Xenoblade 2

If you think that the character design is good you're a fucking degenerate and should be killed

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>we want the kiddy audience

RIP xeno

From Reyn baby and Dunban to this garbage.

Fucking disgusting weebs.

Burgerfags who don't think this is cute should kill themselves.

are you implying that the old art style was not weaboo too?

The new style is just cell shaded bullshit

>anime equals kiddy

I feel like they tried to find a way around potato faces of XCX so I'm ok with it.

The only one I have a problem with is the MC. How the fuck do you settle for that as your protagonist?

The new artstyle is hard too take serius, and it doesen't fit with the eldritch dragon/whale thing monsters you are going to fight.

Looks a hell of a lot nicer than XCX and that's all I care about.

Got a little cousin, 8 years old, who absolutely loved Xenoblade Chronicles. Broke his Wii U pad and couldn't play Xenoblade Chronicles X.

If he picks up a switch and X2, will he become a weeb?

Fuck no.


Same here user it just looks sooooo bad

Of course. And get new smt, so he can worship Satan.

that's not anime, you retard
it's just shit

The girls look fine, but there's something off about the MC's eyes on his model, and unlike the girls there isn't even a hint of a nose on him. Also the exposed inner thighs is some dumb shit. Otherwise I'm fine with it.

>characters don't look like subdivided and upressed PS2 models
>swapped an outdated and ugly weeb art style for a new weeb art style
>the world design looks at least half as interested as the first Xenoblade Chronicles and like 5 times better than XCX


I agree 100%

Xeno games have always had inconsistent character designs and art direction. One game will be good, the next will be shit, it's a wash.


It's a JRPG. And do you want to play as a fucking 30 year old man? You probably do because you're a burgerfag who loves to eat shit.

they want the level-5 audience i.e. shotacons

which is probably substantially worse, but at least they know how to play games

XCX was the one with the interesting world to explore.

Bionis was a snore.

That writing is laughably bad.

>Sup Forums can't find anything wrong with the game so they resort to complaining about an anime artstyle in a fucking jrpg

>shota protagonist

Into the garbage it goes.

Yes I do
We had too many child and teenage protagonist
Fuck that

>implying you wouldn't stretch out that taut boipussy

>And do you want to play as a fucking 30 year old man?
Are you an underage faggot?

who is complaining about the artstyle
people are complaining about the retarded design

>wanting to play as an older character with a mature cast is now a bad thing
What happened to this board?

Please kill yourselves and then go back to neofag.

Actually the artstyle looks like a Tales game
I hate it
I least the faces are much better

You had that in X, and remember how that turned out.

That's the official "Fuck it, people recognize the name, let's shit another one out" anime art style of dead video game franchises.
Other symptoms may include overdesigned, huge weapons, unnatural hair colors and feathery hair.

I don't think (or at least I hope) that no one is arguing the character designs of Xenoblade games to be good. Every single Xenoblade game has had god awful character design.

It's the world-design which makes up for it more often than not. And Xenoblade 2 looks like it will likely deliver on that front.

That's what I should be asking. There's too many normalfags like you on here now.

no u
Shulk was 18, at least give me a young adult

why can't we ever have a decent thread about this game?

What does this even have to do with neocuck?

Heavy helmets for everyone it is, then

How did that turn into this?

Fucking how?

Who the fuck designed that attire? The same guy that did Zanza's weapon?

>All these newfags misusing the term 'weeaboo' because they're new are retarded
Whata buncha jokahs

>control-f weaboo or weeaboo
>1 result
come on son, and he was half right

It's the same thing, everyone hates the models because they are 1:1 representations of the drawing but people are too retarded to realize it for some reason

Im getting a switch for this game

Gonna wait until the game is out until I buy the console of course

The drawing look much better
The shading is fucked in the 3d models

Way better than that down syndrome looking shit from X

>It's the same thing, everyone hates the models because they are 1:1 representations
Get your eyes checked user.

Smart boy, I'm not waiting 3 years as my switch gathers dust

And there's no shading on the drawing.


>art design fucking blows
>but world looks great
>but music sounds great and has ACE on task
>but it's fucking Xenoblade
I've never felt so conflicted about a game before. Hope that they change MC before release so he looks like less of a beta cucklord.

Get your eyes checked user.
You might have gotten an A in art class but dont get definitions messed up

>nicer than X
>nicer than literal Xenosaga
I love Monolith vidya too but come on buddy you gotta recognize faults.

Since the reveal I have felt something was off with the MC in that particular scene but I finally realized it's the voice that makes it weird, he looks too childish for the voice they gave him. At least that's what I concluded

Let's hope the other gear in the game is better.

Hope we get some bro tier party characters similar to Reyn and Dunban in this game.

Also what did you guys think of gem mining and fusing and are you hoping it'll make a return?

Check Weeb and I'll accept your apology.

>that feeling of dread when 12 switch came out and the leak was real
>tfw the MS logo came up and it all went away

Right back at you.

Shulk was 14

I thought Chronicles was wrapped up nicely. X ended on a damned cliffhanger.

that's a pretty healthy 14 year old, no wonder Shulk could handle the Monado.

Xenogears ended on a cliffhanger.

You learn to live with it.

>all these retards forgetting that your equipment changes your character's look

What the fuck are you smoking? Shulk was 18.

>X ends on a cliffhanger
>2 is announced instead of a sequel to that
>MC doesn't look to have the same charm as Shulk and doesn't look like a char you can just make out of the gate
I feel like we've hit a bit of a downgrade.
Like can you at least just put out a novel or something detailing the end of Mira's story?

he's 18 idiot

X2 protag looks to be between 14-16

I completely agree.
Really hoping this is at least a new story and not a direct sequel to Chronicles.

I know it's hip to hate on everything on Sup Forums, but the game is still in development, and it's not like the first Xenoblade didn't have a drastic change to how the characters ended up looking from the first trailer.
Hopefully the models go through some refinement before the final product releases.

>I'm retarded

I was hoping to a return to gears and saga's styles, call em edgy if you want but their more serious and melodramatic tones were better for takahashi's style.

And we got this. it's not terrible per se, but it's just so violently against what made xeno stand out. and the logo and those fucking fire effects, I thought it was a joke at first.

you are right, kys pedos

Character design has never been good in xenoblade.

don't much care for the protag himself but god almighty that costume design is just bad.

I think it'll be a nice contrast to what could potentially be a very serious coming of age story.

All of the games have been a mixed bag when it comes to character design and graphical representation.

Well the official description does say it's completely new.

user, release date is set for 2017. If this game was still two or three years off you might have a point.

Shit's not changing much from now until release.

I hope Xenoblade 2 doesn't get censored over in the West. At least Switch is region free so you can import the uncensored JP version if so.

I mentally blocked that to be honest. That and Chrono Cross hurt me pretty badly.

You won't need to. The game is coming out in Japan this year, and if this image is anything to go by maybe even this year for us.
pbs.twimg.com/media/C2D-v0NXcAE4rfa.jpg:largeShulk was 18 you silly billy. Can't remember where they say it but that's his age.

This costume design is FFTA 2 levels of retarded

I miss XCX, where's the skells and the sci-fi/fantasy mix

>fantasy mix
Where? Shit was pretty much hard sci-fi

Well, the first game was shit, why'd you expect the sequel to be good?

I just want the gameplay to be more like xenoblade's and not x's
I want chain attacks, gems, healing arts, and all the other shit that x changed or removed

>It's releasing this year
I must have missed that, admittedly it was really late when I first saw the trailer. Yeah, the artsyle probably is sticking then, sadly. Hopefully, since it's releasing so early for the switch, we get a normal Xenoblade game and then a sequel to X by the end of the console's lifespan.

>Forced to keep buying these garbage consoles in order to play Xeno games

Life is not fair

Shulk was dead

I know I'll like the game, loved both XC and XCX, and I know I'll be able to outfit the MC with a not-retarded armor.

I just hope this kid doesn't make it into Smash looking like THAT.

Overdrive was hype as fuck even if chains were more reminiscent of a turn-based rpg.

I want a system that allows you to choose between the two, along with a new third style.

Considering the last game was Potatoes R Us, I'll consider it an upgrade.

The game won't be localized by NOA



You'll be able to put him in his lewd undies.

>Sakurai might retire Shulk for cuckboy in 5mash if his philosophy about roster size holds true

>and then a sequel to X by the end of the console's lifespan.
God I hope not.

Xenoblade, XenobladeX, and Xenoblade 2 is bad enough, we don't need XenobladeX 2 just to make it even more confusing.

user... I... Don't know how to tell you this but... but it's bad, bad news.

>girls turning into swords
>more open-world bullshit with a bare-bones story

You promised us a real Xeno game Takahashi you bastard.