Is he "our guy" now?
Is he "our guy" now?
He could be the savior of the white race, but it's sad about the
>Pewdiepie is now redpilling thousands of youth
Truly this is the best timeline.
I unironically want to watch him jack off
He doesn't give a shit anymore since he's been raking in too much $$$ so now he's just shitposting in real life.
Shame he still acts like a cancerous cunt and I can't stand more than 5 seconds of his weird ass talking act.
Get your faggotry out of here. This overrated pos is a 30 year old that played the clown for 13 year olds and abused their gullibility to make millions off of their asses.
Millions of dumbass children hang on his lips and he had absolutely nothing to say to them. It's disgusting, it's a farce and fuck you for being a fanboy of utter useless trash like him.
You morons are fucking up any chance the White race has of redpilling anyone. The exact same memes and rage is what created the SJW shit in the first place. You haven't learned from history.
you can't be this retarded
Not video games.
Head to /gif/ to talk about felix
If you think Kjellberg is a jewish name you're fucking daft, mate.
Maybe there's just nothing left to say
>make millions of people's stupidity
>openly makes fun of himself, his fans and his older videos
>calls out youtube on its bullshit despite how big he is in it
>people everywhere butthurt that he's rich as fuck while sitting back playing vidya and being a goofball
>has a cute girlfriend
>will make jelly fags like you mad for the rest of your life with no effort
It's settled. poods IS /ourguy/
I fucking love previously recorded.
>Berg is jewish
When will this fucking shitty Sup Forums meme die?
...Berg = Germanic name
The reason why many jews have names with ...Berg is because they have "german ancestry" (aka they were jews who were integrated into german society pre-Nazi era)
Berg literally means mountain in Swedish
>t. Gold(((berg)))
wew lad pewds
He always was.
Shut up jew
Are your parents brother and sister?
You are the kind of kid in here that does nothing but console wars.
>openly admits his old videos are shit and he purposely made them that way for kiddie views
>always our guy
>Samsung s7
Best youtuber
what's up with the forcing of cultural opinions, I fucking hate the new wave of internet marketing
Jews like to use a pronunciation that sounds closer to Burg than Berg and in this case the "E" in Berg sounds more like "Eh".
And Burg,Borg = Castle.
>what's up with the forcing of cultural opinions, I fucking hate the new wave of internet marketing
wow u sound very smart
That demands even more respect to be honest.
We totally have. A lot of SJW stuff started out as innocuous jokes and irony as well. "Many a true word is said in jest" or what have you.
Tzhis true, but it's also something I was always curious about. It's always the same few words too.
Stern (star), Berg (mountain), Stein (stone), Blum/e (flower), Bach (creek), Feld (field), Gold or a combination of those.
Ignaz Shekelbergstein
I think it is a form of trying to sound more impressive with your name.
If I remember correctly some Jewish tribes didn't even have surnames.
>Is he "our guy"
This garbage needs to die.
Why can't you be happy with just liking the guy yourself? Why do you need to bring your e-celeb worship everywhere you go and wear it like a badge for everyone to see it?
People worshiping people is even more retarded than people worshiping invisible entities. You should be ashamed of yourself.
>The Indian guys and Felix are banned from Fiverr
>YouTube de-monetized that video
Oy vey
is user /ourguy/?
Wait, did they really ban the indians? Aren't they above jews on the leftist scale of oppression?