When did you realize that Nintendo fucked up with the Switch?
When did you realize that Nintendo fucked up with the Switch?
>Paid Online
Right then. I made a few predictions that Nintendo HAD to do in order to be successful this gen:
>Huge Exclusive on launch (Metroid for example or a Mario)
>Backwards Compatibility
They literally fucked up on all 3 of those and took it a step further with Paid Online.
I'm still kinda stunned to be honest. It's literally like they're fucking up on purpose. Nobody can be this out of touch.
The icing on the cake was:
>Need a smartphone app to speak to your friends online
>Only free games you get are fucking SNES games that you lose after a month
It's honestly embarrassing
Paid online and showing motion control bullshit AGAIN
Pretty much this
Very disappointed. Sad!
Zelda is a better launch title exclusive than metroid
It's not an Exclusive
Because they have a version for WiiU too? emantics man
Yes. It's not a reason to buy a Switch
The Cemu Emulator is also more or less complete
When they started talking about waggle and ice cubes.
Before it was even announced. I actually believed it would be less of a fuck up than it actually was. Jesus fucking christ Nintendo is worse than Apple.
>paid online
>ice cubes
>1,2 switch
all that shit back to back made me realize nintendo will drop out of hardware very soon.
About 55 minutes into the presentation when they hadn't talked about specs yet and the only confirmed launch title was fucking 1, 2, Switch.
when Iwata died
>ice cubes
Hold on now
There's nothing wrong with having extremely sensitive rumble.
They just shouldn't have focused on that.
The Switch is only going to sell to Nintendo fans at $300, it's too expensive for normies to pick one up "just because" which is what they really needed. They needed another Wii and the Wii was only $250
So yeah, when your 13 million Wii U owners are looking to upgrade and they see the graphics are barely different, and the only thing the console has to offer is BotW until Holiday 2017
When they were announcing the controllers and showed that shitty shovelware game. I thought it was 2006 for a while.
NINTENDO wants to sell MEDIOCRE CONSOLES! Won't happen!
When the first thing they showed was more waggling bullshit and some normalfag party gimmick game. It only went downhill from there, apart from "We have EIGHTY games in development! *that will either never come out or will be released over the course of the next 4 years*". I really wanted Nintendo to win everyone back with this, I can't believe they would go so full retard after the Switch announcement trailer showed a pretty normal but slightly gimmicky console. I had hoped it would be a day one buy, but $300 is too damn much for a cellphone that can't make phone calls and has ONE exclusive game worth playing (sold separately) that you can play within a month of purchase.
How the hell is that semantics? Zelda is literally the only game besides Bomberman that's coming out within a month of launch, and you can get it on a console you already probably have, or on your damn PC for free.
>Paid Online
It's not like they are can't handle a large number of players because they are offering free online at release, which is when the largest number of people will go online.
$300 and paid online
If you have a Wii U it just doesn't seem worth the extra $300 for texture upgrades in Zelda. Switch needs more 1st-party exclusives than Mario Odyssey.
The paid online thing could be subject to change if enough people raise a stink about it within the time frame while it's "free" until fall.
Paid online.
Nintendos biggest incentive to be included in a combo with PC is gone and it doesn't even look like it's going to be an improvement.
I realsied when I saw this...
(1 of 2)
And knew it had to become this!
gross :(
Needs to happen to everyone who streams that game. its the hot new maymay.