Let's talk about something everyone seems to be forgetting

So what has Nintendo ACTUALLY been doing all this time?

I mean, last two E3s have been actual shutdowns with nothing to show, "supposedly" because they were building up a library for the Switch. Welp... where are all the games?

Did they pour their entire budget into the R&D for the Switch? Can they REALLY not keep up with HD development?

You guys said that by consolidating handheld and console into one platform there'd be no more droughts, but looking at this line up, it's the Wii U all over again.

This is a legit question, because it seems to be a symptom of what might be some serious problems within the company.

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Add Puyo Tetris to Launch

Either nintendo is bankrupt or they are used to launder money for Yakuza.

nintendo can't keep up anymore, they take ages to make a single game. look at retro, those faggots have been playing with their dicks since dkc came out. they couldn't even showcase anything for the switch. nintendo is done for.

I get the feeling the weird HD rumble shit was an attempt to do something unique (which is just gonna be an underutilized gimmick I'm sure)

it seems like they've been pouring all their energy into Breath of the Wild in an attempt to make a console-selling game

Mario Odyssey has been a large focus as well, I'm sure

That's still TWO games, in 3+ years!!

For a major company like Nintendo, who's arguably bigger than Capcom, that's TERRIBLE!

Wait for this year's E3, they don't want to announce their whole year's line up in January.

no clue

No persona 5, no GTA, I dont care nintendo a shit

More games will be announced m8. Can't blow their load on the reveal

Your guess is a good as mine op. You would think after having basically cut off wiiu support in 2015 and the majority of 3ds games in 2016 being ports of failed wiiu games, they would have something to show for themselves. Zelda does look good, but they announced that 4 years ago now. Splatoon 1.5 and a mixed bag 3D mario is not enough. Where's retro?

I had a lot of fun wth the wiiu, there were some great titles. But it hurts to see how they've failed to learn from their mistakes in every single way imaginable.

Wait for E3.

Reminder that the following games are already announced for Switch, and only Zelda isn't exclusive
>Mario Odyssey
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade 2
>No More Heroes 3 (working title)
>Fire Emblem Musou
>Octopath Traveler
>Tales of _____

I mean, like all consoles the launch is shit, but the initial announcements for the console are second to none, and we're not even at E3 yet.

More games this E3?

So everyone stupid enough to buy a fucking Switch is just gonna sit here and play with their dicks all of 2017? How quaint.

This launch is GENUINELY worse than the WIiU's. Plus, you said that last E3 about Nintendo Switch reveal being where they'd blow their load. How much longer will Nintendo keep dangling that carrot and stick, because as far as I can tell, they ain't got no blow to load.

>with their dicks all of 2017
They'll have Zelda, ARMS, and MK8D though. Splatoon 2 around the time of E3.

Zelda comes out in March, not "around E3"

MK is a port, you'd have to be a moron to buy it, and ARMS looks like shit.

This is literally the WiiU all over again.

Wasn't there some treehouse stream today or something?
Did it happen already?

>like all consoles the launch is shit

The problem is that everything after Arms, excluding Fire Emblem Warriors and maybe Xenoblade 2, is probably JUST starting development now.

It already happened, yeah

This. IMO this is the best console launch in 2 generations

That is nice, but so far, that's their entire first year.
And only about 5 will be out by E3.

>You guys said that by consolidating handheld and console into one platform there'd be no more droughts, but looking at this line up, it's the Wii U all over again.

3DS games are still being made and are coming out, and they're obviously saving stuff to show for E3 later this year.

Did they reveal anything new?

The last 3DS direct was pretty much just WiiU ports + a shitty Pikmin sidescroller thing. It just looked like they were trying to milk the last of the 3DS before moving on to the Switch.

I don't think so, I fell asleep midstream but there seems to be nothing new on nintendoeverything and mynintendonews

>W-wait for the reveal!
>W-wait for the presentation!
>W-wait for E3!

>Can they REALLY not keep up with HD development?
No one can keep up in HD development. Outside of small projects, games are taking 3-5 years to make which is why yearly series like CoD have increased their rotations to 3 studios, why we got Skyrim Enhanced instead of a new ES which is nowhere to be seen, and why GTA5 consists of releasing the same game multiple time with minor upgrades and zero expansions.

Top fucking keeeeeek

They just showed gameplay for some games. Arms actually looks kind of fun (for 30 min)

that's not a fair comparison
post the games that were available for the PS4 at launch and the ones that were announced coming soon for the PS4 at launch

? But we don't live in 2013.

We live in 2017. Switch IS competing against 2017 PS4/Xbone/PC libraries AND their previous backlogs.
It was their choice to release a console mid-generation and all consequences that come with that.

WiiU also has 1 year headstart over the other two, and yet no one was saying "PLEASE STOP! IT'S NO FAIR PS4 ONLY HAS THE ORDER 1886 AND KNACK!!". Nah, people rightfuly shat on PS4's library while pointing at what the WiiU already had at the time.

I don't understand your mental gymnastics. Right now if you are going to buy a console the PS4 DOES have that library, it doesn't have the 2013 library. So what's the point of going back in time? How does that help anyone?

I dont see how you czn reason that. Theres mo dvidence to suggest that. Logic suggests that they would withold some news for big shows that are approaching like E3, to avoid disasters like 2015

The fact that they had Suda51 go up there and tell that he's thinking about starting to make a new game, along with SMT5 who has just started development is very worrying. Why even have that at all, would it not be better to show a game that is closer to completion? That way even if the launch is barebones people can say that they have stuff to look forwards to in the near future. The truth is that they probably got nothing else to show

You're still comparing launch titles of new hardware to pre-existing hardware and that will always be an unfair fight.

Backward compatibility once existed to try and solve this problem but that was back in ancient times.

What about the vast majority that never bought a Wii U? MK8 will tide them a good while. And even if you had played it, its got new content

>No More Heroes 3
Suda only said that he'd "love' to develop for the Switch and that he's been throwing some ideas around with indie developers Nothing confirmed, not even NMH 3. He just said he likes Travis Touchdown and the Switch.
They straight up said that "development just started but they were kind enough to make this video".
>Octopath Traveler
That may hopefully be coming out this year.

So is DQ Heros 1/2 a NA launch title or only Japan?

>comparing a system that has been out forever vs a launch
Sonyggers and their disingenuousness never fails to rouse a kek.

>that will always be an unfair fight.
And nintendo chose to enter that fight.

How is that suddenly my fault?

Just got home from wagecucking, what exactly will be new in the Switch MK8? More tracks?

>March 2017
"Hey Dad I want a console, the PS4 seems nice"

"Oh yeah Son, quite a lot of games hmmm but wait the Switch is a launch system, so let us ignore the things you can actually currently play on the PS4 and go read up online on its 20113 library... wow only killzone and SecondSon? Piece of crap, let's buy a Switch then!"


Battle Mode, new characters, I think new tracks but Im not sure about tracks. For sure characters and battle though. Thats all i know

>MK is a port, you'd have to be a moron to buy it
What about the people who didn't buy a Wii U?


>this is all coming in the consoles first 9 months
>probably more holiday 2017 titles to be announced at E3

I think Switch could do better but let's compare, shall we? I'll be using this list sorted by release dates: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wii_U_software

Feel free to comment with additions/removals of games that are worthwhile and direct comparisons of similar games.

Launch (Dec):
>New Super Mario U
>Rabbids Land
>bunch of lazy ports

+3 months post launch (March)
>Lego City Undercover

+6 months post launch (June)

+7 months post launch (July)

+8-9 (depending on location) months post launch (August-Sept)
>Wonderful 101 (the way they showed it off I thought it would be Spring 2013)
>Rayman Legends
>Splintercell: Blacklist (I'd forgotten that Wii U actually did get some simultaneous releases, A+ for effort)

+9-10 (depending on location) months post launch (Sept-Oct)
>Zelda WW HD
>Just Dance 2014
>Sonic World (blah)

+11 months (Nov)
>CoD: Ghosts (I know, no one cares but it still got a simultaneous release of the last CoD to be on last gen and that's something)

+12 months post launch (Dec)
>Mario 3D World

Since they hoard games for the holiday rush I think it's fair to compare Switches first holiday games (+9 months post launch) with Wii Us first holiday games (+12 months post launch).

And lets see what thats gonna look like in 2 or 3 years. The PS4 has less than 5 worthwhile exclusives at the moment. The Switch already has 3 prospects lined up with 1 at launch. There is no reason to consider a PS4, it hasnt had good exclusives in this many years, its not gonna change. Nintendo systems always get at least enough to make it worth having with a PC.

They should buy a used WiiU instead, cause it's got more games and free online.

nope, just battle arenas

Sorry, but amid
>a bunch of lazy ports
You've got Deus Ex HR which was actually a great port.

Also, Arkham, Watch Dogs, and Mass Effect 3 were ok. Don't ram them into 1 either, since Skyrim, Fifa, and Xenoverse 2 are likely "lazy ports" as well. So make a fair comparison.

WiiU launch was way better.

>You guys said that by consolidating handheld and console into one platform there'd be no more droughts, but looking at this line up, it's the Wii U all over again.
>This is a legit question, because it seems to be a symptom of what might be some serious problems within the company.
it's just their operating model

they could have all the games out, but then there would be the drought
they're a publisher first and foremost, so they want consistent revenue, they don't want quarters that are total slumps

the releases are staggered so they have people continuing to buy games are regular intervals, rather than blowing their load for launch and not having anything till the next year

it makes sense from a business perspective, which is why nintendo is such a strong business
but it's retarded for the consumer, because it means nobody buys the system till 2018 or beyond

>Tfw legit excited for Bomberman

>2 years ago
wait till e3 wii U domination is coming
>1 year ago
wait till E3, nintendo saved their best for last
wait till e3, switch is nothing like the wii u

Nintendrones need to be gassed

Arkham, Watch_Dogs, and ME3 were all shit ports. Better versions existed for cheaper on other consoles. Recall if you can that the Mass Effect Trilogy was a single disc released on the PS3 and came out a few weeks after ME3 on the Wii U. All three have really bad audio glitching that isn't present on most whole-assed ports onto the Wii U (the few that exist).

Deus Ex was the only decent port the Wii U ever got. Well, unless you count Bayonetta.

Nice assumption "Nintendrone" guess ill wait till then to buy this worthless console ;)

>And nintendo chose to enter that fight.
Not really. Most people generally compare launch titles with launch titles as they understand console wont launch with 50 titles.

I mean you can even see that its getting some of the same titles the PS4 has, it just going to take time because of development.

Lol at Yooka Laylee. Thats coming to the Switch.

I guess Nintendo goes a strategy, where they give you over the year big and small games. So it´s not about the launch, it´s about the year. Have a constant output of games over the year.

yeah FE muso may take longer, but we don´t know actually. But Xeno is announced for this year afaik. But who knows if it will really release this year

Doesn't matter. The ports on Switch might also be shit, so since we don't know compare them fairly. As only a dribbling idiot would buy Skyrim for Switch, and we all know Todd is gonna fuck up the port anyway, considering this is fucking Bethesda, kings of bugs.

the thing about ps4 and wiiu is, they launched during christmas/black friday. People know they will get money there and have most of their games already finished.

But in march? Do you really think there are many good games coming out, which are not in development for quite a while?

Not confirmed.

not at that time, retard. Jesus fucking christ how it that hard to comprehend?

Doesn't it have microtransactions?

I'm just as disappointed as you are OP.

I think it's the result of a shaky transitioning period. The Wii U is dead, but the 3DS needs to be choked out still. Really they should have killed the 3DS sooner but for some reason they were insistent on releasing downgraded Wii U ports. Really, if you wanted to wow the world with completely portable versions of Wii U games, why not port them to Switch instead?

Mario Maker, Hyrule Warriors, and Wooly World would have certainly beefed up the Switch line up. I'm sure at least the former two games will get ported to the switch eventually, but they could have come much sooner if you did not force developers to waste their time.

Why would you be excited for Bomberman?
It's by far the worst thing they could have done to this franchise?

>Using gems as microtransaction items in order to let you continue playing the game you bought full price. It's a glorified and pretty arcade that still tries to make their dosh with cheap microtransaction tactics only found in smartphone dirtgames
>The missing D-Pad makes controlling and gameplay difficult to handle with joystick controls.
>"costumes" and other "cosmetics" behind paywalls, nothing is unlocked via playing the game normally
>loveless and stale design (however clean it looks from the screen) makes the overall gameplay look like cheap eshop trashtitle with little to no development time and budget assets.

Did you even watch the Treehouse presentation?
I was hooked but the devs just want your money.
It's a fricking trap. I am ashamed.

Reminder that Zelda was announced for the wii u and was definitely coming out in 2015.

Fair point. 3DS would be a fairer comparison as a system that also launched in March.

This is the best launch games I've seen in awhile now that they confirmed Xenoblade 2 for this year with Splat2n, Odyssey and BotW. I had to wait like until 2016 to purchase a next gen console (PS4).

I don't even remember what the 3DS and Wii U had for me.

>confirmed xenoblade 2 for this year
It's not coming out this year don't get your hopes up.

there are already 80 games in development and a Nintendo Direct is coming January 18

>he thinks xenoblade2 is coming out this year
Don't be stupid. This game is coming out in 2018 at the earliest in japan. Localized by 2019.

I'm sure this has been asked a trillion times before, but are the other launch titles preorders opening later on sometime? I only see the 4 games (arms,1 2, Zelda, Mario Kart) on Amazon and Nintendo UK's store.

Here's my question will we at least be able to choose vo option? Obviously I am asking for a prediction here.

SMT is multiplat and Tales is likely a port.

Half of those games are "in early development" aka "wait 2 years to buy our console."

I'm sure NMH3 will be multiplat too, considering the first two got ported to PS3 eventually anyway.

There is literally no reason to buy this shitty console outside of Mario '17 and Splatoon 2, both of which shoulda been on WiiU anyway.

It's solely for Fire Emblem: Warriors and Fire Emblem: Mobile Charge (which is a smartphone game btw) with intense inside peaks and some gameplay sessions.

1, 2 Switch, Splatoon 2, Snipperclips, Arms, Mario Odyssey, Zelda and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe are all first party games.

They just released new content for Animal Crossing 3DS, so a team was working on that as well. Not to mention the Smash DLC which just finished.

I'm also not sure about the 3DS Pikmin game.

You're missing some games

>PS4 first twelve month exclusives:
>Killzone Shadow Fall
>Infamous Second Son
>Drive Club

Yeah the Switch has a good launch lineup.

I don't know why they decided to release the switch so early into the year. They should have released it sometime in November, that way all of these games would have been launch titles.

It allows a more bigger library to push during the holidays

Additional tracks confirmed

I don't anyone, even Nintendo, wanted another year of literally nothing. 2016 was bad enough. What did we get, Star Fox Zero in May and Pokemon in November, thats it?

Look at all those multiplats on the right.

Still I'd take those 4 nintendo games over everything on the right.

And we all know that turned out.

I think Nintendo makes a strategy, where they will give you games over the year instead of all of them during launch and you don´t have the money to buy it.

You know when you see a Nintendo cock sucker when he wants ARMS over, say, a Platinum action game with Taro's story.
but on the other hand I'm sure you're hyped for Bayo3, being the hypocrite liar you are

>so early
It was delayed for Zelda and probably Dragon Quest.

Pokemon and Metroid will likely be announced at E3.

well shit... I hope we get more announcements soon. Though to be honest I'm happy with Mario, Splatoon and Zelda

1080p 60fps all the time
More tracks
More characters
Revamped battle mode

God damn it, I never shouldve expected good things from Konami.

>Nintendo delivers a solid line up of games spread conservatively across the year at launch
>people still bitch about no games

Nintendo could give you 100 games and you wouldn't be satisfied, cunt

Never played a Bayonetta game, sorry. And yes, sure, Nier automata looks fun, but not anymore so than any of platniums other games. Arms looks like a lot of fun, either way.

Yeah, I had gotten my hopes up because Bagura and the Dastardly Bombers or whatever they're called are back.

Well that sucks.

>really only wanted a PS4 for Disgaea 5
>was about to buy it
>it's on the Switch now
Thanks, NIS.

Is Bomberman a free download?
Does the retil version come with everything?
This sounds fucking awful. Fuck Konami.

You're not forced to use them. What's the problem?