Tfw Zelda looks promising but you don't want to pay 320€ for a shitty console

>tfw Zelda looks promising but you don't want to pay 320€ for a shitty console

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Why doesn't Nintendo just die and make games for consoles I already own?

I mean look at how good SEGA became when they became third party!

I hope you can get Epona and the green tunic in this one honestly. The new outfits look good but I need to have that original shit in there too

Get it on Wii U

Which is why i will just play it on wii u for free

this. pirating the wii u version and not even touching the switch.

I wish I was a kid because having the switch wherever I went would have been ducking sick. If I got it now I'd literally never remove it from its dock.

I don't want to buy another shitty console.

Wait for emulation like the rest of us.

>avaible on Wii U
>emulation is already solid and gets better every day
master race wins once again

how to crack wii u

Emulate it on PC

what is the strength stat for?

I might do that tbqhwyf

For stallions, it's how hard they fuck you. For mares, it's how hard you can fuck them.

Let's be honest, as one pcfat to another, I don't think CEMU will be up and running when it comes out, especially for most pc

Gonna pirate on U, get it in Switch whenever a price drop comes along

Daily reminder that all the pccucks will be playing a downgraded, horribly running, desynched audio, stuttering fps, 1080 i7 required, imitation of a glorious game cause they are too bitter to admit the switch might actually be a commercial success

>but you don't want to pay 320€ for a shitty console
you forgot:

60€ for Zelda
Nintendo Switch Pro Controller: $69.99/70€
Joy-Con Charging Grip: $29.99/30€
Joy-Con Controllers: $79.99/80€ or 50€ for a SINGLE joycon
80€ for dock


check /hbg/ pastebin

>horribly running
>desynched audio, stuttering fps

In your dreams, nintencuck. Google Cemu.

Why are you buying extras of things the console comes with?

I already preordered the new Zelda this morning. I bought a Switch exclusively to play it.

I think you're not up to speed with the current progress of the Cemu
many games can already be played at 4k and full speed

buy it for the wii u if you have one or emulate it 2 months after release

>Nintendo fans will chastise PS4 owners for buying a console for Bloodborne, but will shell out 300+ dollars for a slightly better Zelda player

Why do you want to pay for a console just for one game?

Why do you want to pay for one girl in a game?

Wii U version is downgraded. So by the transitive property an imitation of the Wii U would still be downgraded to the switch. To get decent FPS with Cemu you need a 1080 or titan with an i7 which is way more expensive than a new console. The audio in wii/wii u emulation will never be good

For how much damage they do when they run into enemies I'm guessing.

>Zelda BoTW looks like shit, holy crap, those graphics are awful

>Ok, guess i'll just get it on Wii U then

Nintencucks truly are everywhere today

I don't care about the girl, but Link a cute.

You really have no idea what you are talking about, do you?

Rethorical question, don't bother answering.

user emulation is CPU bound, not GPU bound. You don't need a spectacular graphics card to emulate anything.
Wii emulation already has great audio.
Furthermore, emulators can up the internal resolution as well as apply antialising and other graphics options.

I'm guessing you don't actually know a lot about emulation.
Used this guide today and installed WWHD and splatoon today. The only difference was that I've used the Wii U USB helper instead of NUSGrabber.

who are you trying to fool here, Nintendo $hill?

>Wii U version is downgraded.
>source: my Nintendicksucker ass since I pledged Neokikeshitendo to $hill the Nintendo $witch to everyone everywhere I go MUH NINTY 4LIFE! THE $WITCH MUST NOT FAIL, THE $WITCH CAN NOT FAIL!

It comes with joycons and the dock

It's been a while but last time I checked you only needed to put some files on a SD card and visit a site to run an exploit

You also need to block nintendo servers in case they release a firmware update for the Wii U - highly unlikely, but it's going to brick your console.

Why does anyone want an open world Zelda anyways? Zelda games are at their best when they are focused and tightly designed. That's like the whole point of those games. Why do we need Elder Zeldas: Skyrim Sword?


This is literally why video games suck nowadays.

No it's because game development became a big business. You do understand cause and effect, right? When it becomes a gamble on quality to throw away $60 for vidja, piracy will expand exponentially.

>framerate is shit
>full speed

wew lad

It's not going to brick your console you dingus, it only would mean that you had no longer access to the exploit, and that's what it was meant to prevent by Nintendo somehow forcibly push the FW upgrade.

>but it's going to brick your console.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>Already have a Wii U to play Zelda on
Feels good desu

I have high hopes for the Nintendo Switch. I haven't felt this much hype since the gamecube days.

Piracy existed even before gaming was popular.
Maybe you weren't around for that though

Pretty sure you will be able to, they must be rare or gotta do some challenging stuff to get

A Link to the Past was fairly open world to me (or fuck, even more so the original Zelda), and it was a lot of fun. Imagine if they could replicate that feeling, but on today's large scale open world. It would be fucking hard, but if they pulled it off, it would be fantastic.

Putting out another OOT or TP rehash is simply no longer enough today. Zelda needs to innovate, it needs to wow the audience again to be relevant.

i see all the post about
>get it on wii u
>wait for emulator

hasn't the wii u version been canceled like half a year ago?

Just play the Wii U version (confirmed is the same version as the Switch) at 4K FOR FREE with CEMU 1.7.0

320 bucks is nothing to play the true GOAT.


>Dekus nowhere to be found AGAIN

All always been like this with Nintendont, except NES and SNES.
All other their consoles very behind the times. Maybe N64 was okeyish as well....

Other than that, good gameplay games with shitty graphics is how they roll

No it hasn't you retard, the wii u logo is even shown at the end of the latest trailer.

What are you talking about?

Isn't TP the only thing that comes close as being an OoT rehash?

Dekus deserved it

>behind times

>got wii u on launch day
>scared that switch would be good and i would regret buying it forever
>it looks like shit
>only good game on the stream was zelda
>will be able to play it on my wii u
what a comfy feel

so the wii u version isn't cancelled.
how can they be so retarded and also have the game on the wii u, now they have one less game to sell that trash?

ur a retard

I dunno about the general consensus, but I think WW or SS doesn't deviate too much from that formula either. In fact, SS only made it 100 times worse.

My point is, these games didn't really push the gaming industry forward in any way, like AltP or OOT did. A well executed open world Zelda could very well do it again, in my opinion.

Yes and piracy wasn't popular then was it? It was all of ten nerds passing around codes on bbs. Get fucking real you retard.

>tfw poorfag

Yes, I'm retarded because I point ot how utterly irreversably stupid you are, and you even admit it in the same post. Oh the ironing.

Then don't make it Zelda. Make it something else. No need to drag a good serie's name in the dirt any more than it already has been in these modern times.

I don't see the bad things about the switch. N3ds was fucking amazing, in fact all of Nintendo's handhelds were amazing.

That being said, I bet the switch will continue to follow Nintendo's success, because the lord knows I don't have enough to spend at home anymore.

If they would cancel the WiiU version they would
a) Alienate a lot people (retards) who bought the WiiU because "Zelda will be there"
b) Nintendo would admit that the WiiU was a complete failure, so far they're only silent about it and porting a bunch of stuff.

a) would hurt sales, b) would hurt their ego

The N3DS is what the 3DS should have been from the beginning

why am i stupid, i'm misinformed.

ur stupid


wait what are you telling me you have to build a relationship with your horse before it fully listens to you and goes auto mode avoiding trees and shit? that's fucking cool

What do you mean? Are you talking about the abbreviation?

Piracy wasn't as popular because games weren't as popular and there weren't as many. That's some nice circular logic you got going on though.
I'd be willing to bet that percentage wise, piracy has actually gone down because while the average person plays video games, they're not inclined to go through the hoops of pirating whereas back then games were almost exclusively played by nerds who had the know how to pirate en masse.

In the age of google, when it would have taken you less then 3 seconds to find the answer, it's the same thing, retard.

they mentioned how your horses can die so I assume you're constantly having to tame and find better horses

Then just wait until Cemu can emulate it...?





Good thing I already have a WiiU.

Wii u did disappoint me though, I was nintendrone in the good days of Gamecube.

Why do you need 3 controllers, two joycon grips, and two docks to play?

I have to say this, not shilling or anything, but when it's all said and done, exactly what was so dissapointing about the WiiU in the end? It got off to a very slow start, but by now we have still gotten a 3D mario, a DK, super smash, mario kart and now Zelda (as well as 2 HD remakes). What exactly were you expecting that didn't release? A proper main-line mario and Metroid is the only thing I can think off.

I mean how the N3DS with all its hardware improvements should've been "the" 3DS from the beginning, no remodels or anything like that.

I live in the eastern part of yurop, and during the 80s and 90s software were so expensive here, literally nobody paid for software, and buying games was considered an incredibly stupid thing to do. A lot of people didn't even know these things were originally supposed to cost money, it was so natural. Now that I think about it, I can safely lump the 00s here too, because I think it's been a fairly recent development that people actually started buying games now, and piracy stopped being the default means to acquire games. This is mostly because video game prices were hilariously disproportionate to the average wages here.

Don't worry I'm not gonna be a Sup Forums fag and call you a shill or anything, it's very childish.

Wii u disappointed me because they couldn't execute the wii pad functionality well.


Thats the only thing I didnt like about it.

>master race wins once again
>every zelda thread is people bitching about the framerate, but somehow CEMU at 9 fps is now not only acceptable, but the best way to play
PCfags are almost on par with Sonyggers these days.

Why do people do this? They bitch about how shit a console is because it doesn't have games and then they bitch when it does get good looking games because. Why?

Not him but its library is heavy on the 2D platformer games.

I wasn't disappointed with the WiiU but then again I bought it 2015 where games were getting released and I knew what I was getting.

If I would've bought it on launch or before 2015 I would've been disappointed too.
Then again that's what you get for being a retard and buy a console on launch

Because the games are "wasted" on the shit console.
Nice circular logic. I miss when fun ganes were all a system needed to be good, now it's graphics autism and whining about media features

I'm gonna get Switch solely for NMH3. BotW is a nice bonus

>>Wii u disappointed me because they couldn't execute the wii pad functionality well.

Why do you think Nintendo thinks of it as a failure?
Not even Miyamoto could make the gamepad useful.
Only around that time they started to see how awful the console really was, with MK8 and Smash failing to move as much units as they hoped to, and started to delay BotW in order to get it on Switch and pull a TP/Wii launch


Wii pad is good for some things. I use it in bed sometimes, and I actually used it quite a lot when I was in my parents home over the holidays and didnt want to occupy a TV to play (nintendo marketers would've been proud). Aside from that it's just dead weight though. I never use it when I play seriously, so it's mostly just a big thing laying around in my home. I'm also dissapointed that they scarpped the wagglan just as it was beginning to become something more than just a glorified and tendon-stressing A-press.

>media features

I actually like taking screenshots

You can turn off the Gamepad using the home menu user

It's me.

If the wii u could of been used as a secondary menu screen or something it would of been useful.

Not on all games user

>PC pirates
>I do it because I can
>Console pirates
>F-fuck them, I'm not going to pay for this, muh morals

Nothing's wrong with screenshots. I'm talking about >muh Bluray fags

Bluray is the best disc format, r-tard.