>its going to be the next wii u!
>no ones going to pay 299 for it!
Nintendo Switch Sold Out At All Retailers
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Deliberately constrained stock. They only sold about 900,000 nationwide.
Same thing happened with the Wii U
the wii only sold like 500k in its first month in america
The Wii U also sold out at the beginning.
>It only sold 900k in under 12 hours
>only sold 900'000
Do you have any idea of how much that is?
any sense of scale? that's not a number you can just say "oh well I love cock, but I ONLY slept with 900'000 niggers".
holy shit user.
It outsold the wii u's first month in one day. 900000 units in one day is a fantastic start for any console
"only" $270M on launch, nintendo is absolutely finished
Who is waiting for the Mario Kart Deluxe bundle?
I'm mad. I took a dump and came back and the grey one was sold out on Amazon.ca.
I'm sure it will come back eventually, but I wanted to lock it in early just to be safe, and in case of a price error.
I don't understand the nostalgia and amiibo bullshit
do normies just buy it to show off at parties and show how much of a gamer nerd they are?
A reminder that the Wii U sold 300k at launch, and the PS4 sold around 1.2M its first month.
Did it really sell that many units? Thats insane
I remember when the Dreamcast sold like hotcakes on release, and everybody was all "Sega is saved!"
They're buying for the same reason normies bought the PS4.
Promise of FUTURE games.
My local gamestop said they got 30. Thats more than half the Wii and Wii U's they got.
Damn, retailers are fast as fuck with their numbers these days, less than 24 hours after the pre-orders up and they got a accurate number reported to manufacturers already. Meanwhile, accurate numbers for practically everything else take weeks if not months.
Dreamcast throughout its lifetime was actually selling well, so this is not a strong argument.
Sega died because they were already dead before they even launched the Dreamcast.
>preorders are sales now
Top kek
To everyone saying WHOAH 900k!
The Wii U sold 3 million units in the first month. It then went on to barely sell 11 million total in 5 years. This is indicative of very little one way or the other, although Nintendo may increase their day 1 Switch Stock because of this. I think they only planned to make 2 million Switch's for launch in total. I would guess that's due to lack of faith in its success?
I dunno, but boasters and naysayers should probably kill themselves. Preorders are never indicative of long term sales for anything, be it games or gaming systems.
It's not an argument user, it's worry. Much as I despise Nintendo's business practices, I don't really want them to die and leave us with just Tweedledum and Tweedledee to choose from.
>twitter image filename
>facebook frog
>defending nintendies
>During its first week of release in the United States, Nintendo sold its entire allotment of over 400,000 units and sold a total of 425,000 units for the month of November, according to the NPD Group
3million? kek
>EXACTLY 45 seconds apart
Oh, user...
Doesn't matter, Mario Oddyssee looks like Sonic 06, Splatoon is a rehash, that godawful Switch games is trash and Skyrim can only be sold a number of times before people stop buying it. This is the time for sure, Nintendo is truly finished and will be selling their games on Steam by the end of the year.
If you worry then you're pretty retarded.
The Switch's pre-orders are doing very well, and they have a very solid lineup of year 1 games. Launch is ass, but so is every launch in video game history.
Dreamcast was sold out as well....look how that turned out
article is misleading because it has no mention or sources of it being sold out apart from wal mart getting orders
>The Wii U sold 3 million units in the first month.
Aaaand how many of those are scalpers from the amiibo debacle?
And you literally couldn't buy a Wii for months afterwards because they didn't fucking stock them.
What is your point?
Always a good sign for nintendo
>The Wii U sold 3 million units in the first month
user pls
Much cheaper than an Ipad with 32GB so I'll still do it.
Wii U was sold out on release date, dont forget ninty shorts their stock.
yeah, and? the wii u was also sold out, this is mostly gayming personalities and 'journalists' and blind fanboys
wii u sold a shitton in the first month, but then DAT DROP happened, same will happen with the switch
Just like they did with the Virtual boy
The Wii U Pre Orders also sold out
The pii u sold 500k in its first month. Where are you getting your numbers?
I ain't the first one who posted the long slog of text, user.
>2 million consoles worldwide
>sold out in US
I'm excited for the Switch too you dumb faggots, but thinking this means anything is nonsense. Wii-U also sold out day 1.
>implying amiibos hasnt been the talk of the town on Sup Forums
>can still get it on almost every site in canada
gonna flop up here
>provide absolutely no stock
>surprised it sells out
you guys know most of these will drop their preorder later
>wow it sold all 5 units
Sold more than you thought
Mario looks literally nothing like 06.
Ah yes
The ancient nintendo tactic of simulated demand
Worked for the NES Classic didn't it?
Fuck off nintenshill, the wii u sold 10 million units the first week, and it was destroyed by xbone and PS4.
Okay, so for comparison's sake.
You're telling me that it took 3 months for the Wii U to sell out of its pre-orders
Compared to 3 hours for the Switch?
well I am seeing unsold nes classics in stores now
Ugh please
The Wii U sold 70 million units in its first hour, then proceeded to sell negative 55 million units over the next 4 years.
The Switch could end up with 0 lifetime sales!
Shut the fuck up weeb or you'll regret it...
>Mario Oddyssee looks like Sonic 06
Guess you didn't actually watch the trailer.
I wish IGN had a working archive, how did the Gamecube do?
that feel when you only make nine-tenths of a million sales
>scalpers hoarding Nintendo NX
And they were substantially lower in numbers
They sold it for a loss, and everyone and their grandmother pirated. Nintendo at least is selling the Switch for a profit.
They did rerelease it
Switch is in stock on Canadian Bestbuy.
I'm on my way back from GameStop after preordering Switch and Zelda. Now I feel really good seeing this
>3 months
No it didn't?
You could use this for nearly any new hardware release.
>order from 4 different retailers
>all cancelled hours later
The Wii U was available for pre-order from E3 2012 to September 2012.
>mario looks like sonic 06
only the supposed hub world, but the rest looks great and the dev team won't be cut in 1/2 and rushed for the holidays this time.
>Splatoon is a rehash
not by enough for people to not buy it, unless it's XV2 levels of the same shit. even then people still bought it
>Motion control games are trash
>the boxing one looks hella lit, but 1 2 switch was created to pander to normies, so yeah it'll probably be shit unless it holds a mii sports quality.
>Skyrim can only be sold a number of times before people stop buying it
Yup, just like the pii U.
Nintentoddlers will buy it fast, but once that all Nintentoddlers have one already, the sales will never increase.
>mfw i went an hour late to my gamestop and still managed to get one
So glad im not in a major city area gamestop cause i bet all those major cities were the first to sell out(houston,austin ,dallas,etc).
I only bought the switch and preorder spaltoon 2, so unfortunately i wont be playing it for the first 3-4 months,but at least i got one.
I feel like the switch is going to have the same type of release that the Wii had.
Lets be honset here Sup Forums.
The switch is basically a true successor to the Wii with everything on it that we wish the Wii u and Wii had(good well known 3rd party support,good launch titles etc).
This shit will probably be hard to get for about a year or so similar to the wii.
dude chill
back up
don't be violent
that or splatoon either way by christmas Switch'll be a great fucking console to have
you are delusional and are just on a recent purchase high
Let's suppose it sells twice the WiiU, it would still be a blunder
The Wii U was sold out too, lol. They're only shipping 2 million worldwide and the console comes out in under 2 months, they're fucked.
You could try the radical option of refusing to buy from Nintendo, Sony, -and- Microsoft if you don't like any of their business practices.
Yes, it's selling to their Fanbase, but the Fanbase is still the same.
Part of the Nintentoddlers are even leaving Nintendo behind
See what? Somebody using pre orders as evidence of anything?
Pre Orders are inflated with scalpers and not to mention the fact that Nintendo always gimps their stock quantity
Source on that many sales?? I can't find anything.
If the fanbase was still the same it would have taken the same amount of time to sell out of pre-orders though.
>If it sells much better than the worse sales runner aside from the Virtual Boy it's still shit
Going to make quite a few shitposting threads when this hits 1 million sales in its first month.
You don't know that it didn't. You don't know if the stock is less for the Switch than it was for the Wii U.
You're pushing a false equivalence to push a desperate narrative.
You're only setting yourself up for golden faces when the Switch flops on March 3rd
>wait for holiday season when they actually bother to make stock
>black friday deals put the system at a decent price
>FE Musou released, only game I actually care for
>bound to have cash from birthday and family gatherings by then
>have all the time in the world to enjoy SFV and Gravity Rush 2 and replay some old vidya by then
Who here /patient&comfy/?
Nah, you know this baby is about to sell like hotcakes and you're setting yourself up for a lot of anger and frustration when it does.
making $9 an hour at after school job
Wii U was available for Pre Order in September and it was sold out as well
>After revealing the release date and pricing for its Wii U last week (13 September) Nintendo has already seen pre-orders for the console sell out at retailers across the US.
Sorry Nintencucks
I will be impressed with something Nintendo making selling out when it sells out in huge numbers. 900K is impressive as a starting number if true, but I want to see this thing at retail moving millions over the course of the first year. I don't want this to be a case of Nintendo's infamous artificial scarcity. I should be able to pre-order this fucking thing. The fact that I already can't tells me scalpers probably bought them all. Getting my hands on the Splatoon 3-pack at release wasn't easy and it was not justifiable, and I do not want to go through that again.
Impossible stop with this bullshit nintendrone
Call me when it happens
>You're pushing a false equivalence to push a desperate narrative.
People go on about how only diehard Nintendo fans bought the WiiU, if that was true for the Switch, wouldn't it only have a slightly faster pace in sales at best?
So all nintentoddler manchildren bought it, that's great.
>ship 3 consoles to every retailer
You idiots fall for the same dumb trick every single time