
>Game X
>Game 2

If you go by Nintendo's youtube it's actually CX2

>Xenoblade Chronicles X was retconned for being shit
>a true Xenoblade sequel was announced

Xbox 360
Xbox one

Shulkfag stop meming and finish your collab submission.

>Potato-chan and Elma Our Lord and Savior have been retconned out of existence

>Game 1942
>Game Country
>Game 2
>Game 2: Subtitle
>Game 2142
>Game Subtitle
>Game 1943
>Game Subtitle 2
>Game 3
>Game 4
>Game Subtitle
>Game 1

I hope it's not a direct sequel.
Xenoblade had a good enough ending, it doesn't need any more.

Reminder that Xenoblade 2 is only coming out in 2017 in japan. West has to wait for 2018

It's probably set in the new world that Shulk made but a bunch of years later.

you forgot
>Game:play 4 free


It's a sequel to the first Xenoblade.
Next game's gonna be called Xenoblade XX to connect it to X.


Or they'll just pretend X never happened.

I cant wait for Xenoblade XXX

>Megaman X2

>Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness

I can never look at that game's name the same anymore.

>Gamesaga Episode 1: Subtitle
>Gamesaga Episode 2: Subtitle
>Gamesaga Episode 3: Subtitle
>Gamesaga 1 + 2
>Gameblade Chronicles
>Gameblade Chronicles X
>Gameblade Chronicles 2

I hope it's better than X, but I seriously fucking doubt it.

They improved the character models from XCX's potato people and they aren't going to pander to murricans, so its already looking better.

>nips are subhuman and retarded
And the sky is blue. More news at 11.

I can deal with ugly characters.

I just want an interesting game.

XCX is the only one in the "series" I can say that I genuinely don't like, and that includes Xenosaga Episode 2

The only time I felt any actual interest in the game was during the flight to the Lifehold and when during the last few cutscenes explaining shit, because it seemed like the first time in the game THAT ANYTHING ACTUALLY HAPPENED

Why did they feel the need to add "Chronicles" to the title for the localization? "Xenoblade" by itself looks much more appealing

>They improved the character models from XCX's potato people
hell no, the models for XC2 look a hundred times worse.
I thought it couldn't get worse than XCX, but then monolith proved me wrong.
Just the fact that they're using a designer who draws with the moe dot nose trend is off putting.
But their faces look bland as fuck.

Anyone here who played Xenosaga could tell me if it's worth playing it or just watch a "the movie" on youtube?
I tried it and the gameplay looked ass but I'm afraid I will miss out on wonderful dialogue, maybe music or athmosphere
Also emulation is terrible and they won't release a fucking HD collection

>hell no, the models for XC2 look a hundred times worse.
You're nuts.

I've heard that episode II is the only one to avaid because it was handled by a completely different team so you should just watch that on youtube.
III improves on I

I thought XC2 was a new Tales Of game for a second there holy shit

>Game X was a remake of the last game fixing its problems
>Game 2 is the actual sequel
Sometimes it works just fine

I'm not, the models in XC2 look like generic a anime that you'd see from a studio like Kyoani.

At least on paper XCX and XC designs look appealing, but XC2 is already giving me shitty Sword Art Online flashbacks.

Why does the girl and the NotMonado have the Zohar/Lifehold symbol on them?

>Game: Chain of Memories
>Game II
>Game Coded
>Game 358/2 Days
>Game Birth by Sleep
>Game 3D: Dream Drop Distance
>Game X
>Game HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
>Game III

She's probably the sword.
the Zohar's usually something important in Xenogames.

>At least on paper XCX and XC designs look appealing
This would be a valid point if you played the game on paper

>G.A.M.E. 2


It's a valid point because the XC2 designs looked horrible on paper too.

If this had been a new tales of, or neptunia everyone would've called it waifushit and moved on.
But Xenoblade chroniggers are gonna delude themselves into thinking it looks good because "muh monolithsoft can do nuffin wrong"

I love monolith soft, but I'm gonna call them out on when they make bad decisions.

This girl has it too



because the zohar is literally the perfect mcguffin, and they explain it in such a vague way in every iteration of the xeno series that it's nigh infinitely reusable too.

>Melia is a party member in XC2
>Melia falls in love with BlueShulk
>Melia gets cucked by RedFiora

>GEE MC! your mom lets you get TWO swords!?

Will XB2 have bird pussy, though?

>people complaining about the artstyle in X2


Xenoblade 2 won't be localized by NOA right?

Please don't let NOA localized it.

Its better than calling it "GoD"

Switch doesnt have region lock apparently so if NoA does localize it you can just get the nip version

>GAME 2 (Cancelled)
>GAME (Reboot)

Judging by their twitter, they're aware that people liked the brit voices in XC1, since they acknowledge the REALLY FEELIN IT memes.
Since Xenoblade X's dub got a very lukewarm reception, I think there's a good chance that NoE will do the dub (or at least do their own dub that we can import). No one bought Wii U, so they're probably going to want to pander to Xenoblade fans from Wii and people who played Smash and Xenoblade on 3DS.

But I can't speak Japanese and can't learn it in a timely manner.

>Jap version sells twice as much as expects
>only 10 US sales
>Reggie still doesn't understand why and redoubles his team's efforts to make the translations even more hip

Am I the only one who would rather have a XCX sequel? I mean, I liked XC more too, but XCX is the one that actually ended in a cliffhanger. Several cliffhangers, even.

As much as I loved Xenoblade Chronicles X, I like the fact they're considering it and Xenoblade Chronicles parallel series. If only to revel back in the personality of the first.

I still don't understand why they had to use Prey's name for what is basically a new IP.

>tfw it could have been Tales of Xenoblade

they always seem to miss the mark.

I'd rather X gets swept under the rug and never brought up again. Pandering to Murricans was a mistake.

>Game II: Thing on Planet
>The Ultimate Game
>Final Game
>Game 64
>Game 3
>Game 3: Acronym Edition

>tfw no Xenosaga HD collection


>you get swords and weapons that turn into waifus

I swear there was an anime just like this.

Soul eater

I just think this means they're going to have the more fantasy focused games that are just called Xenoblade, and more robot-scifi-space focuses X games. I'm most likely completely wrong, though

Soul Eater had people turning into weapons, a few of which were waifus.

because fuck you, that's why.

it hurts

It had its flaws, but it was a good game and has some interesting concepts in its story. I want to see its full vision, rather than nothing at all.





Storywise, I'm with you definitely, and want to know what the fuck is going on with Mira. But I wouldn't like a XCX sequel -instead- of an XC sequel. Ideally, I'd like to have them go along their way until they merge at some point. A point probably involving someone fucking a Telethia.




I was going to complain for the direction Xeno series took but I guess I'd better be content with actually getting something.

>Guilty Gear
Guilty Gear X
Guilty Gear XX
Guilty Gear XX #Reload
Guilty Gear XX Slash
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core + R
>Guilty Gear 2: Overture
Guilty Gear Xrd
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator

When are we going to get the BB equivalent of GG2?

>Game Subtitle

I would've shat myself if TALES OF THE XENOS appeared on screen

>game 2
>game subtext
>game subtext 2
>game subtext 3 (prequel)
>game subtext 4
>game subtext V

X question, is there seriously no way to use the map if I'm playing on the gamepad? The only way I can use it right now is to switch to display on the TV (even though I don't have a TV).

>not X2
>not only playable girls


Fuck off to gaia

pretty sure he's implying that he wants NoE to do it like the first game dur

There isn't any way to do so.

Vintage meme right here

Fuck that shit.

You all are but wee babies. Watch this.

>tfw your "series" has become so convoluted even the person making these shitty charts doesn't completely get it right

fuck i want I-Ninja 2 so badly

>Game 2: Subtitle
>Remake of Game
>Remake of Game 2
>Portable port of Remake of Game
>Actual New Game (that turns out to be hot garbage)
>Another Portable Remake of Game
>Mobile Port of the second Portable Remake of Game

guess who

>tfw the protagonist of XC2 just reuses Shulk's run cycle
>tfw this means no more hypersprinting/jumping from XCX




Game 1 is its own universe. Game x is its own universe. Game 2 is a sequel to game 1.

>Game X directly references locations and species from Game 1 by name
>Game X is in a separate universe from Game 1

I really just wish they'd bring back the art style and aesthetic of the original game. It worked so much better.


The X actually stands for 10.
Takahashi has once again done a chronology on 10.000 million years or some shit.

Games in a given series take place in different universes from each other but have similar elements among the them.

Neptunia series, shin megami tensei, digimon, xeno series it self.