"Haha, stupid Microshills actually pay for online! I'm glad Sony will never do this!"

>"Haha, stupid Microshills actually pay for online! I'm glad Sony will never do this!"
>Sony does it
>Sonyggers defend ti
>"Haha, stupid Microshills and Sonyggers actually pay for online! I'm glad Nintendo will never do this!"
>Nintendo does it

too smert for consoles

>all current consoles suck

Yeah I sure people have known about this for 2 years now.

>still playing on consoles

>"Haha, stupid Microshills, Nintendumbs and Sonyggers actually pay for online! I'm glad Steam will never do this!"


Hoping PC services realize how dumb it is

>I'm glad Steam will never do this!"
Not while F2P games are profitable

If steam starts pulling bullshit, everyone would just move to GOG.

Sh-shut up, Asuka, it's not like I want to kiss you..!

This should be turned into a maze to solve.

You're genuinely retarded if you think that will happen

steam gets a 30% cut of all sales, you're already paying for it

Yeah, instead games exclusive to the PC just charge Micro-transactions out the fucking ass for minor features for ONE game.

Valve must be seriously considering this, there are more than 1 million people who play Dota 2 and CSGO per day, imagine if all those people also had to pay for online now... With the way Valve are nowadays they must be salivating at the thought

But capitalism is good user, just look how good we have it.

They keep their jew on the downlow with crates and keys.

They know the backlash would be real, and will not do this.

Shut up Asuka, you're worse girl.

No shit anonymous, we're talking other charges other than the ones that any and every storefront charges.

>you will never fuck her brains out
Why live

>I-I-I-I-I-It will happen to steam! you'll see!

I can honestly see Valve creating some sort of "Steam Premium" or whatever service that gives the customer free games, csgo/dota crates, discounts and shit for a monthly fee

As long as they don't try to lock my games or the ability to play them online behind a paywall, I can keep ignoring their kike schemes.

And it still sucks. No one is defending it, but at least we also get a region free system, and hopefully they'll fix the fucking online.

Did you see the backlash for paid mods?

Valve almost has a monopoly on pc gaming stuff, key word almost.

Unlike Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo they have competition on the platform. If steam did something to royally fuck up people would move over to origin and GoG. Not all of them of course, some people are stupid and think valve cares about things beyond their wallet, but they still have to be careful about how jewy they are because a huge fuck up could seriously hurt them

I actually like origin's client more than steam, it's always ran faster and had less crashes, plus it offers a way better refund system. Ea might fuck over the devs it owns and males them rush games, but they can make a good client

>and hopefully they'll fix the fucking online
Party chat on the Switch requires a paid smartphone app.

>No one is defending it
Did you not see the thread up with OP bitching how only poorfags can't afford paid online?

shut the fuck up

>the brickwall represents the wall between your dead soul and fun that these shit companies keep erecting

A premium service would not generate terrible backlash like paid mods did since nothing is being directly taken away from the consumers, and Valve could stand to make a serious amount of money out of it. It could also serve as a great trojan horse for paid online since eventually after a few years of people subscribing to it, getting used to it and seeing it as normal, they could start taking stuff away from the "free" customers to force them to upgrade.

>tfw Asuka will never kiss you on the lips because she wants to know what it's like and she's bored

You vastly underestimate how many people would fucking flay them. I know there's jewy early access shit and casuals all over PC now, but a large contingent of PC gamers are in it for the freedom the platform provides, and Gabe knows that, even if he's forgotten why he knows that.

i'd rather have nico kiss my dick

>300 dollars
>Pro controller is 70 dollars
>Paid online for a handheld that you might not even use on wifi half the time
>Literally only Zelda for launch
>you get LOANED one shitty NES game per month for online subscription
>have to pair console to a smartphone to even use the primitive online features
>only cucknada, USGAY and burritos land get online at launch
>weakass hardware
>shitty graphics
>gimped 3rd party support as evident by the bootleg FIFA game
>32gig storage, less than an iphone 7
Defend this please.
Nintendo is really, truly doomed.

Nico and Asuka are for pure


i'm sorry user

Pretty sure it's an ironic joke at this point because of the shitstorm caused by the PS4 online being a paid service. Xbots have always defended it, Sonyggers and Nintoddlers have argued against it, but when Sony revealed they'll include paid online a lot of Sonyggers immediately came to their defense, which was hilarious after a decade of bashing Microsoft for doing it.
I honestly have a hard time believing any Nintoddler would genuinely defend the paid service, without being on at least some level of irony. The one thing I can see being an argument for it is improving quality, which has always been shitty on Nintendo consoles. Such was not the case with Sony.

0/10 shop, Nintendicksucker.

two intelergent for anything but board games



It's hard to defend, but it's still possible.
At least we'll get a free NES/SNES every so often if we shill out for the service, but I can only hope it's a reasonable price.

The Switch is more expensive than the PS4 and Xbone in pretty much every way except the system itself, so I'm just crossing my fingers that the online services will be cheaper than the competition. Got a PS4 for Christmas and I ain't paying the online service fee because it isn't worth it for the games I have/ever plan to get rid of in the future. Splatoon's a good reason to go in with the online subscription if it's reasonably priced (Smash and MK8D too, assuming the former comes this year), but it seems like they're walking a thin line atm with the prices imo.

ever plan to get in the future*

>Free games every month
You're literally being a Sonygger at this point. The only defense of this is that Nintendo will hopefully fix their garbage online, and that's a big maybe.

The app costs money? Fucking why?
You have a link?

What baffles me most is how horrible Nintendo has ALWAYS been with their online.

They're still not even on PS3/360 level of service.

It's going to be interesting to see if they can actually tune up their services to be "worth" a monthly fee. And no, fucking NES games that I played or emulated 15 years ago don't count for much, at least you get semi current games on PS4 and Xbox One.

The online requires money, so the app is technically not free to use.


the app is useless on its own

I'll take that over forced payment, and it's all game-specific anyway. I can play TF2 and CSGO for free with all the gameplay intact and cosmetics are entirely optional. I also have another 100 games with online play which I can play without a problem.

>all current Nintendo gamers are sick of M$ and Sony's practices
>Nintendo switch has paid online
>Nintendo gamers are fed up
>don't buy switch
>Nintendo gamers SWITCH (hahahahahaha)to PC
>gamers on both PC and Nintendo go to PC only (myself included)
>Nintendo either realizes the error of their ways and tries to fix it too late, or (more likely) is stubborn and doesn't
>switch sells like shit
>Nintendo either runs out of money or makes 1 last console, but nobody trusts them anymore
>PCMR flourishes

who even plays online

I would imagine a sizeable chunk of Nintendo owners since some of the only games I saw Wii U buyers pointing to as being good is the smash and monster hunter series.

And really, who wants to play those exclusively offline?