What the FUCK happened?

What the FUCK happened?

Has degenerate "ugly is beautiful because I am ugly" rationale penetrated even the pixels?

Wonder who could be behind this?

I'll never understand this fascination for posting something wrong on purpose to be corrected or this autistic love for "trolling" but alright I don't mind feeding you.
One is made by a professional team with a dedicated artist and the other one is made by one guy.

>one guy made it so it can't be great

Holy shit..

What the fuck does the "Mercy" command even mean?

>made by one guy

So if it's made by one person it has to be shit?

Sounds like an excuse to me. The history of the arts would like a long fucking word with you.

Yes, a 23 year old cannot excel at every single aspect required to make a video game he had amazing music, mediocre graphics and alright gameplay, that's pretty good for a one man team.

See the thing is there's actual more than just these 2 games that came out in their respective years.

Name 30 video games made by a single guy which have amazing graphics. I'll wait.

this was made by one guy as well, what is your point?

And it looks like shit. The amount of dithering hurts my eyes.

what's wrong with the united states?

What do you think it means?

>hes 23 so he cant do anything good.

unironically kys. Many artists through time were great under 25

He did good music.
Lemme guess those artists you're thinking of weren't amazing athletes, fucking losers, billions of sub 25 year olds were amazing athletes.

It means you show the enemy mercy and don't kill them but still win the battle

>that reaching

Of course not. If you want to make good music then dont make a game, make an album.

And no the music wasnt good enough to release on its own. Metal slugs was and made by one person.

The music was critically acclaimed and considered to be really good.
He didn't want to make music, he wanted to make a game, he was just particularly good at making music and was mediocre in the visual department.

being hippies and lazy.

The game itself was critically acclaimed too and no one really buys that shit either.

Lots of people want to make a game and they shouldnt for this reason.

One is made by a team, the other buy a single guy who is more specialised in music than drawing.

Make your own conclusions.

>. If you want to make good music then dont make a game, make an album.
Remember, kids, if you are good at one thing, you are not allowed to try out other stuffs.

Also, he actually did a good game. Art is just not his forte. but h had a good grasp of gaming mechanic to make something nice.

>The game itself was critically acclaimed too and no one really buys that shit either.
It was a commercial succed. And the game was acclaimed because the game is good. You know a game is not just about graphic, right?

Also, don't compare a game made by a single person with a game done by a whole team.

>Sparing monsters who can and will kill you for literally no reason
>Sparing any member of a species that goddamn fetishizes the idea of escaping and murdering humans

it wasn't made by a single guy though.

Undertale was done by a single guy.

>people arguing against the fact the graphics are shit
>defending the biggest pile of shit meme game of 2016
>responding to this thread

I really dont know where to start.

He got some help but he was the only guy working on it full time.

Maybe Sup Forums is not for you, friend.

This. You all are faggots, trannies or retards and are new to v or something.

I know this is bait but holy shit it triggered me

>it was all made by a single guy
>also that other guy who helped him

>>people arguing against the fact the graphics are shit
Nobody is. No one is saying the art is good.
>>defending the biggest pile of shit meme game of 2016
Defending a good game that was nice to play
>>responding to this thread
Goeing on Sup Forums to start with

>I really dont know where to start.
Stop being wrong, to start with.

Not to mention he was autistic and had severe mental retardation.

Still better than Blundertale.

It was made by a single guy.

Why did you just copy what I just said you fucking faggot.

Dude, one of the first place this game got popular was on Sup Forums.

I don't think he is autistic.

Holy fuck! Genius wordplay. +1

leftist cucks fucking everything they see with diversity
they hate whites so they bring on niggers to work instead of whites and we get that shit



Tough luck faggot. When your games on the same shelf as AAA games, you get judged on the exact same scale.

Game development is not, and will never be, a one-man job. Do you build a house by yourself? Do you run a kitchen by yourself? No? Then you don't make a game by yourself.

The best games of all time weren't made by one guy slaving away in his basement. Those who can somehow be a one-man band are the exception, not the norm.



I'm glad you're not in charge of things tbqh

so are you literally just whining about muh graphics then?

I can't tell if you are serious.

>defending the biggest pile of shit meme game of 2016
Undertale being a shit meme game is itself a forced meme

>no argument
>b-but graphics don't matter!
>no argument

Damn, so this is the power of indie intellectuals...

>no argument

Who said we where having an argument fuckboy?

Alright, so you were serious.

To answer your question.
>Tough luck faggot. When your games on the same shelf as AAA games, you get judged on the exact same scale.
On: undertale never hit the shelf, you can't get it in retail. It's only available through download, just like every other indie games.

And even then ,there has bee a lot of people who have considered Undertal more enjoyable than most of the AAA they have played recently.

>Game development is not, and will never be, a one-man job. Do you build a house by yourself? Do you run a kitchen by yourself? No? Then you don't make a game by yourself.
Big news: a Kitchen and an House aren't video games. And if one manage to make a video game by himself, then yes, it can be a one-man job. It has been done before, it will be done again. Denying that reality is not helping your case.

>The best games of all time weren't made by one guy slaving away in his basement.
Doesn't mean a good game can't be acknowledged as such when it is good, even if it has been done by a single person.

>Those who can somehow be a one-man band are the exception, not the norm.
And undertale is falling in that category. No one is arguing that Undertal should become the norm or that all game should be done by a single person, you know.

>>b-but graphics don't matter!
Your pint? It's not that it doesn't matter. It's importnat that they convey the information to the gamer correctly. And that's a job undertal does really well.

It ain't the prettiest game ever, but a game can be good even if isn't the most beautiful thing.

Graphic isn't everything.

>Damn, so this is the power of indie intellectuals...
Man, I almost never play indie game, but if a game is good, it is good.

Hey user, I agree with you. Have a lovely afternoon.

Plenty of folks have built houses by themselves. Plenty of people run one-man food stands and trucks.

What the fuck kind of examples are you reaching for user.

Let's be honest.
undertale is better than 99% of games, that's how shit the competition is.

I thought I read somewhere that the art was done by some chick.

>Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)14:14:14 No.363886483▶
>Wonder who could be behind this?

>high budget game
>made by a full studio of professional devs
>made by one person
>one person with very little experience
>made for $51,124

yeah, i wonder

>be uneducated chump with no professional contacts and a limited budget
>want to make a videogame
>kind of good at music, made a mod once, but not good at much else
>work hard to learn how to make a game
>ask some friends for help
>with our limited knowledge we scrape together something that works
>want to work harder on it, so make a demo and ask online for funding
>positive reception get the $20,000 necessary to do this full time for a year
>not enough to hire professional artist, but oh well, the stuff already made conveys the idea anyway
>work hard on music, world building, and game
>resounding success beyond imagination
>become a literal millionaire
>chump on Sup Forums spergs out because of this success and is mad because you're not really good at the visual art thing


hi tobys mom

t. confirmed undertale furry with over 300 cumshots to undertale porno

>>work hard to learn how to make a game
>on fucking Game Maker

The game in your example was made by a big team of people. Undertale was made by like 3 people, one of which did like all the coding and music.

Not in any way a fair comparison.

>I fuck animals LOL

That's all I heard.

>Eastern game from 2000 vs Western game from 2015

really makes you think

Even fans admit the visual design in Undertale is shit. They just think that shortcoming is made up for by other aspects of the game.

we're in the dark ages of video games right now, just wait for the renaissance.

>fetishizes escaping and murdering humans

Wut? Did you even play this game?

>Early beta has bad graphics

You don't fucking say.

the game was abandoned

early access


Populous the Beginning was such a fucking fantastic game. A shame it took up a whole god damn memory card.

we're not massive faggots who try to take video games, a children's toy, seriously as a medium

>he says, judging a funding SOUTH PARK game

You can't tell but i'm furiously waving a false flag at you

>The best games of all time weren't made by one guy slaving away in his basement.

Who the fuck goes and thinks "gee, my ear needs extra hole in a place that serves no purpose"

dumb tabletposter

>amazing music
Babies first chiptune shit? Get out of here, maybe take a class in music theory and composition you retard.

One is a $10 indie game and the other was a p2p atcade game that was eventually ported to a ten year old $650 system as a $300 catridge.

I don't even know if it has a CD port which was cheaper, but suffered horrible load times.

it can't if the oneguy is shit at art
which he is
which is why the game has bad art

this isn't complicated

Well there's Owlboy, but that took 9 years and didn't have the greatest gameplay from what I heard.

What's a v?