Okay, The Switch hate is irritating but it happens for every console...

Okay, The Switch hate is irritating but it happens for every console. The only thing that's stupid is people saying Nintendo should've made a tradition console, but let's be honest they never have, and I'm almost sure you wouldn't like if they did so just admit you guys are just being negative/pessimistic about it because that's how you are not because of the switch.

Other urls found in this thread:


Make a fucking coherent thought. I can barely begin to understand what you're trying to say. The shitty business practices, the new horrible paid online model, the god awful lineup, and much more on top of Nintendo being a very anti-consumer company and you have yourself a fuckton of hate. Stop with the fanboying.

You all said the same shit for every console this generation, yet both of the consoles, XBONE and PS4, are successful so what do you expect from Nintendo? Some free online and all the first party exclusives in one launch? No one else does this nor will they so stop acting like this is something to hate on. Anti-Consumer? Name one thing that Microsoft or Sony does that is "Pro-consumer" I'll wait.

I think a traditional console would have been better and its pretty much what everyone really wants,we just want a normal system at a decent price so we can play nintendo games without waving a wand around.

Wtf are you talking about, sperg. Smash your face into a brick wall.

How is this not that, all of the main first party and third party games don't require movement, just get a pro-controller and play the game, you don't even need to use the tablet mode, you still the exclusives you wanted so I don't see the problem.

Make me you fucking faggot.

So because Microsoft and Sony are anti-consumer too that totally discredits anything Nintendo does that's anti-consumer because they were supposedly, I'm just guessing you think they're the last ones, the last ones to do it.
>You all
Why the fuck does everyone think everyone that visits and posts on Sup Forums has the exact same opinion as everyone else who visits and posts on Sup Forums. I have to tell you that I hate both consoles. Playstation has horrible friend communication in general, switched to another horrible paid online model, and literally only has a decent lineup of games to back it up. Microsoft is anything but consumer friendly. There hasn't been a good console in far too long. So I tell you, I and many other people are shitting on this because yes they decided to do something left field and not what many people have told them to do. If they did make a traditional console and didn't do all that other shit I provided for you in the previous message then we wouldn't be shitting on them. They're a bad company who made a worse console.


Every single generation I look through all the consoles and decide which ones I'm going to buy. I never attach myself to a company so I don't give a fuck.

It's the second time Nintendo makes me fucking laugh with their shit. Handhelds are literally the only thing they're good at, and that's because you can't really pack that many gimmicks into a small console.

I simply don't understand why anyone would buy a Switch.

The only reason why someone would even fucking consider it is "y-you can take it anywhere you go", but nobody wants to fucking play games outside. If you have a job you will go home right after work/socializing and if you don't you probably spend most of your time at home. It looks cringeworthy, there's absolutely no reason why you'd want to play games outside and if you're going on a trip or something you can just emulate GBA/PSP games on your fucking phone.

I simply don't fucking understand. Switch looks like an alternate timeline Wii U.

>Xbone and ps4 are successful
You just named the only two next gen consoles. Since the vast majority of people like having a controller in their hands they can't not be successful you FUCKING CHEESE GRATER

It's not an excuse for Nintendo, I don't even have a console. It's just that when everybody is doing something and making money why would you expect a company like Nintendo to not follow when they are on hard times. And I think this because the whole front page of Sup Forums is a bunch of posters parroting the exact same shit over and over.

>It happens for every console

Not at this level of shitposting. Even the shitposters stopped giving a shit about the bone a day after its announcement.

I was using the wand as an example of the gimmicks nintendo keep pushing out,the gimmick with this system is the tablet itself,i dont like the idea of taking it out the dock and playing it because theres really no reason to do that if you have access to a tv ,people arent going to take this thing out of the house anyway.


Nintendo shouldn't have made a traditional console.
But should have taken a page out of the traditional console books: Get some fucking games for it before the release!

The Switch looks cool and the upcoming games will be great but

>overpriced console and accessories
>multiplats shit and horrible launch line up
>all the good games don't even come out till a year/2 years from now

It's the year 2017. We still have to forgive Nintendo and bear with their laziness and greed. I think I'll just let my stupid cousin buy it and have him give it to me when he gets bored of it. (Which has happened with the wii and wii u because nintendo consoles have been garbage)

Then shut the fuck up, now we have three and by your logic Switch should be successful because "people like a having a controller in their hands" shit dude make a batter argument.

> but it happens for every console.

No, Sup Forums hate happens for every console. Not the mass hate Switch is getting right now

Youtube comments
Nintendo /vg/
Kinda Funny Games
Friendly Alliance
Easy Allies
Giant Bomb

Are all laughing at how horrible this reveal was

>5 launch titles
>paid online
Is this the worst launch ever?

>This guy trying to act like he's not a nintendo fanboy

Then don't do it, the console is 100$ less that the other consoles at launch and it has games that play without gimmicks.

Why are you not talking about paid online when you drones shitposted about it for 3 years?

>I can emulate a GBA/PSP

But those won't be able to play more hardware intensive titles, portable AND on your TV, in one device.

When the fuck did I say that it wouldn't be successful? Retard. OF COURSE IT WILL BE. Just like literally everyone who wasted money on a 3DS and a PS Vita. You literally are autistic.

>Easy Allies
Why does everyone reveal they're mentally a 14 year old?

The entire Xbox One launch lineup was on last gen except for Dead Rising 3 same for PS4 minus Knack and Killzone.

Name 5 launch titles from other consoles that were actually worth playing

PS4 and Xbawks had only like two actually new games too.
Neo Sup Forums apparently doesn't even play games, they just parrot whatever they said on twitch.

Are you implying those 5 are worth it? It's Zelda and the rest is shit.

What I mean is if you NEED to have games with you on a trip you can just play something else.

I don't want a console that will be "everything in one device" if I can have seperate devices that are better at what they do.

Long trips are the only fucking reason you'd ever want to buy a Switch. I don't even want to know how long does the battery survive, because if it dies in less than 5 hours then it's a fucking trainwreck

no games on switch

>Ethernet port
>On [current year]

I thought we handed everything wirelessly.

Are you implying BOTW is going to be good? kek

I was excited for the switch until
>Paid online
>1 2 Switch (Wii Sports 2: Electric Boogaloo)

It can't possibly be on the level of the shovelware that is the other 4 titles.

>5 launch titles
>only one worth a shit is multiplat

I'll just go get a dirt cheap wii-u, thanks though.

I'm still reeling from the shock that they are charging for online. I can't think of any game besides Splatoon that I would be willing to pay money to play online.

I will.

Even if everyone does it user, it dosent make it "right". If everyone else started eating shit and dying, would you say that it's a good hing because everyone else is doing it?

Don't forget the shitty boxing minigame got its own standalone game

Meant for this for the other reply srry

Just seems like a waste to have the tablet which increases production costs when i dont want it.

Really depends on your own schedule, or how insecure you are.
A guy who has to constantly travel for work. Looks like it works well for him.
I'll probably buy the Switch just because it looks like a good console. Fun games, nice controllers, the portability appeals to me. Though I fear it'a going to fail so it might be a bad investment.

Xbone and PS4 are successful because they demonstrated value, either by way of listening to fan feedback or by providing consumers with an incentive to hop on board (specs, affordability, games, HAVING PRODUCTS FUCKING IN STOCK HOLY SHIT NINTENDO I HATE YOUR ARTIFICIAL SCARCITY, etc.)

Nintendo is, as usual, extremely late to the party -- for fuck's sake, they used SKYRIM as one of their "killer apps" to show off the Switch. They're consistently playing second banana, under performing, overpricing, and recycling and can't seem to understand why people are sick and tired of their shit.

be older than 18 years old


I remember the Wii U apologists at the Wii U reveal like it was yesterday.
History repeats itself.

Up until the GameCube every single one of their home consoles were traditional, I really don't see your point.

You may argue that the NES was revolutionary at the time or some shit, but no other home console of theirs coming after the NES was any significantly different aside from raw power, and marginal updates on controllers like adding more buttons. Nothing incredibly gimmicky, like the Wii.

I was up for it until the paid online as well. If Skyrim is coming to it that means the leak is real and Monster Hunter will be on the Switch, so this is troubling.

It's incredibly fitting that the new Nintendo console is coming out with a game titled "Has-Been Heroes"

>Then don't do it, the console is 100$ less that the other consoles at launch and it has games that play without gimmicks.
It's $210 more than a NES at launch.
Which had a better launch line up, too.

Why do Nintendo fan boys feel the need to defend a coporation?

>imgur filename
Like pottery

Didn't the Gamecube under perform?
Also, prior to the Gamecube, they didn't really have that many rivals (Sega during the 16-bit days, Sony during the N64 era) whereas now they have Sony and Microsoft to compete with.

GameCube was traditional though. It was Nintendo's last traditional console.

The Wii started the gimmick-focused and underpowered hardware trend.

Same can be said to anyone that endorses paid online services. The fact Nintendo and Sony gave into that beast makes them a joke with MS.

Even more surprising that Nintendo gave in considering their service was never one to pay for.

Not really, just pointing out that there hasn't been a console launch in a long time where the launch titles are worth playing. People buy the console anyway.

360 - PGR? Perfect dark?
PS3 - Lair?
PS4 - Killzone, oh great!
Xbone - Ryse?
Wii U - ...

Nobody actually enjoys a launch. It's all just hype and early adopters/regret barons.

Sorry, I may have put it wrong, but that's what I meant also.

Oh come on. Paid online is a home console rule now.

Had the zapper, ROB and that giant ass pad to run on
This had a kinda zapper but this is probably they closest they had with a traditional console
Had the joystick, Z-targeting, expansion areas in the controllers themselves, the (Japanese only for numerous reasons) Disk Drive.
Fairly portable, minidisks, and quite a fair number of accessories such as the GameBoy Advanced connector and the internet adapter (Which really only worked with one game pretty much)
Do I even need to describe this?
>Wii U
They tried to keep casuals but most people had moved on by then.
They are merging their home and portable markets. I actually think this is a brilliant move on their part. Sure, the battery life could be better but at least you also get a portable charging cable. Other than that, the console really is built "using DNA from all previous consoles and game systems" (except maybe the Virtual Boy).

did you adjust for inflation? right here on this website they did, and it looks like the nes was the equivalent of $449 in todays economy
>you're a fucking moron, get over yourself.

No, as a Nintendo fan fuck you. Nintendo wasn't suppose to ever make me pay for online, they barely have any online games in the first place.


It's absolutely not about being insecure. I wouldn't have a problem playing videogames in a park. I just don't fucking understand why someone would rather play vidya outside than at home. It's objectively (yes, I said it) worse.

A guy who has constantly travel for work is probably the only person who will ever need it. Unless you have to spend 4 hours a day in a bus/train you won't ever need a Switch. And even then you can do something else to enjoy your favorite games at home in your own personal space instead of trying to play them in a bus/train.

>fun games

What fun games? New Zelda I guess, what else? Skyrim Switch edition?

forgot the link, fml.

$199 at launch (equivalent to $481 in 2016)

>Had the zapper, ROB and that giant ass pad to run on
>This had a kinda zapper but this is probably they closest they had with a traditional console
>Had the joystick, Z-targeting, expansion areas in the controllers themselves, the (Japanese only for numerous reasons) Disk Drive.
>Fairly portable, minidisks, and quite a fair number of accessories such as the GameBoy Advanced connector and the internet adapter (Which really only worked with one game pretty much)

All of these were optional at best, and none of these get even close to the bullshit we had to put up with forced gimmicks from the Wii on. You have literally no point.

True, however Nintendos online services were never good enough to even consider paying for. The free trial period better show some promise otherwise they better back out and make it free again.

On top of all that in order to get voice chat you need to use a smart device like your phone. The fuck is with that?

it's fine it's just video games in general are too expensive in anywhere but the US now

>$199 at launch (equivalent to $481 in 2016)
The basic NES was $89.99 at launch.

>meme generator
Wew lad

Man, drones piss me off.

>Nintendo has never made a traditional console

What is everything before the Wii (besides the Virtual Boy obviously)

>did you adjust for inflation?
US Inflation doesn't matter for video game console launch pricing. Sony learned that the hard way.

>made a tradition console, but let's be honest they never have

NES probably cant caount since traditions were being established then, but what was nontraditional about SNES?

For the absolute basic version then it's $173.29 in 2016. Thing is I know no one who bought just the basic system.

Literally fucking nothing, he has been called out on this bullshit by numerous posters by now, of course he conveniently avoids the question, or presents horseshit like this

>Thing is I know no one who bought just the basic system.
But we are expected to shell out 330 € for a Switch without a game?

>It's a good idea to milk a cow once instead of twice

Shareholders disagree. Nintendo just killed their handheld market

>one (1) good launch game
>voice chat and game invites require a smartphone
>graphics the same, if not worse, than the Wii U
>three hour battery life

I'd say it's deserved.

>The Switch hate is irritating

Man you need to stop caring what randos on the internet think.

The price is reasonable for a hybrid. The only major drawback is the subscription model.

On the bright sight, it's easy to spot hypocrite shitposters, since almost everyone pays for online access on ps4 or xbone. I doubt we have many pc only players here.

>since almost everyone pays for online access on ps4 or xbone
It's less than 50 %.

Not to mention online multiplayer games aren't what Nintendo are known for, so my guess is that a large percentage of the userbase will have no need for this feature anyway.

>buying a pro controller for 80
good goy

The PS4 had no good game until Bloodborne came around. An underwhelming start is difficult to avoid for the consoles out there. Sony sold on brand loyalty and on MS fuckup, and you perfectly know it.

No, playstation is naturally more appealing than xbox. You need to remember the FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE US DOLLARS debacle. People bought 360s just because it had a sensible pricetag whereas sony went full out crazy

Xbox will NEVER take over playstation as a brand

>>all the good games don't even come out till a year/2 years from now

I don't get why everyone is underrating Splatoon 2 so hard. The new 3D Mario looks different at least.

its six hours you dunce

This guy gets it.


Yes because the PS3 was an absolute resounding success, that would warrant brand loyalty, not to mention what the did (or rather they didn't do) with the Vita just before the PS4 was released.

No, I would say brand loyalty has little to do with it, because it had already been quite damaged. It's simply because all the alternatives managed to do way worse than Sony, and this ladies and gentlemen shows what bad state the gaming industry really is in.

You can get a PS4 with a game for the same price, not to mention better specs and graphics, I really think Nintendo completely fucked up and can't honestly imagine how this was the delayed result, were they originally planning to release it in 2016 with no games?

They sell basically the same videogames+ bloodborne+ Uncharted/tLoU and a bunch of movie games no one cares for (see TLG which embraced the trend but doesn't sell, Until Dawn, the order). Sony lives on marketing games 3 years before their release.
It's infuriating actually. Sony will keep winning by doing absolutely nothing. Just watch what's going to happen with HZD. A meh game people will talk about for 2 weeks, then complain how it is underwhelming and forget about it. And still it's going to sell 4+ million just like that because of the heavy marketing.

I just hate this gen.

>2.5-6 battery life
>Can't charge the battery in tv mode
>The only good launch game is a port
Nintendo has some major balls to claim with a straight face that they learned from their mistakes.

Nintendo is the manufacturer which has traditionally sought to challenge ideas on how we play games.

They are healthy for and well needed in the industry, regardless of what autists on Sup Forums say.

Tell me in what way did they challenge ideas on how we play games pre Wii.

By being Nintendo.

The company has a magical way of convincing its ardent fans to believe that literally every single thing they do is impossible for anyone else ever to accomplish. This includes "Making Videogames That People Like To Play."

It's different depending on the game.

Funny, but I'm serious.

Lots of gimmicky stuff, including vibration packs build into some of their first party cartridges. Link cables allowed players to do all kinds of stuff. This is shit that hadn't been done before.

Frankly, the GBA is a little weak on this point, however there are lots of interesting things about it.

The GBA was the first handheld to have shoulder buttons. Not the most out there, but it is a feature that every major handheld since has used.

Boktai wasn't made by Nintendo, so that doesn't really count, but it mixed the real world with games with light levels, which was cool.

Gameboy Player, allowing users to play their handheld games on their TVs.

The GBA/GCN link cable was also pretty neat, allowing new forms of gameplay with a screen in your hands (four swords adventures and the like)

First wireless controller goes to atari, but the wavebird was the first modern era console to drive towards it seriously again.

Even before the gameboy there were gimicky (and bad) ideas like the virtual boy, power glove, and the like. They don't all have to succeed to be valuable. Trying new things and finding what sticks (and more importantly what doesn't stick) helps keep the industry moving forward.

Nintendo aren't faultless. They make mistakes like everyone else--who knows how the switch will do? But the point is, they aren't afraid of doing different things--instead of creating the same console + better graphics and minor tweaks to the controller.

People hype things up, either positively or negatively so they can feel momentarily important, trying to fill the void.

Nevertheless history will repeat itself with every new console and game as long as people are fixated on fanaticism and the unconscious need to label yourself a "drone" or a "hater."

If it helps people deal with their lack of going-ons in their lives I say let them, I'm a bit indifferent about the switch but hopeful.