Is he seriously gonna stay in blue?

Is he seriously gonna stay in blue?

I could have lived with a girl Link more than a blue one desu.

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He'll wear the Hero's clothes for the final act, I guarantee it

Fuck off Chris chan

I dunno, I think it would seem weird to suddenly have him put it on.
Especially the hat since he's rocking that little ponytail.

Dude he's green, that's his thing. It's like Mario suddenly wearing yellow or something.

They've mentioned before that they didn't have him in the classic tunic because they wanted to advertise the emphasis on customization. Promoting him with the tunic/hat/Master Sword/Hylian Shield would misrepresent a major part of the game, they felt. They've never outright said it's not in the game though, even when directly questioned, so I'm pretty sure it's definitely in. I see it being something you either get in the final act of the story, or some optional late-game reward from a sidequest (like the Hero's Charm or the Golden Master Sword). If they decide to incorporate a Hero Mode/Master Quest, I could see them letting you start with the tunic from the very beginning.

It's because it is a sequel to Windwaker.

Is he seriously gonna stay in pink hair?

I could have lived with a girl Link more than a pink haired one desu.

That's because of the limitations of the SNES. Specifically, they wanted bunny link to be pink and not yellow/blonde.

You're silly and you know it.

I see a blue link in that pic

Also it's been shown that he changes clothes at some point. You probably craft the green tunic as ultimate armor or something.

Pink hair Link is based AF

Meme split links dont count, the "real" Link still wears green when he discovers the four sword or whatever it was called.

Why'd Link turn into a bunny anyway? Bunnies are fucking pussies.

He'll get it later in the game you dipshits.

Just like the master sword, and shield, and all the other classic-link things. Just like every game.

Well he gets the standard outfit after like 10 minutes in "every other game".


Mario wears his standard outfit in that game, thats just some promotional art.

I think they did a good job with the blue tunic. He still looks like link, somehow.


Makes me think a major theme of the game is Link earning back his status as the "hero" after fucking up 100 years ago.

Is this real or just a fan theory?

You can change Link's hairstyle

Aonuma said the game is connected to Twilight Princess so it's not even the same timeline as WW.

Then again thes koroks or whatever they're called showed up in the trailer.

The blue is probably a nod to WW Link's baller PJs, the one with the shrimp on it.

>Equippable armor

You'll definitely put on the green tunic at some point in the game, there's no question. The actual question is if you're man enough to NOT use the hero's regalia in the final battle.

Maybe each element of the hero's clothing is part of a "legendary" quest which follows the main theme of the game where it supposedly originated from? The "official" explanation for the green tunic up to this point was that the hero was raised by elves in the forest that all wore green. So you do quests for the kokiri or whatever their analogue is in BoTW and they give you Verdant Tunic or whatever and it eventually gets upgraded to Hero's Tunic?



What do you think of this random nobody's thoughts on the placement?

Because Link is cute! CUTE!

I want to beat Ganon shirtless with my fist.


>no green tunic
>no green hat
>no sign of the hylian shield yet

Nintendo, like other companies, just don't get it. They always, always feel the unprompted desire to change icons, with a "meh, they'll accept it / get used to it, if we force it on them" attitude.

would explain how it could reference both TP and WW, I buy it

Isn't Majora's Mask literally the ONLY game you start with the Hylian Shield?

Hell isn't entirely optional in TP and SS?

>I could have lived with a girl Link more than a blue one desu.
kill yourself

you get it after like the first dungeon in TP and you unlock it in NG+ in SS.

The green tunic is iconic, Link being male is not. You can't seriously debate this.

I doubt we've only seen 'beginning of the game' scenes, user. This is the Link we'll be getting now. No green attire, possibly no legendary, iconic Hylian shield.

I thought you could get it from the thunder god trials on your first playthrough.

I want pink hair to come back.

You can change his clothes.

>Link being male is not

>Connected to TP
>But screams "Wind Waker" at every turn.
Fuck, I think I even recognized a couple of set pieces from Spirit Tracks in there.

Source? Images/video?



Aside from the armor, have yet to see him wear a hat, much less the iconic green hat.

Dude, Link has had so many different appearances and styles and hell, he looks pretty androgynous in half of the game to begin with.

The green tunic has been the consistent thing about his appearance.

o yeah I forgot how early Malo Mart was

Yep indeed you can, still fairly late game.

I don't think it's even in Wind Waker at all.

The point is, it's not always an early game item and in one case it wasn't even in the game at all.

this. my bet's it takes place in old hyrule after the draining of the great sea

>The green tunic has been the consistent thing about his appearance.
Also his penis.

But that was never the focus or a key part of the his character. He doesn't have much of a character, he is the tunic. The tunic is what makes Link Link, not his genitals.

You can play the entirety of TP without a shield if you're not bad at games and/or know your timing for Mortal Draw. Since there's no way to skip on the first shield you're given, you have to wait until the second dungeon, but it's perfectly feasible to do a no-shield run in TP.

Shields are optional in SS from a mechanical standpoint, but they're too much a part of the combat for it to be anything but incredibly frustrating to do a no-shield run, especially with bosses. You have to have incredibly precise strikes, and a lot of enemies love teleporting their arms all over the place to block you.

>he looks pretty androgynous
not once have I ever thought Link looked androgynous in any game. is he a big manly masculine character? no but he's never come off as feminine to me at all.

not to mention he has always been male ie. being male is a major part of his character.

>Link should never have audio dialogue, everyone else can
>Link should have a green tunic
>Link should a green phrygian cap
>Link should have, at some point, the Hylian shield
>Link should always be male, just as Mario and Star Fox and Donkey Kong

These are like... basic tenants of LoZ. Basic. Must-be-there items, since LttP. These are items that help crystallize the iconography

How does it converge everything though?

>Link should never have audio dialogue, everyone else can
somewhat agree
>Link should have a green tunic
strongly agree
>Link should a green phrygian cap
strongly agree
>Link should have, at some point, the Hylian shield
not sure
>Link should always be male, just as Mario and Star Fox and Donkey Kong
not sure

You can upgrade your armor and weapons I guarantee you get them at some point in the main quest. Them being Green tunic master sword and Hylian shield

well that's the plot I suppose

I'm not upset that he's not in a green tunic and cap, I'm upset that I don't see an option for him to be in them (yet). If he's going to be in that shabby blue getup until, say, he gets the master sword, then fine. I'll take him donning the green tunic, and green cap, and master sword, and hylian shield, all at one time at a set point in the game. That's OK with me (provided it's not at the end of the game..). But as of yet, we've seen lots of trailers and actual gameplay footage, and only the MS has been seen so far.

he looks like a girl anyway, only difference would be boobs

I'll never get why Aonuma threw in that one Toon game after Twilight Princess other than to say he could

Same reason Triforce Heroes is in the third timeline, I guess. Gotta have Toon Link everywhere.

Are you just being contrarian?

This is Link. This is the staple Link. Yes, like almost all Zelda games, you CAN get/change into a new tunic (color) and subsequently a new cap color, you CAN change to a different shield, you CAN change to a new sword, you CAN change to a new pair of gloves, you CAN change to a new pair of boots - hell, you can even swap into a set of armor!


THIS is Link. This is the association with Link. This is the iconic standard for Link.

>Link should never have audio dialogue


i guarantee he will wear the hero's clothes at some point in the game

He's wearing blue because the game is Breath of the Wild and the green tunic would blend in with the environments.

This may not be true in reality, but I know how Japanese game developers think.


there are some games where the Hylian shield doesn't even look like that though. Is it ok to have any shield design as long as it's named "Hylian Shield"?

>THIS is Link. This is the association with Link. This is the iconic standard for Link.

if anything OoT shows how you can shake up the iconic look

>still not getting the point

Good job so far, troll. 2/5

Link being fucking left handed was far more iconic up until the Wii fucked it up with two games in a row that just ignored that the controller was achiral anyway.

The Deku Tree confirms that he knows this Link.

The only Links that have met the deku tree are WW and OoT (and SS if you want to count him appearing as a seed)

So yeah. Its 100% confirmed you play as one of these, and WW is the most likely one.

Are you saying the shield isn't as important as the tunic/sword/hat/etc or what

not even the same guy


user, you couldnt live with a girl regardless of any circumstances.

So uhhh do we have any idea what the fuck happened to Ganondorf to turn him into a crazy mass of pure dark energy yet?

Well EXCUUUSE me, princess.

Not that user, and I agree I feel you're just trying to be a contrarian or a nitpicker, but here's some visual for your ignorance. The shield design is different at times, yes, but different design =/= absent. Not every title has it, yes, but it's still just as a staple as the MS. This is kinda common sense at this point..

So are you just saying he has to have SOME KIND of shield, and not necessarily the one from OoT?

Blue and green are the same in Japanese.

>still trolling this hard

ITT: Autists that never used the Zora Tunic.

If this is set in the downfall timeline after OoT, it could be that the seal on the sacred realm is starting to fail and Ganon can manifest into Hyrule in that form.

This is your new Link, plebs. Love it, accept it, deal with it.

I think I'm the one being trolled here desu. What point are you making exactly?

ITT: Dumbasses who treat an optional tunic as the standard.

>This is the staple Link.
>posts OoT

You need to be 18 to browse this site, son.

My points were made quite clearly several posts ago. Even exemplified by images. Your lack of understanding isn't my problem. But hey, 3/5 since you got fed more.

you guys are being retarded. his tier 1 tutorial area outfit is the blue clothes. then when you start upgrading you get he better shit in different colors.

I mean, last week saw him in both post-OoT timelines he died, so maybe he's just a big angry buzzing soul now.

>zoras and ritos both exist in BotW

Better question is, how DOESN'T it?

For better or worse, OoT is the FF7 of Zelda

Also, it doesn't help that Aonuma hates any Zelda he didn't make.

Right, because characters don't evolve into, what is considered, their standard, iconic styles.

It's like everyone forgot that theres a buttload of different equippable outfits or something

Proof? Source? Image/video? Until then that's speculation and hope.

Tfw no Ganonbro

Would have been cooler if Link was adopted by the Gerudo

Dragon Break.

Optional, yes. But when the basic isn't even available, that's an issue.

because you can change outfits at all. they wouldn't have outfit changing as a mechanic if you never get anything different.

If you're the guy who posted the OoT link, it seemed like your point was that every Link's standard look has to be the same even if they get different optional gear.

Then when I brought up how the hylian shield looks different sometimes, I guess you changed your mind. If your point was something other than "every link should look exactly like OoT link" you did not make it very clearly.

Yeah I could see that, like some idiot pulls the Master Sword out of Statue Ganondorf's head after Wind Waker, his physical body is destroyed but he manages to continue existing as a sort of abstract entity due to his great power.