What single player gamez have good tank combat? Or just cool sexy tanks in general
What single player gamez have good tank combat? Or just cool sexy tanks in general
Blitzkrieg series
War thunder
World of Tanks
And if you're rich: Beast of steel
>war thunder
>world of tanks
>single player
> Good tank combat.
bf1 through mud and blood
ArmA, in a way
>good tank combat
>single player
Even RO2 would be a more sensible choice
men of war series
fuck healthbars on tanks
Panzer Elite
Steel Fury if you can deal with not so great graphics.
Steel Beasts if you have a lot of disposable income.
oh shit, someone played that besides me
too bad that sequel was an arcade game
>strategy games
Maybe the Men of War games are an exception since they allow direct control. But I want to drive the tank, not play Tank Manager.
Operation flashpoint had alright tank combat
>no tank action game that's like Ace Combat with tanks, with gameplay that sits between WOT-tier arcade and extreme grognard simulators
>with tank customisation and an interesting SP campaign set in an alternative universe with no nukes so you can have cool Post-War tank battles
Armored Warfare.
Shit like this and the lack of Mech sims/shooters like Armored Core is what makes me want to become a game dev.
CoH does have a tank crew campaign though, it's top down, but you're only operating the tank.
Or maybe it was CoH2, I don't remember
It's a long way to Tipperary,
It's a long way to go,
It's a long way to Tipperary,
To the sweetest girl I know!
What is no game ever
Seriously. Why are the only modern tank games (games, not sims) all Eastern-European F2P multiplayer money sinks?
I mean, I'll pay WOT and WT but only for lack of other options
>Ace Combat with tanks
Damn I didn't know I want this, but now I want this
Because the west is busy making cookie-cutter sequels of already established IPs to turn as much profit as they can off casuals and nips are not interested in WW2 because war crimes.
Brigador if you want a totally-not-realistic slaughterfest where you pilot one of like 15 or 20 futuristic tanks (with genuine tank controls!), slap two out of 40 weapons on it and kill mechs, tanks and agravs in beautiful isometric 2D.
The best way to describe the feelings this game gives me is, if you ever played an RTS with some kind of super unit and if you ever used that unit alone to kill a bunch of regular ones and maybe wished you could just control the super unit directly - this game is for you.
Picrelated is the aftermath of me using the heaviest tank available with a 130mm cannon and a 30mm chaingun to kill a bunch of stuff, leveling most of the scenery in process.
because you cant put those (((games))) on consoles so nobody make them outside slavs
but in slavlands, you cant make anything that isnt f2p money sink unless you are in the EU or something.
Brigador looks sick. It reminds me of Bedlam and the Strike games.
Technically both WOT and WT are on consoles, it's how I play them.
Graviteam Tactics: Mius-Front is really good if you're a super nerd.