What are some good games from Europe?
What are some good games from Europe?
Holy shit, was Ben Garrison always this savage?
>spouting the same meme as the rest of the far right
Didn't take long for the cuck to crawl out of the woodwork. Go prep your bull some more, Sven.
>Holy shit, was Ben Garrison always this savage?
Sup Forums turned him to the dark side after years of shopping his comics with the happy merchant.
>looks like ethiopia
Die Oromo scum
The Nokia game. It's very simple.
Step 1: Pick up an old Nokia phone.
Step 2: Throw it at a person.
Step 3. Repeat the process.
you sound upset dude
>ethiopia is labelled somalia
>Sup Forumstard education
Risen, Drakensang: River of Time, EU4, CK2, Mount and Blade.
the knockout game
Fuck off already.
>Norway is Norway
>Even though Norway has more immigrants than Denmark
What did Ben Garrison mean by this?
>africa and saudi around the same size
triggered a f right now.
maybe those africans will finally discuss vidya instead of shitposting politics at least
Sup Forums is Sup Forums cuck. Sorry you're triggered that we own this place and we just allow you to post here. But go ahead and bitch on /qa/ more, I'm sure Hiroshima will listen :^)
Most of the good games come from the glorious land of Britain.
Even our Prime Minster commended it.
I mean try and prove that any other country has a much of an impact as Britain in the EU.
>Prussia gets to come back
Worth it
that artstyle is tumblr-tier garbage desu
>far right
lefty/pol/ at it again
Let's get this show on the road.
good to know that garrison knows that all germans are the niggers of europe desu
Donkey Kong Country 1, 2, and 3
5 Scoops
What else you got?
What's his name agaim?
Some German company made this and it's excellent
>it's a "libtard gets triggered and spams furry porn" episode
What you want?
Sup Forums
>shitpost thread
if 5, all Sup Forumscucks get gassed
Got any non-anime stuff, like from airing cartoons? Preferably futa?
Thanks for the (you).
everything you got f-am
>no state of Bavaria
This is bullshit.
As far from 5 as possible, unfortunately.
New Gorillaz fucking when?
Was this the 5 you're looking for?
That's some mighty fine furry you got there. Hope you don't mind if I drop some loli too.
>far right
This year
Japanese-themed to do with Noodle's growth
The Witcher.
5 pls
Noodle a cute
What, you want ponies or something? I don't know what's airing.
>turned him to the dark side
Wyatt Mann is Zyklon Ben.
Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends
Go right ahead.
>going for Kleindeutschland ever
I think not
>he can't 5
Why would you jump to ponies? Is the theme furries for this afternoon? Post Loud House or Steven Universe or some shit. There is a lot of good porn out there.
It doesn't really sound like you've grasped the situation in europe. And judging from what I've seen on this site, cuck shit is an american phoneme.
I don't know any of that shit, I'm an adult? I have better things to do as you can see.
nice pic
daily reminder that germany never won a war
Heavy Rain was made by the French
It doesn't though, and most of them are Swedes or Polacks. Try again.
No, they're just pretty good at making sure everyone else also has a bad time