Taking my parents advice and going on a cleanse for a month or two

Taking my parents advice and going on a cleanse for a month or two.

What do without vidya games for 2 months?

Kill yourself

Start lifting
Join a team sport
Get a library card and start reading

Why the fuck would you ask Sup Forums?

Go to some other boards, dabble in some other hobbies.

>12,609 items

i thought the steam library full of ultra shitty indie games was just a meme.

i don't exactly remember how the steam file system works. is it just the save data in \common?

Books and hangging out with friends, perhaps some sports if you like to do exercises.

go hiking nigga, it's so relaxing to be out in nature and away from the noises of the city

Tabletop RPGs with some friends, those are basically video games

That wasn't even the main folder

Only if you don't live in an arid shithole like Phoenix. Then you have to travel north to not die in the summer.

>living in a city

this must be truly suffering. nothing better than just opening your windows on a nice summer day and listening to the birds and the bugs and the wind in the trees while gayman.

cocaine. lots and lots of cocaine.

alternatively, you can read few books, go out and meet new people and get stabbed, watch some movies, learn new language, start working out

but yeah, cocaine is your best bet

I never expected to get genuine answers from Sup Forums. Thank you, anons. This is probably gonna be a tough break for me.

Have you ever thought about learning an instrument or getting better at drawing? These can be kinda expensive, but they can be really rewarding when you make something you really like.

Like you chose to be outside of a city you dumb underrage fuck. That's your parent decision and you followed because you're probably 16 grand maximum.

Once you get older and need to get your own place AND A JOB you will need to move closer to a city to find both.

Watch movies or TV shows.

I'm not that good at drawing, but I do know how to play 5 different instruments. Maybe I'll start writing my own music.

not him but I'm 25, living in the mountains away from the city. I have a nice job, my own place, and pay my own bills.

Dont lurk the boards or internet for videogames.
Eat well and exercise. Get healthy before coming back.

Fuck a girl or two.

jokes on you friend. i commute 45 minutes a day because decisions had to be made.

>waste a shitload of time in traffic each day
>don't have to deal with the city life shit

i think i made the right choice but i wish i didn't have to drive that long everyday.

>That's your parent decision and you followed because you're probably 16 grand maximum.
and wtf does this even mean?

to clarify its more like 40 minutes each way. so roughly an hour and a half since i stop at the gas station for fucking cigarettes that i hate to smoke every day

Oh you were actually serious and not just riling up shit?

Join a club or take some (non-academic) classes. Take acting/singing/painting/yogo lessons, join a sportsclub/band/anything.

Only stop every other day from now on and ration your cigarettes better.

you could just have some self control

read books

i was actually only vaping occasionally for 2 years but then i got a gf who smoked and she got me back into it only to promptly break it off after 6 months

You're probably going to relapse a little.

I don't mean to sound like a fedorah tipping faggot, but once you start playing videogames your brain craves that kind of interaction. Playing games is such a basic concept that nearly every animal on the planet does it.
You're going to end up playing SOMETHING during your 2 months; My suggestion is to buy some board games. They're a great way to bond with people and a nice substitute for videogames as far as brain exercise goes.

Still not an excuse famalam. Keep lowering the dosage of your daily poison consumption.

>Literally any of these
Hipster as fuck.
Normie cuck.

What ruined Sup Forums this much?

shitpost on Sup Forums

Feel free to live your life how you want it. Some people get satisfaction out of doing more than just playing videogames, shitposting and performing mediocre in college.

>going on a cleanse
What the fuck does this even mean?

Or go to the gym OP and replace those cravings with something physically beneficial.

Lift that addiction away OP.

>Projecting this hard
Whatever helps you (((people))) sleep at night.

You will adapt to life with no vidya in a week or two. Start learning japanese. Or any other language you like.

Its kinda easy to stop playing games due to how shit theyve all been imo. The real trick is to figure out a way to stop shitposting.

So would your future self (let's say 10 years from now) be happy with how you have spend your time, user?

I'd suggest structuring your life some. Wake up in the morning with a plan and try to follow that plan.

You'll stumble a lot at first but slowly you'll become more productive doing the things you WANT to do, but just find it easier to ignore for the internet or games.

It's nice and freeing.

Also try to get on a healthy diet, which depending on your region of the country, can be relatively inexpensive.

Do what you want with your life beyond video games, there's something for everyone, but you just gotta start it.

I wouldn't know. I don't plan on making it that far and pride is such a sophomoric emotion. Emotional detachment is the only unbiased form of existence.

Projecting here, but the real problem probably isn't even vidya games, but blowing so much time on Sup Forums and whatever the fuck else you browse. If you want to go on a real cleanse, avoid bullshit timewasting websites for a couple weeks.

Jesus I can tell you're an underage retard just by how you delete your fucking games.

What a moron.

You're planning on offing yourself?

you are deleting how much data?
Also if you are only going on a two month break why even bother deleting anything?

This is literally the first time I've posted on Sup Forums. I don't even lurk. At all.

>Fuck a girl or two.
You think OP is magic or something? How would anyone ever make this happen

Browsing is just as wasteful as posting.

He just said he doesn't lurk

I can't into reading.

Yeah, you're really sticking it to the existential man by being a memetic pissant in a thread and foregoing legitimate advice - tried and true before by many others - by others for the sake of a topic brought up just to make some point about a board that was never good to begin with, which is ironic given your "emotional detachment" sentiment.

As idiotic as you are - and you are, because you call people cuck ironically, which is just about as sophomoric as pride is to you - you sound like you need it just as much as everyone else, so the least you could do is make the best out of your situation.

Put your standards to the test: evaluate how emotional detachment can be the only unbiased form of existence and put it to an extreme by going into positions where you're forced to make a choice or read up on things where people had to do such. I know you'd like to think yourself a higher man, but preservation runs rich in your blood even still - with how you're still alive - and even through your standards, you probably won't fare up to being this "emotionally hardened badass" as you thought you were.

If we're going into vidya gaems (and really I should, as this should pertain more to the board anyway), then Planescape: Torment is a good example of this. Really, any roleplaying game is, but Planescape: Torment's a fucking connoisseur when it comes to that evaluation.

Structure yourself; don't just be an idiot that blindly says things other do (the ironica shit is cancer and you know it). Seperate that shit, or at least find meaning behind it so that you can make yourself better than the sum of its parts, even if it is just to fucking kick Chad in his dick.

And good luck. Hard as I might be, I can't just be a dick without meaning. I don't know if you will concern yourself too much with this, but hell, this thread's for helping, and tough love is sometimes needed. You'll do fine.

Holy shit a post longer than three sentences on Sup Forums

As sloppy as it is, I like to be informative and as concise as possible.

I also like to rant. I'm glad you were surprised/enjoyed it.

I think it totaled to about 750 GB. I'm deleting them because I know I have no self control when it comes to this shit.

I don't mind downloading them again when I come back.

reading is a meme

I wish there were more posters like you. Those posts where actual time and effort went into, luckily still stand out in the crowd of shit.

Read (get a library card)
Write (journal, short story, daily log, etc.)
Work out (walking the neighborhood is free)
Nature (hikes, swimming, depends on your location)
Volunteer (soup kitchen, sit in on AA/NA meetings and be supportive of others, or they always need a hand at the nursing home or food bank)
Other games (board games, tabletop, pen and paper/D&D)
Work (overtime, second job, training)

What do you do for a living? I'd like the kind of job that would allow me to live away from a big city.

learn to draw

what a retarded thing to ask. they're basically the same jobs except usually smaller in scale which generally means you end up working for a family owned business which is 10 times comfier than working for suits and having 100 piers that you're constantly competing with. the downside is there's basically no "ladder" to climb so chances to move up in salary within the company aren't always there. you might move up a level or two in 20 years, possibly if the company does really well get the occasional raise or bonus. if you just live within your means and don't fall for the "gotta get rich no matter what it takes so i can have nicer things than my friends" jew you'll live a better life anyways.

Are you just looking for an argument. All asked was what did for a living, for Christ's sake.

well what the fuck kind of an answer is he looking for?

>I'd like the kind of job that would allow me to live away from a big city.

what is the guy gonna tell him? what does user expect? hes a lumberjack? now hes gonna go look up lumberjack jobs on monster.com?

>well what the fuck kind of an answer is he looking for?
Probably something like, "I do _____ for a living," or, "______ is my career."
What's with the angst? People talk for the sake of it. You meet a guy on line to see a movie. Hey, what's up, what do you do for a living, how long you been married, etc.
You're looking for a fight where there isn't one to be had.

>You meet a guy on line to see a movie.
apparently we are just two vastly different people user. i imagine there's some sort of social disconnect between us and that's why you take my abrasiveness while posting on Sup Forums as legitimate angst and hatred for my fellow man.

i apologize to the orignal poster for using such harsh language and hope that he finds of the job of his dreams and escapes whatever shithole city he lives in.

feel better?

>feel better?
I didn't feel bad to begin with.
I take a positive approach to life when I can, and that includes interacting with other people without the expectation of some kind of gain. I like talking to people. The more you talk, the more you learn.
You can talk however you want. If I saw you on line at the grocery I'd say hello.

I work at a bank. I'm on the path towards management.

lol kill yourself


why? Because I live in a beautiful place and work a well paying job? Ok bud.

It's not a shitty bank either.

It doesn't even count of you still use Sup Forums and think about video games 24/7

If you're doing this because someone else told you to and have no plan of your own then it's a waste of time.


Watch anime

>Uninstalling games by removing the folders.

God damn, you're retarded.