Does Sup Forums like tactical shooters?

Does Sup Forums like tactical shooters?


Yes and no.

I like insurgency, but then again I just download shitty mods for it makes it so much more fun in my opinion

>tactical shooters are dead

I just tried it after years of absence, afraid that I'd get murdered by autists with 2000+ hours of playtime. People were literally running into my sights.

Insurgency used to have a lot of cautious players but every pub server is filled with people thinking it's cod. Hence the fact that you can use suppressive fire with a 249 and still get 8 kills

pretty sure CS:GO counts

I might have if there was a single good one

What movie

I like SWAT 4.

One of my favourite games m8
>Tfw tasering an umcompliant civilian in the dick and then shooting him point-blank in the back of the head with a beanbag
>Tfw no use of force complaints

People used to make such cool mods for it, I have every weapon skin changed.
But now it seems like the only mods appearing in the workshop are lame ports of shit from COD

/neo/v/ here, can you name some tactical shooters? Only one I know of is rainbow six and swat.

Some Operation Flashpoint games
SWAT 3 and 4
Full Spectrum Warrior
Insurgency (kind of)

>I like SWAT 4

but everybody likes SWAT 4

I like Squad a lot and would play it more often if the current performance wasn't shithouse.

Yeah I love it, but it runs like shit on my computer

why don't campaign based tactical shooters still exist?

I want to be tacticool and take down cartel hideouts

I don't

I miss SOCOM

Are they making a movie about the giant of khandahar?

Yeah for real though what the fuck movie is in the OP

Can you play splitscreen or only online? Any chance of LAN so I can play via random program like Xkai or connected via hub?

>failure to secure weapon: -1
>failure to report status to TOC: -1
>unauthorized use of force: -5
>unauthorized use of deadly force: -10
>shooting an compliant civilian in the dick with a taser or bean bag shotgun: priceless

I think SWAT 3 was way better than Ken Levine's shit.