Will the gaming industry ever be a respected industry ala Hollywood
Will the gaming industry ever be a respected industry ala Hollywood
>respected industry
>respected industry
Who cares if it is respected or not?
It will not make the games better.
>respected industry
>respected industry
Holy fuck sauce please!
>respected industry
Do you not know how much time and monkey goes into making a video game? Hollywood wishes it has something like The Last of Us or Uncharted.
>respected industry
>respected industry
You mean full of jewish pedophiles making third-rate knock-off ideas into half-cut propaganda pieces and ancient tropes?
We're getting there but Japan has to be destroyed first.
>respected industry
>respected industry
Maybe 40 years ago, yes.
that's dasani lezian
That's a funny analogy, OP.
In many ways the US game industry is akin to its movie industry; both are made up of vapid, worthless works made by conceptually stunted individuals consisting of layers of sensational trash and marketed as 'extreme, cool and dangerous' so 12 year olds will buy it.
Japan's game industry also mimics their film industry, but does so per demographic rather whereas the American counterparts are condensed as a single market.
Games and films meant for the whole family incorporate several elements so a child can play but an adult can also take something away from the experience - Studio Ghibli or Mario, for example. Then you have anime otaku bullshit, you have the magic realist, Japanese post-modernity stuff like Sion Sono's films that relate to the works of a Suda51 as well as the likes of the SMT series.
It's also a moot point because obviously all of this is true because that's how media, entertainment and capital works and if you read all of this you're a retard.
>respected industry
>Dam Schneiders
The excuses and gymnastics you use to post camwhores get more and more ridiculous.
she isn't a cam whore
>Do you not know how much time and monkey goes into making a video game?
Hopefuly the right ammount of monkey, we dont need Harambe 2.0 now of all times.
>respected industry
>not a camwhores
Wiseman goes on the email field, Wiseman your shit.
Thats a lie
>Hurf durf faggots get off mah vidya