You almost ready to DUES VULT?
You almost ready to DUES VULT?
There is only so many bumplimit threads a man can reach talking about for honor beta
I could care less about this game.
IF peacekeeper is a woman, then this game is more Sjw garbage
Valkyrie, Nobushi, and Peacekeeper are female.
>Least amount of health
>Least amount of damage
I don't think it's a problem desu. Women don't play fast fighting games, so there won't be many complaints.
Vikings and Europeans definitely had female soldiers in certain occasions, did the samurai?
Only a few classes are locked to gender I can only recall Warlord, Valkyrie, and Shugoki. Peacekeeper might be but I cannot remember.
Half of them are, the heavies are usually male and the nimble ones female
>Signed on for every beta
>Never got in
I just want to try before I buy, gimme a fucking break Ubi god damn.
Keep trying, user. This time, I hope you get in.
who /fatguy/ here
>mfw immune to first attack
How bout the second third and fourth
The only acceptable Samurai choice.
So I know nothing about this game, is this going to be like Mount and Blade?
Watch out for the general that eventually crops up. I got an alpha invite from a kind user in there.
Please tell me you can put a bucket helm on that baller ass nigga.
What system are you on? May have a spare invite if I get in.
Closest would be mount and blade meets dota, probably.
It's actually pretty fun
yeah but multiplayer focused and in 3rd person
Its more like a 3d fighting game
Chinger changer ninja dagger.
>tfw warlord
get prepared to get fucked losers
PC. I hope you'll remember me, user.
>tfw no conqueror buffs
>Genderlocked classes
Goddammit. I get why, but still.
>tfw dick ass peacekeeper
Prepare for duel welding, user.
Heres hoping i get this one damnit
You can, but I dont know if there is a bucket helmet for the higher tier of gear
That means you do care.
At least a little.
>There are people who will play anything but the knights
Occasional women I don't mind since shield-maidens and the like were confirmed.
It's more-forced subjects like black Vikings that make no sense beyond trend-pandering, also funny how treating a culture as a shade of others is somehow "less racist" than to be their own.
vikings are pretty cool though.
knights and vikings are both cool dude, I don't know why you'd limit yourself to just playing one faction in a 60$ game
samurai can suck a dick though
>can't wield spear unless you're a woman
I'm not sexist but this pisses me off
>Accidentally say a word in the heat of the moment
>Have to apologize and explain yourself and do a bit of prostration just to be safe
People need to stop getting their panties in a twist over shit like this, god damn.
It's like ryse, but slightly more tactical.
A steady brade barances da sorue
To be fair valkyries are kinda tied to the gender
Nobushi is kinda weird though
Current year disease runs through their veins. They can't help being sensitized to trivial things. We just have to wait for a cure.
Fucking hell why are Ubisoft design so goddamn tryhard? It's sickening.
>tfw warlord + conq player
Women are meant to hold the poles
yeah, but how do I participate on it?
There's a system specifically in the game so you can give X item Y item's appearance regardless of level.
The best description of For Honor is that it's a fully 3D fighting game with the camera angled behind your character instead of on a side view. You have high attacks and two lows, you have combos, you have unblockables, you have feints, you have grabs and techs, you have invincible dodges etc. The comparisons between FH and MB/Chivalry are purely aesthetic.
Don't bother. Game is shit
I just want to see it for myself
Game is fun, don't listen to that sour puss.
better than Mordhau at least.
>Nobushi is kinda weird though
While I don't like the gender locking, the Naginata was traditionally seen as a women's weapon. If you were a women defending your town in Japan that is the weapon you would use.
Play Lawbringer, word is this nigger getting buffed hard in the final version. He's all about stuns and lockdown.
>implying both games can't be shit
For Honor is good though.
>Only game I'm looking forward to in 2016 Q1 is a fucking Ubisoft game with Uplay
too bad he's still going to be a weak little shit in the upcoming beta
oh well, can still probably get an 80%+ winrate against the baddies online since I can parry
Just going to suck when I face an above average player who is using a character with more tools
I don't care if we get porn.
>mfw got into all tests
>mfw participated in closed tournaments
>mfw Conqueror is literally and objectively the best hero
one more question
Is the online cross-platform?
we live in a strange time line where siege turned out to be great and the same studio ubi montreal seems to genuinely care about for honor
How so? Not trying to disagree with you but what does he do better than warlord for example?
>It's more-forced subjects like black Vikings that make no sense beyond trend-pandering
Skin color is entirely decided by the player, and let's be honest if there were any faction black people belonged to it's vikings.
>How so?
He is the coolest, that's just a fact.
In the last test the Warlord was basically a better Conqueror though. Balance is hard.
Probably will, just gotta go with light colors or else people will just call me an edgelord
I don't even get why people associate Lawbringer with edginess, since literally every viking is pure edge
I've seen a skilled Conqueror. Not much move variety, but he's almost unassailable.
>He is the coolest, that's just a fact.
well I can't argue with that
At least he gets a free heavy in off a parry and guard break unlike most classes
I'm going Lawbringer with White/Red or White/Black as a color scheme. "And I will dress in bright, cheerful colors so as to throw my enemies into confusion".
>call conq literally and objectively THE BEST
>"because they're cool"
For fuck's sake, user.
>There's a system specifically in the game so you can give X item Y item's appearance regardless of level.
Im aware of the system but I couldnt make blue level gear or higher look like common level gear, which was annoying and I mentioned it in the survey
Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens
The morning star is the most patrician of weapons.
Im only playing this to satisfy my weeb fantasy of being an honourable samurai wielding a three-thousand-folded katana
>siege turned out to be great
Correction, it COULD be great, but the crappy netcode and useless anti-cheat make it unplayable. This is the only game I ever played where I higher ping actually is a huge advantage due to the netcode and not the other way round. And compared to CS or other competitive shooters this game is way more infested with cheaters and Ubi don't seem to care.
Mordhau will blow this game out the god damn water
Weebs belong at the bottom of a cliff.
One day, I hope mankind will find out how to properly use it real life combat
My friends were all hype at the start, talking about omg epic 40v40 matches
I told them it was homo and that was a bad idea.
Now the game is more focused on 1v1 and shit, and I'm all hype, and they're like "wow, this look gay as fuck"
and mount and blade: warband blows them both out of the water
don't even need to mention bannerlord
Mordhau is going to fucking annihilate this ""game"", just buy it and see.
>no samurai
Into the trash
>morning star
Your "friends" are casual faggots, more at 12.
that's a flail
>tfw playing Peacekeeper and Warder in the last beta test
Raining blood on the battlefield!
Honest I'm already sold in this game, but they should keep adding more characters.
The end of the weapon is like a morning star. You don't call a sword a hilt just because that's the part you hold.
yeah and the one guy who is actually gonna buy it
>Orochis who try that gay unsheath slash from a distance and wait for you to get in range
>They seriously don't expect you to block it
No, that's why the weapon is called Flail
What's up with all of those directional indicators? What kind of babby game is this?
have they changed the warden at all? because last beta i was fucking shit up with him.
You also don't call a spear a dagger because the blade looks the same.
We'll compromise and call it a Morning Flail.
Naginata were the weapons of warriors before they were for women, and naginata are the preferred weapon of warrior monks.
it's a Flail with a Morning star head
correct me ONE MORE TIME
I mean you say that but how many tournaments has M&B had?
Chivalry has had many across several continents, with around 3 $1K prize pools in the US. The game still is incredibly competitive with tournies being arranged 4 years after the release despite it being a buggy mess. I imagine that Mordhau will up the ante even further seeing as the devs are competent players who understand the genre.
This is a fighting game, not a medieval sim.
Sounds like my mornings