Switch version or Wii U version?

Switch version or Wii U version?


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There is no Wii U version anymore OP.

Wii U, I lost all hype for the Switch.

shut up

Wii U

I can deal with poor framerate

why would you buy a 300$ shitty console to play one game when it's also going to come out on an older console?

Wii U.
No way Im getting a launch Switch.

I just hope framerate isnt total shit

Anybody who bought a Wii U is a retard, so NX

CEMU version

Switch. I don't want to deal with even worse framerates and visuals than what was shown. Though, there's no way I'm buying it on launch.

WiiU because there's no way in the world I'm supporting that crap of a voice acting, so I'll pirate it.

WiiU, I make the mistake of buying that at launch
Never again.

$360 for zelda is too much on it's own but I will absolutely NEVER buy another Nintendo console on launch.

The writing is already on the wall. It launches in a month and a half. Everyone they brought out on stage said "we're working on something" or "We're excited to start working on something"

Suda51 showed a picture of a fucking character. No title, no screenshots, just "we'd like to make another game with him"

It's WiiU2

Going with WiiU version, since I don't buy consoles on launch.
It was a pretty hard internal struggle to come up with that answer though.

You are stuck in loop.

Wii U. No way am I dropping 300$+ just to play one single game.

WiiU will have better framerates, calling it now.

It was developed almost entirely for the WiiU and was delayed to cobble a Switch port together.

I'm not getting a 300$ piece of crap to play this game so WiiU.

But wait...WiiU is ANOTHER 300$ piece of crap

Wii U since I only just bought a second-hand one a couple months ago. There's no way I'd ever buy any console at launch.


Switch later, maybe on holidays, so I can pick it up with Mario, Disgaea5 andPuyoPuyoTetris

It clearly doesn't, from what we've seen. The E3 gameplay segment showed awful performance and the Switch was only relatively better. It'll still run at ~30fps with framedrops on the Switch and closer to 25fps on the Wii U.

Wii U, for obvious reasons

Wii U. The graphics on NX barely look any better at all, so what's the point? I can't imagine the framerate being much different between the two, either.

Did you miss the Jimmy Fallon thing or are you shitposting for the sake of shitposting?


i'll maybe get a switch when Xenoblade 2 comes out

That WiiU emulator seems to be coming along rather fast. So I guess I'll just pirate it and play it in a year or two.

900p on Switch
720p on Wii U
4K on Cemu

>buying the watered down, slower running version

Nigga, please.

Both, but will play the Wii U version first

If it turns out that the Switch version is notably better than WiiU, then I'll get a Switch. This will tide me over until Splatoon 2.

>Switch version still runs at 30 FPS

I think we have a contender for Blunder of the Millenium.

Well, at least until Wii U emulation gets good, and we can enjoy the game at a proper 1080p 60 with no frame drops.


>4K on Cemu
and poor performance

>free on wiiu
>600+ on switch

hmm I wonder

Well there's framedrops on all of them, so at least you get the higher resolution?

>being a faggot pirate

did anyone see a clearly difference?

It kinda looks clearer, better lightning(?) and better fps. But the pop ups are still there.

Thats exactly what you did with the Wii U though.

We all did. :(

still the definitive version, and will get better over time

Nice memebait.

It's not the definitive though. Cemu has input lag, graphical and audio glitches, and performance.

Key phrase: over time

It must be upsetting when people get the definitive version for free where you have to shell out $400+ for 900p

too smert to be cucked by entertainment industry

A year down the line and we'll have a much better game than whatever's on the Bitch.
Plus all the other Wii U games. You get... nerfed Breath of the Wild and... Well, yeah.. Sorry about that.
See ya.

Any guides on Wii U hacking?

>Key phrase: over time

I'd bank on it running decently sooner than later. Just in time for everyone who bought a Switch to realize their deep regret.


What gives? I mean, I realise that nintendo games isnt everyone's taste, but what exactly did you expect to play when you bought it that didnt end up being released?

more like too poor to afford basic media

It's okay though. You probably need the money for rent and to make ends meet.

the switch doesn't even look stronger than the Wii U. is it? I feel like the game should run the same on both systems and don't care enough about the potential small difference to buy a Switch for a single game when I already own Wii U.

>A year down the line and we'll have a much better game than whatever's on the Bitch.
No you won't, but whatever helps you sleep at night.

>You get... nerfed Breath of the Wild
That's not how it works.

>See ya.
See ya bitch

The main difference seems to be 720p on Wii U vs 900p on Switch (when docked)

>Implying anyone owns a Wii U

They could cancel the Wii U version and no one would even notice.

it is. just enough to warrant it capable of running inferior multiplat releases with the current gen

Has it been confirmed to be 900p?

Going to laugh when the Switch is trending under the Wii U in sales

With a $300 price tag plus $70 controllers, it just might.

I was waiting for the WiiU version...

Apparently Nintendo reps are telling people it's 900p when docked

Then there's this:

Switch, didn't buy a Wii U. I'm banking on the Switch being the vita 2, portability is king for me even if tethered by a power cable.

Just remember to please be courteous of your fellow flight passengers

>Wanting to play a nerfed version of Breath of the Wild when you can emulate it at 4K 60+FPS

Sorry, Nintendo. You're not getting my money.

Wii U version because it's gonna be a collectors item in the future.

>waiting for emulator support
There will most likely be support as soon as it comes out on Wii U with how well Cemu is coming along.

Meh... it happened with Twilight Princess...

I bought that on GC when it came out though.

If you have a hi end gaming PC which can handle the emulation which costs a shitload of money.

Has there been any confirmation how much graphical difference there'll be between Wii U and Switch? The games look identical on screens, so I guess it comes down to the framerate.

cemu version

Is the Wii U getting the Master Edition, or is that only for the Switch version?

Switch, and I own a Wii U lmao

What a dead console.

>which costs a shitload of money.
Hardly. If you can afford a Switch, game and Joycon charging grip for $390, you can afford to upgrade your PC.

The retardation is real.

I'm about to upgrade my card to an RX 470/480. The 480's been floating around at about $150 atm.. and the 470 should drop to around 110-120. Meanwhile the rest of my rig is circa 2011 and still going strong. If thats not budget gaming I don't know what is.

Enjoy your input lag and glitches

>he gives money to nintendo


>posts pepe and anime girls
>calls others cucks
So you're a cuck and a poorfag. Got it.

>he gives money to nintendo

your thread is waaay over there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

lmao so fucking mad

>All these retards buying a Switch at launch

The Wii U seriously taught you nothing?

Glorious 4k. I'd wager Switch emulation will take far less time than Wii-U did

Except the switch has a fucking launch lineup well worth $400.

Wii U

Of course, can't wait for Switch Sports

It has Zelda and ?

The project seems to have a wizard(s) working on it. The progress has been incredible so far. Wonder if they'll hit a roadblock or if they can keep this pace all the way to a mature release.

Yeah but
>buying a Wii U ever


I mean we have
>umm.. hold on a second
>1, 2 Switch? No, that's a dumb party game that should've been bundled with the console
>Bomberman? People still remember and care about Bomberman?

Who owns a PiiU though?

They're only $50 less than Switch too.

There will be more, probably Animal Crossing and Monster Hunter and Bayo 3.

Switch because I realized I could take it with me.

I'm assuming all the Nintendrones already have Wii Us

>Holy shit, Zelda BoTW looks like fucking ass, those graphics are terrible!

>Ok, I'll get it on Wii U I guess

Nintendrones really don't know which narrative to stick to when it comes to Zelda.

Anyway, on topic i'll be getting it on Wii U or Emulating it if it runs well on Cemu


>games not even announced
>some how they'll be ready for launch

ok serious question everyone: can anyone tell me why this situation is gonna be any different, at all, from twilight princess? ported and boosted as wii launch title but the definitive version was easily the gamecube one

Great, a Switch might be worth it in 2020 when those games come out and the Switch U is announced

>Nintendrones really don't know which narrative to stick to when it comes to Zelda.
This board is infested with marketers. The entire idea is to get you to buy a Switch

Wii U. I don't generally buy a console until a year and a half to two years after release, and this time is no different.

The game was likely meant to run at 30 FPS, seeing as it was originally a Wii U title. To make it 60 FPS they would have to redone all animations, particle effects etc.

The Wii U is around $80-120 second hand

The two versions are going to be near identical this time

There's really no advantage the Wii U has over the Switch
You could argue the GC controller was better than the wiimotes but you can play the Switch version too and it has (slightly) better graphics

It all really comes down to price. It will basically cost $400+ to play with slightly better graphics which probably isn't worth it for Wii U owners