way by needlessly wasting their money, some of the wealthier people i know keep their wallets shut tighter than anyone else
also, living off your parents doesnt make you rich, it makes you their bitch, get a job before you try to dictate everyone else's money spending
Where's that image making fun of sonyggers defending paid online?
>ha ha you guys can't even afford $60 worth of in-game cosmetics I feel bad for you
>You are poor if you don't like to be jewed out!
>It is the consumers fault my product doesn't sell, not my product being garbage!
Welcoem to the new age, anons.
I have a right to complain, I'm already getting dicked by Sony and MS.
>Wilingly throwing your money at obvious scams
I bet you also fell for Star Citizen's kickstarter.
I'll take the tittypad over paid online any day.
Nintendo is trash.
Their consoles are trash.
And they design their gamepads as torture devices.
The online fee is just dumb on their part because they could've just made the console more expensive. (say double but with a controller)
I'm not buying a nintendo because it's for children and it's marketed as such. They should stick to handheld and actually design something that doesn't result in RSI when playing for more than 30 minutes at a time.
>damage control
we need a nintoddler version of this
HOW can people still wear fedoras and have a neckbeard eventhough the whole internet makes fun of them?!
>Paying twice for internet access
LMAOing @ ur life
>spend money on a tittypad you can fuck
>spend money on a switch and nintendo fucks you
the choice is obvious
It's just perfect
Just nintendofans trying to defend paid online
PCfag here. It's not about the money its about what you get from it. Why spend 10 shekels to play with autistfags on internet when that 10 shekels could be spent on great indies on steam or a great classic from GOG during their sales. Hell for 10 dollars I could be consolefag and find some donated classics of past consoles and have a blast. If I want to enjoy the cancer of internet gaming I'll download a MOBA and hear some autist screeching or a Russian cursing at me. If I cared about modern consoles I wouldn't even pay for online and just buy couch co op games. Which consoles are intended for imo. Stay mad OP
Every console has paid online now though
>I wouldn't even pay for online and just buy couch co op games.
i just do this with my PC and Steamlink
Nintenyearolds are LITERALLY defending it
that's ten dollars you could use to buy something you'd get more out of like gunpla or a rope for hanging yourself faggot
Fucking PC fags need to killthemselves. I hate those fedora tipping neckbeards who maturbate to hentai and masturbate to anime
When will the paid online meme die?
>it's not okay when Nintendo does it
But really this is some old bullshit, none of the online services should be charging you to use your own internet, even if the service is pretty cheap
>paying $500 for nostalgia
WEW ofcourse it's easy when you as your mommy to buy a Switch + subcription
>grow the fuck up
>defending a kids toy
Well. Apparently, in my University's Computer Science department. There bunch of fedora tipping neckbeards filled up. All they do is brag about which anime girl has better boobs
Keep it up Flight Lt
>mfw I am studying computer science
>mfw I love big boobs and be a weeabo
But I still donĀ“t wear a stupid neckbeard and fedora for fucks sake and only talk to people I really know good about animes, but not about waifus.
>Be me
>Decide to buy PS4
>PS+ Subscription becomes paid
>becomes paid
it was a paid service at launch
>computer science
wew lad, you better be in california
So far Nintendo hasn't given any indication that this service is worth paying for.
The logic that "it's not really that expensive, you'll buy it anyways" is what lead Nintendo to thinking that Nintendo's "free" game can be a NES/SNES title that you can't even keep after the month is over.
Nintendo fans need to STOP defending them for everything, it's turned Nintendo in to what is probably the worst company currently involved in gaming and you're actually helping them in to their demise, because this is part of the reason why the Switch has literally no mass market appeal at all. Is absurdly easy to preorder this thing, no one wants it.
>make $2500/week during the awesome summer months
>make around $500 during the winter doldrums
I wish I wasn't so irresponsible with my money during times of plenty, I need to learn how to save
I know that feel user. I make around 75k+bonuses per year. And, I spend most of my money on weeaboo shit from J-list and dragon dildoes.
Was.. the second guy a cop?
That's a bad thing
I, myself also did Software Engineering back in College user. So, I know all this CS students culture ;). Many don't show their power levels and keep shit to themselves. Just remember one thing. If there's a one who is really good with computers (Programming languages etc) The he surely is a wizard
Yeah but is nintentards turn to defend it now.
>post falseflag cancer
>lol sonyggers are stupid
I still have to hear from someone IRL that is happy about the change.
The only people who would pay $10 a month to be able to rent 20+ year old games for 4 weeks, use p2p multiplayer, and have to use an app on their fucking phone just to voice chat are actual children. Get the fuck off my board, Nintendrone. I've been playing on Sony consoles since I was 8 and never once have I even considered paying for their online shit, which is objectively better than Nintendo's, even though it's still garbage.
This may come as a shock but there are people that care about Nintendo and don't want to see it go away. It is in our best interest for Nintendo to make lots of money for many years to come and we don't want to bankrupt the company. Nintendo shouldn't lose money on the proposition. Very risky but Nintendo is brave to want to do this when online services can cost so much money. If you don't don't want to subsidize an ecosystem that brings joy and fun to millions of people worldwide, that is your privilege. The rest of us will continue to stand.
With Nintendo.
Jesus dude I only make 20k a year. Granted i only work a part time job.
Which Job? Bear in mind that I am 27 years old and hold a Masters degree in networking.
>this entire post
>Couldn't start Uni until I was in my mid twenties because I couldn't afford it or get grants and loans
>Have had plenty of time to mature as a human being
>Have tons of sisters and friends so it's not like I was ever poor at socializing
>Love anime, manga, video games, and titties
>Buy every Senran, have gigs and gigs of anime titties
>Capable of acting like a functioning human being in public
>Keep a reasonable weight because I don't live off of mountain dew and tendies
>Have lived on my own for almost six years so I can take care of myself, others, and bills
Look man what the fuck, we need to talk
And inb4 some jackass cunt tries to give his "well you just can't enjoy it like he does" shut the fuck up
I have a goddamn Yuuki Mikan and 30 foot Snek girl waifu pillows and you don't see me bringing that shit to Uni, I won't even wear my goddamn anime or gaming shirts out of the house because I'm going to attract the attention of those fucking faglords who have no idea how to interact with other humans
>New semester just started
>Big fat guy on an alienware laptop sitting in the hallways playing emulators loudly
>Shuffles into class still trying to play
>Talks to some unfortunate soul for almost 30 goddamn minutes about his minecraft server
>Next day the unfortunate soul sits next to me to escape it
>Fat guy sits next to us like "we sitting here today buddy? :)"
>Unfortunate soul tells him to please leave him alone, he doesn't care
>Math professor asks us jokingly "anyone actually like math?"
>Fat sperg rambles for like 20 minutes about how he loves it and how he's programming a game and blah blah blah and the professor has to tell him to zip it and sit the fuck down
How do you go through life with that little awareness?
Have the lines between false flagging and reality become too blurred?
when our jrpgs were 80 dollars?
fuck no.
back you go op
Sonyggers did the same exact thing. It's OK Nintendrone we already know you are desperate.
Holy shit! Now Nintendrones are defending paid online?! I am SO FUCKING HAPPY that this day has come.
Now nintoddlers are no fucking better than the rest of you consletards. No exceptions. No excuse. You're all cancer.
If people can pay for $80 mouse pads, and still don't want to pay a sub fee, the problem isn't money. People don't want subscriptions fees, especially from Nintendo.
Alright. I'll bite.
Okay, I've paid for online subscriptions before, I'm sure thousands on Sup Forums has, ask anyone who's played WoW or any MMO. Those were individual games.
This is not a matter of being poor, it's a matter of service. We're going from a service where Nintendo used to supply online multiplayer for nothing. The only people we paid for that was our ISP for our actual internet connection.
Now we're moving on to pay for a portion of online functionality for gaming, but the question remains is what do we get out of that besides the ability to use a feature that for the longest time and to this day is free.
We haven't seen how Nintendo plans on handling online interactions for the Switch. Only the details that it can synchronize with smart devices for friends list interactions.
Consoles started going wrong with the likes of the Saturn, the Playstation, Dreamcast, Phillips CDi, and the original XBox.
They started becoming more like computers. Except consoles are closed in nature, and not customizable like PCs are. Then they started imitating the things people actually don't like much about PC gaming, and going shittier and shittier from there.
Is PS+ or XBONE online multiplayer still largely P2P connections? There's no server browser for most of the games on there right?
So what are you paying those fucks for if you're not getting something quality?
>honestly defending paying more
Good fucking goyim!
>All those nintoddlers shitposting about paid online
>now they are defending it like the sonyggers
Im not reading all that shit nigga
Yeah, what's wrong with 15$ a month? That 20$ goes toward their online infrastructure. I'm sure your 25$ will be put toward better servers. Don't forget the 30$ voice chat app.
Austim. What you experienced is the literal form of the meme
Absolutely no joking, there's a creature on my campus known as Lord Fedora.
He wears a black fedora and trench coat with a throat beard.
He's about 5'2 and I couldn't guess at his weight, but he's wide.
The man lives in another reality or he gives no fucks.
How did Nintendo become more Jewish than EA, Ubisoft, Microsoft and Sony?
What made it infinitely better is every day so far he has had some borderline edgy but safe enough for reddit meme shirt on and when he talks he sounds like psychicpeebles on helium. If you know who that is, it should paint a pretty picture in your head.
I can appreciate being someone who gives no fucks, because I can talk to people and be like "yeah I do like titty anime but whatever" but to take it that far is just another level of absurdity.
At some point you have to understand you are a walking joke and need to do something about it, but they won't.
>And every single one of them thinks they're an ugly duckling who is going to turn into a multi-billionaire CEO with their bullshit game ideas made up of five different games they ripped off
It's not that I can't afford it, It's just most don't feel a need to PAY for it.
I don't get it, who is he complaining about. It's like OP is yelling at empty space.
>after they're done
Or I could just play online for free on my PC, with better graphics, cheaper games, and more variety in control options?
$10/mo is a lot if you're not super rich in Trump's America. I just hope I can keep my job with Mr. Outsource in charge.
this should have been
Paid online service is fucking stupid. Don't defend this shit.
And thanks to all you retards who bought a fucking XBox 360, which gave all console makers the green light to charge for online just because you wanted your fucking Halo. Worst 7th gen console and it fucked the entire industry, way to go faggots.
You get paid according to how hard you work. Stop being a lazy asshole.
Fucking this
>Got cushy office job
>Women won't stop catfighting, lose office job
>Get to stay on as a temp with my pay cut and all my benefits taken away
>Got laid off permanently a year later
>Had to fight UI for a fucking month because they didn't want to give me money
>STILL can't get more than table scraps for college money while Tyrone gets a full ride to sleep in class
>ISP just jumped up by $10 while dropping the speed
>Rent just went up by $10
>No full time work will hire me while I'm a college student
>No part time work will pay worth a damn to keep my roof over my head
It's not about being affordable, it's about NOT BEING FUCKING WORTH IT. Seriously, you're a fucking moron to be paying these companies to be this greedy. And you're a cocksucker to boot. You really think you're in a position to be telling other people to grow the fuck up, when you're willing to pay $10 a month to suck a toy company's dick for some kiddie games?
Hey senpai, give me $10.
I mean, you can afford it, right? Its just 10 bucks, you can afford it.
>It's ok when nintendo does it.
t. child
Not PC
I think he meant online multiplayer.
First it was Microsoft who started this trend.
Then Sony just on the wagon because why the fuck not.
Now its Nintendo, fucking really?
I guess i'll just stick with PC gaming.
t. hourly wage slave