ITT: The worst damage control you've seen so far

>I think it's good that they charge for online. This means that the online will be good now, just like Xbox Live and PS+!

this really gets me and people say I don't care grow up

What online?

>2.5 hours is great you can always get a battery bank

>who cares if it's online, so are the other two!
>being outside for more than 2.5h
>it doesn't need more games, Zelda is already enough for start

>it costs a lot because the controllers have rock paper scissors and ice cube feedback


>The new Mario only looks visually bad and has such clashing styles because Mario is SUPPOSED to look out of place in this world


ah, I had actually one fag try to say it's a good thing and intentionally horrible to me

>hey you know the fucking TRAVESTY that was Wii U's online?
>you get to pay for it now

I refuse to believe that they suddenly improved their netcode and shit enougj to warrant payment, though i say warrant i use that lightly since they should be paying to maintain their own fucking servers on the first place

For the Nintendo Switchâ„¢? Damn near any reason for anyone to buy it. Nintendo fans said they weren't going to buy it if it was more than $250. With paid online and those horribly designed controllers, they are looking at PS4 Pro prices.

I sure hope Sony doesn't use this as an excuse to skyrocket prices, which we know they will.

>You're just entitled. Nintendo doesn't owe you free online.
Makes me ashamed to associate with Nintendo fans. I've been playing Nintendo consoles for around 20 years but the amount of dick-sucking and fanboying I see for this corporation sickens me.
I thought I saw the worst of it when people were defending My Nintendo's shitty rewards.
>Nintendo doesn't owe you anything. You should be grateful for your 15% discount that doesn't even bring the cost of the digital title being discounted to the price of a physical copy.

Buying a Nintendo home console is like having a child in Africa:

Your money is probably spent better elsewhere, it's underpowered, and will be dead in 5 years.


I have not seen anyone say that.

Surely you could have edited this better.

>can't afford to pay $5 per month
God, Sup Forums is full of literal children.

You only spend money on services and products that are worth it. At least if I throw 5 dollrs at a hobo, I can pretend that I made a difference in someone's life and money was well wasted. Paying to play online? Getouttahere.

>its ok for a game to be buggy because otherwise it would be too easy

>the human eye cant see above 720p 30fps

>paying to access your existing Internet
I'm not sure who is more naive than you

>spend an extra 5$ a month for no benefit
Nintendo online is ass and They're too lazy to improve it even with money from paid online.

Literally no one ever said this.

Said no one, ever, anywhere.

Sonyggers sure are funny, pulling shit out of their ass.

I don't know man it sounds exactly like something some fag on Sup Forums would say

I mean. Its not a good idea per say but atleast it forces them to off a competent netplay. But then again PSN is pretty fucking bad because it can be put on tilt rather easily and alot of you fucking sonyggers run around with wifi on fucking games like fighters even that require corded just to be viable.

yeah this argument is definitely one of the more stupid ones

>tfw you just want a regular Nintendo console with no stupid fucking gimmicks but now not only will you not get that but they're gonna axe any future handhelds

It won't matter overall. If its anything like the xbone/ps4 half the kids on it will be running around with wifi and have shit internet anyways.

>per say
Stopped reading there

>It's good that they're charging for online now because it means they have more money for masterpieces like Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us!


Its hilarious. I've been in such a good mood today I almost feel like I should buy a switch just as recompense for the joy this has caused me and will continue to cause me.

But WHY is it okay when Nintendo does it?

Because Nintendo is a company you can trust. They never lie and never make bad games


Xbox Live was unironically great and revolutionized console gaming

problem is nintendo has no games that anyone would really care about competitive multiplayer anyway


>paying to use a literal smartphone app to voice chat

Nintendo are fucking geniuses, they're literally making people pay to use their already existing phones to no new benefit

>tfw you just want a regular Nintendo console with no stupid fucking gimmicks
I've been wanting that since the DS user

the dream is dead

Now where have i heard this one before?

>Steam will have a paid subscription! you'll see!

But user we can only survive three hours without shelter

this is the kind of attitude you should all have you goyims oy vey.

Post a screenshot for every time you've seen someone defending Nintendo charging for online play instead of baselessly contributing to the "Nintendrones am I right" circlejerk

Everything is wrong only when nintendo does it


Dont know how well this will post

is it that cheap, really?
what does not having it lock you out of, just multiplayer?

You know you will buy it. Stop trying to act cool on an image board.

the only gimmick now is the camera in the controller, there's no way that's going to be shoehorned into every game like the motion sensor and the tablet, it's not multi-functional enough
that lack of shoehorning and forced shoehorning means more developers will be will to develop for it
so does the lack of a special snowflake processor, now it's just ARM

Why do people hate Nintendo? Honest question. This is the only game exclusive console company while the other two are electronics and tech with gaming divisions. Shouldn't you want to support the little man?

well that's part of why this information is making people so mad, they're introducing paid on-line (like the other two) and a social-media-enabled screenshot feature (like Sony started and MS copied)
the sharing feature might worse than what the other two have too, although I think the screenshot and video capture abilities are really nice to have and kind of important these days

I'm actually kind of worried by this. If Steam starts to outshine the competition so much what would stop them from doing this?

Remember Valve was apart of the microtansaction BS for games.

>what are you poor