pw: rage
Smash 4 Sup Forumskend
joining in a second
Nintendo Switch edition
Have fun!
keep it up
spooky did nothing wrong
gg Ridley
GG, well played
Are you getting a Switch Sup Forumskend? I'm getting one when Splatoon 2 launches
Okay, somehow I didn't input UpB
I'm getting it in my birthday
I'll get one when Mario Oddyssy drops
When I save enough
Probably, but fuck it looks dissapointing
about time you showed up again... How are things?
I'm getting it when.... im sorry i dont even know. Im both very interested and dissapointed.
Joining soon
Posting a comic i made for Dragonus. Will probably play later tonight
Good one Phillip
Roy sucks to fight
Not unless there's a reason to.
Currently, there is no reason to.
Will join later after some work at home. Have some recently created webms!
Roy just sucks in general
Reminder that Alex is literally Hitler...
I'm honestly surprised they got release games after givning less than 7 months of development.
Reminder that Smash is not a serious fighting game so play casual and have fun
Those hitboxes...
Boney just plains SDs himself
>"friend" Taunts anywhere from 1-3 times every time I lose a stock
>Even if i jumped off on accident and SD
I haven't played this game in a while, it wasn't fun anymore
And finally what a regular FFA on Sup Forumseekend is like!
Jesus, Ayres. Be nice.
Ike's ledge getup can do that too, it's great and awful at the same time
ITT: We rant post a salty rant about Smash 4
Thank God there is no Smash Switch! Smash 4 is generic and scripted almost every character plays the exact same way. "Safe aerial pokes and d-throw combos" being a universal flowchart even used on the highest level on play. Knowing Sakurai's awfulness and hatred for competitive fighting games Smash 5 when it comes out will be even more simple cookie cutter generic then Smash 4 with even more depth removed. Nintendrones will still embrace Smash 5. There will still be campy cloud players that flowchart. I mean I can't blame players for playing lame when the game makes it obvious that you must play that way to win but I must criticize Sakurai for his poor game design.
Does anyone feel the same way about Smash 4 being nothing but poke with safe aerials and fish for down throw combos with the occasional mix up of roll behind grab. It's mind numbingly stupid. I want to play a Smash game that is technically demanding and rewards patient smart play. A Smash game that has a solid balance between offense and defense not just overly focused on bait and punish. Smash 4 is a poorly designed game.
What the fuck
Huh, didn't know Mega's down smash lasted so long even with that extra bit of stun.
Reminder to ignore BoneyT and do not encourage his attention whoring
Fuck off
I encourage BT's attention whoring 100%
>Does anyone feel the same way about Smash 4 being nothing but poke with safe aerials and fish for down throw combos with the occasional mix up of roll behind grab.
Not me. Because I don't play at national level tourneys against Anti, ZeRo, Ally, Pugwest and other "competitive" players.
It's funny you mention this anyway: aren't all fighting games like this? Safe jabs/pokes, fish/bait for grabs, combo strings from ANY dropped input? In MAHVEL that leads to death.
>tfw Dablord dabs on you
Fighting games and smash suck unless way casual
t. Alex
>Smash 4 is a poorly designed game.
Can you give me some perspective and tell me of one or two other well designed games?
>glancing blow on rest
It's so qt
it didnt work with spooky, it wont work with boney, fuck off literally who
h-have fun guys...
christ ridley our characters looked so similar I kept losing track of myself
if im paying for smash switch online, i better not get banned for pissing off scrubs for beating them
>paying for smash switch online
Another reason why I feel no need to migrate to the Switch yet.
In fact, I probably won't get a Switch until either
Monster Hunter 5
comes out.
Ridley, are you okay bro?
I feel with the need of playing as Bowser and Jr. exclusively for today, and maybe Peach too.
Watching movie on computer while waiting for teams, not really into it atm
Fuck I thought I could handle Zelda's Up B
You can NEVER handle Zelda's up b
Even when you think you can, you can't
SD Galore ft. Zelda and Cloud
I think I got us caught in that, sorry Jonathan.
I stood still and took the shield break lol
I haven't joined in a while mainly due to being away from my Wii U for a while. I won't be able to play tonight though because I'm performing the modding process for Sm4sh because I wanna play with mods.
>7 Kills
Oh boy
It was hard to get that kill Ridley.
So according to the last tourney, brow, pivi and spooky are the top 3 players here?
only 7/9 kills
git gud
>First laggy match
Yoky please
While we wait for teams, how is everyone?
Pivi' results are rather questionable. It seems his lag settled later, but Ridley and before were apparently laggy enough to potentially cost them. FATS and Ridley at least.
>2 Mexicans playing in the same room
What was you expecting?
Pivi was laggy as shit thats why he got that far.
Is Dragonus Mexican?
I don't like making tourneys past OP someone else do it
Not just Pivi was laggy as fuck.
It's time for teams senpaitachi
ID: 5426-2680-6382-54
Pass: rage
Format: TEAMS
Theme: Let's**switch** to this tourney
Brow yes, that competitive player from outside of Sup Forums yes. Pivi is 1ms latency from communication error whenever you play him.
then dont make an op.
terrible host.
Thats why i said "here"
Here you go m8
Ridley who do you think is better Pivi or Phil
Why do both of our villagers have 4 letter names starting with P
Hey now.
I honestly can't believe Brow let Pivi continue with a connection that god awful.
Thanks, it's been a while
Brow is somewhat of a pushover. I think if someone had pushed her. She'd have disqualified him. But everyone is a bit too chill and I think Ridley wanted to sleep anyway.
can you people stick to your mains? it sucks when you're challenging and fun one match but scrubby and boring in another.
I can't say for sure, I never had a game over 10FPS against pivi.
>VoteRidley and FATS first game
Has god forsaken me
If I stayed my main things would get boring quickly. Though I suppose my Villager wouldn't be as stagnant as it is.
>No longer banned
Awww yeah, I'm back bitches
Does anyone else quit trying once their opponent starts taunting? I know i do, at that point i just play whatever kind of way
>wake up
>whole thread is talking about me
I think I still could've beaten you with no lag now that I finally know the Marth MU. We should do an exhibition match sometime, that'd be fun.