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Twas such a glorious time.
>$599 in 2006 equals $719.91 in 2016
It will never be as bad as Nintendo
But everyone railed on Sony for this and it took like 5 years to get over it.
Boycotted, spent $1000+ back then to become a PC gamer (still have that outdated everything), and held off buying a PS3 until 2013.
Literally everyone was on Sony for this.. still the original Ps3 is much more worth it than a Switch even today.. ps3 plays Blu rays and runs Linux Switch doesn't even stream DVD
The ps4 was even more expensive at launch (paid online)
Sup Forums is full of newfags so nobody remembers this
That was literally OVER a decade ago. 10 years user, 10 years of storage price reductions happened meanwhile.
10 years.
that's 2 Nintendo generations worth of years.
They could sell the Switch for $150 and still make a slight profit
The PS3 was sold at a loss even at $599
You're think this is good bait OP but you're a moron because you get less capable hardware just like the wii was compared to the rest and just like the wii u was compared to the rest
all consoles are dog shit no exception
The playstation 3 came out 10 years ago you fucking drone.
no they're filled with these faggots holding a 5 year grudge against anons who probably don't even post here anymore
This, this this. It also had a Blu ray player
PS3 has no games
damn i shud hop on the ps4 now.
>gamecube was $280 on release date if we adjust it for inflation
>switch is only $20 more expensive
>counts stormblood as a full game
bloodborne kiddies have evolved
It had a Blu ray player when everyone wasn't sure if it was going to be the next thing or not.
How else would you treat an MMO? Big Xpacs usually count as a seperate thing and are even eligible for GOTY
But sure, remove that one game. Wouldn't make that much of a difference at the end of the day, would it?
>10 fucking years since the ps3 launched
what am I doing with my life
Just because TW3's expansion pack won GOTY doesn't mean it should.
I don't know why you're counting weeb games when it's been shown that those games can never carry a console.
And how about making a fairer comparison? PS4's first quarter only had Bloodborne and The Order 1886 as it's only exclusive, non-remaster/definitive edition games, and The Order wasn't even well-received, then there's Toukiden which has been dead for a while.
I'll never understand the point of showing such a biased comparison.
>It's bad when the PS3 does it!
>But it's perfectly fucking fine when the PS4 does it!
Seriously. The PS4 is far more expensive than the PS3. I really do not get people at all.
I'd get a PS4 in a heartbeat for $599 if I just never had to pay for fucking online.
With paid online it only takes a few years and the PS4 already exceeds $599. And yet people don't make a big deal out of it, even though they still make a big deal out of the PS3's launch price for some reason.
Why? Seriously.
but PS4 has the best games
We even get the indie shit that isn't trash after PC finished beta testing it
Too much shit logic to be bothered to respond, but
>I'll never understand the point of showing such a biased comparison.
What biased comparison? Switch IS a 2017 system, not a 2013 system competing with PS4's 2013 library.
Jesus christ this is quite literally the 7th(?) time I see people bringing this stupid argument.
Nintendo CHOSE to enter the arena mid-generation, so it will go against PS4's 2017 library + backlog whether you like it or not.
What the fuck is this "Fair" bullshit? It's reality, it's simple. ONLY through retarded mental gymnastics will you reach the conclusion that only launch year PS4 games should be compared to launch year Switch games.
>Posting weebshit and multiplats as games for Sony
holy kek.
>Over a deccade ago
>filled with enough technology to simulate black holes
I miss when we could pay a hefty price upfront and then fully own all the features for all the time to come.
But now they sell us the crap for a slightly reduced price, yet expects us to pay for fucking ever till the end of time. And I absolutely hate it.
Joke all you want about the ps3 launch, but I seriously wish we could go back.
600 dollars aint shit to chad warden
It was the same argument used against the PS4 for it's first year, people pointing out how the Wii U library had many more, well-received games which was always an unfair comparison since the PS4 had just come out.
If you want to make sense you need to look at the way the market works, there are at least 1mil Switch pre-orders already, should we count this as Sony's defeat because they haven't sold as much this past week? That wouldn't be a fair comparison now would it?
Besides look at Sony's Q1 exclusives and realize that Zelda will probably outsell Nioh, Yakuza 0, GR2 and Nier combined.
>complain about multiplats being posted
>Switch's ONLY launch game worth noting is a multiplat (zelda)
>complain about japanese games being posted
>Switch new games of 2017 are all japanese
this image would be 10 times better if only 2017 was taken out and it just said games. wiiu2 has only zelda and ps4 has only bloodborne.
>there are at least 1mil Switch pre-orders already, should we count this as Sony's defeat because they haven't sold as much this past week? That wouldn't be a fair comparison now would it?
Yes, it's completely fair. Why wouldn't it be?
Xbone outsold PS4 in the USA for 4 months in a row because they released XboneS while PS4 newcommers were waiting for PS4slim/Pro releases. It's totally fair that it got outsold in that period (of course it still vastly outsold the Xbone globally in that period, but still)
Same here, it's fair if Switch outsells the PS4 in it's launch period, I don't see why that "wouldn't count"
>Besides look at Sony's Q1 exclusives and realize that Zelda will probably outsell Nioh, Yakuza 0, GR2 and Nier combined.
Yes. But how does that affect the consumer?
The games are actually coming out, other games will still be made regardless of that fact.
>$100 for 40 GB of disk space
I know that feel all too well.
Jesus christ, you could've built a decent gaming pc with that amount of money.
>10 years of support for the ps2/ps3
Why can't nintendo be like that
>it's fair if Switch outsells the PS4 in it's launch period
But what you're implying it's that it's indicative of the market as a whole when it's not, entering the market mid-gen isn't a bad thing if you know your console will be overshadowed.
Aside from the games most of your comparison is just you arguing that Nintendo not living up to Sony's shitty business practices is a bad thing, and implying that having a pro-controller is a must.
People weren't happy about it then.
Also the PS3 is more powerful than the switch so...
>tfw wont have to buy any consoles this gen because they're all garbage
More money to spend on upgrades!
>justifying the PS3's launch price
I'm glad I'm an adult and I don't have to deal with this crap. Bought a PC and pirate every game except certain multiplayer titles.
Even multiplayer titles can be pirated and played with friends with a little port forwarding.
>thought i'd buy a ps4 when the slim model came out
>thought it was a given that there'd be more games than uncharted 4 and infamous could give a fuck less about soulsborne games
>still no reason to buy a ps4
>literally no clue what the xbone has and have never even seen on irl at a friends house
>still might buy switch if wiiu does 30fps with dips and switch is 60 with dips just for botw
i dunno.
>"I can't into reading comprehension"
The ps3 is more powerful than the switch.
Are people really complaining about a $299 pricetag? I've had a PC for ten years now, and just recently traded in my WiiU for a PS4 (amazon gave me $240 for the WiiU that I only spent $270 on during black friday last year; the PS4 I got from ebay for $220 and it came with FFXV and Bloodborne). I'll probably wait a few months and grab a used Switch for ~$250 when I get the chance. That's a perfectly reasonable amount to charge for a console.
The peripherals are insanely fucking overpriced however. $70 for a regular controller? Give me a break.
>"People were mad but it's okay because the PS3 is better."
>cow milking
How can anyone else compete?
That must be why the PS3 did so well in its first few years.
The price isn't exactly the problem. It's the underpowered hardware being sold as if it's something actually respectable.
Sony got a lot of shit for this, but a PS3 was more powerful than a $1000 gaming computer at the time. The Switch is literally as powerful as a budget smartphone and costs a fuckload for every single peripheral, accessory, and game. You literally can't charge your controllers and play the game at the same time without buying a $70 second controller.
Yeah, it's """""better"""" if you don't mind silky smooth cinematic experience 18 fps and screen tearing out the ass
Nintendicksucker went full retard.
$599 for a PS3 back then was a fucking steal as it had cutting edge technology in it and a blu-ray player to add, whereas stand alone blu-ray players went for $700+ at that time
The Switchtosony is pre-last gen 7th gen shit tier junkyard hardware that still struggles with 720p and 30fps in 2017
It didnt do well at first and that is the point, all this crying over the switch pricetag will be forgotten in less than a year.
>You literally can't charge your controllers and play the game at the same time without buying a $70 second controller.
the more time i spend in switch threads the more i learn how incompetent nintendo is.
The Switch has some pretty scummy and greedy ways to squeeze out the money, but it's not helping that there's a lot of deliberately false information getting slung around. We just had a shitposting thread last night about how an extra dock/adapter/HDMI is $90, but despite the fact the image CLEARLY said all those things are already included in the Switch we had a bunch of idiots saying, "What, Nintendo is charging separate for the dock!?"
Post-console announcements are always full of shitposting on all sides.
Are you forgetting how hard Sony got shit on about paid online on this board?
The shitstorm was much worse than this one.
t PCfag
This shit took forever for Sony to get over. The PS3 lagged behind the 360 until late in the gen. This E3 showcase was one of the worst in gaming history.
Delet this
>but a PS3 was more powerful than a $1000 gaming computer at the time.
lmao not it wasn't, kids need to leave
I don't think you understand, this costs $90. If you need a second one for any reason, you need to pay $90. It's a piece of fucking plastic with a Nintendo logo on it. This is included in the Switch's price.
>even the ps3 had 60 gb of storage when it came out 11 years ago
>Are you forgetting how hard Sony got shit on about paid online on this board?
you now remember people used to own xboxes and for them it was the greatest day of reckoning for sonyggers.
Not sure I understand, the price tag is in line with the specs. The N3DS XL is around ~$200 last I checked. Nintendo is always behind the spec curve so that should really be no surprise - all that really matters is the games at this point. You're also paying for the portability.
kek. that is pretty shitty. well done ninty.
>all this crying over the switch pricetag will be forgotten in less than a year.
Only because no one is going to buy and so it will fade into obscurity
I was being sarcastic user.
If people think 300 is expensive for a console, just wait for Scorpio or neo later this year. People will literally shit bricks
you can charge and play just not on the tv.
Reminder that the Switch only has 32GB of internal storage.
>PSN is hacked and brought offline for more than a week, thousands of gamers' information stolen
that honestly makes even less sense. i don't know if that was your intention.
Fuck, I want her so bad.
>Even multiplayer titles can be pirated and played with friends with a little port forwarding.
Nigger you are going to be so disappointed with the switch.
That was totally NOT alright. People were pretty unhappy.
I meant more along the lines of cooperative multiplayer games, but yes, you'll need to buy that game to play it.
Unless you account share with your friends.
>it's alright because Sony did it a decade ago
It was bad then, it is worse now.
What was the name of that PR mascot guy Sony would bring out to make fun of the competition at E3 and shit? It was around the time they were trying to shill psMove & 360 was trying to sell the idea of Kinect.
I know I never saw him again after PSN got raped so bad by that hack.
From what I remember, this was bashed heavily and eventually the price dropped. The 360 heavily outsold the PS3 too, this probably was a big reason. It was the same with the Xbone and PS4....well and obviously some other bullshit Msoft tried to pull.
>more powerful than the wii u
>wii u runs 1080 60fps
what ever happened to that?
>wahh look at me i'm an adult
>16:9 screen
Are you suggesting that I'm not an adult because I have a screen with a 16:9 aspect ratio? Are you attacking my aspect ratio?
>playing bocce ball and frisbee golf with friends
say what you want i loved that shit for what it was.
Wii U
>Nintendo Land
>Killer instinct
>Zelda BotW
And yet The Switch has the worst launch line up yet?
Also the fact that paid online is so terrible when nintendo does it
If the controllers run out of juice while you're playing, you have to plug them into the tablet, plug the tablet into the dock, and can't play until they're charged again. The only way to get around that is to buy another controller, the cheapest of which is $50 for only half. Or you can buy a $40 plastic shell that is the exact same thing as the one that comes with the system, except it can charge the joycons.
Sometimes I wonder if some of the posters are dogs or cats. They could be more intelligent than we think.
1. plug them into tablet
2. plug USB into tablet
3. ???
>points to historically stupid decision
This is you right now.
Couldn't you say that about any wireless controller?
I have a ps3 and ps4 that I enjoy but the cord that came with them was only like 3 feet
fucking this
also put down dead rising 3 for xbox
It was bad when Sony did it too and why we put all our chips on Nintendo. Now they've betrayed us as well.
>And yet The Switch has the worst launch line up yet?
holy shit you're right except for the fact that you're wrong
>Also the fact that paid online is so terrible when nintendo does it
it's terrible because nintendo has a long history of having a fucking shitty online service and paying for it is a bad move
also the fact that they were the last (console) bastion of free online, no matter how shitty it was
How do you stream a DVD?