Do you make bets with your friends when playing vidya?
Do you make bets with your friends when playing vidya?
i really want to beat up a furfag someday.
i don't have friends who care about vidya
Just think, this would actually be a pretty hot piece of art if it weren't furshit.
why does the majority of western furry porn have the stupid bloated artstyle that looks similar to those retarded costumes people wear? people would actually enjoy furry porn if the characters didn't look so dumb.
>tfw erection
Nobody likes furfags here, you can stop spamming now
That's western porn art for you. Best artists are furfags.
Is... Is that a boy or girl?
I really want to beat off a furfag
Explain all the Bowserfag threads.
Not even a furfag, but that pic is hot ass fuck.
Because the western artstyle suck.
One thread and that's bara, i'm sorry but it's pretty clear even in that thread
Male or female? I gotta know.
those threads get flamed all the time, the fuck are you talking about?
> staring at OP's pic for like 30 seconds from the catalog in a morbid curiosity, wondering if this was supposed to be a deformed chick with a 3ft long left butt cheek.
>clicked on thread and realized it was just a furry
>curiosity immediately vanishes.
You have three guesses and the first two don't count.
It's a male: you can clearly see anal lube on bottom partner's crotch.
gross, where's that shota's bulge?
It's not even the furry stuff that gets me hard. It's what they do. Wish my wife would fuck me like that.
Then I'd kick her ass in Smash Bros to round it off.
Why is she sitting on his crotch like that?
Who would win in a brawl a furfag or a lolifag?
>the only thread not about retards arguing over paid-online is a throwdown between furry-posters and loli-posters
how does it feel being a pedophile?
oh my god
do you seriously know nothing about women
Feel great.
>It's a loli vs furry thread dump post thread
Do it.
overweight but with autism so swinging around madly
coward but armed with a buster sword
>Only men use anal lube
Yeah, all the ladies love it when you stick it in their ass dry.
I really want someone to beat me up someday. :3c
damn thats hot
We're in for a hell of a ride, anons.
This image would be godly if it were a human male.
Source ?
at least kids can talk unlike dogs