This was the pinnacle of gaming.
This was the pinnacle of gaming
Ps2 was my last console. Became a hardcore pc gamer around the time TES oblivion was announced. Other than some rare exclusive, I dont think I miss much and I get to laugh at fanboys defending bs like switch
You can always spot an underage fag when they think these 3 are the pinnacle of gaming
Idk, but it's definitely an underrated gen. I feel like this was the last time developers were introducing interesting mechanics into 3D games.
>the pinnacle of gaming is the generation I played when I was 10
6th gen was cool, but you need to go back two more generations if you want golden age
"I also just have to wait on shitty ports or not get them at all, early access is great too and steam own all my games witch leaves me space for my hot glue girl collection"
Prove him wrong
Why is the xbox in the picture?
Yes, yes it was
Us oldfags amirite?
Only le epic [decade I was born] kids will get this XD
4th and 5th gen. Great
6th was decent
7th gen was ok
8th gen is pretty shitty.
Literally nothing wrong with any of this.
even better: PC games from that era, which are all still playable today
Because of Conker, Jet Set Radio Future, Crazy Taxi, Blinx (fuck you I liked it), Jade Empire, Advent Rising, and a lot of other great games.
But I assume you were shitposting so I'm not expecting a reply.
the "pinnacle of gaming" seems to always be 10-15 years before whatever the current date happens to be
Spoiler: it's whenever you, the reader, were 12 years old.
you're not even old enough to make that claim, fuck off
Nintendo 64 Sucked Ass.
When games were actually fucking games instead of bloated narrative, cinematic experiences. I've not seen much innovation or improvements in game mechanics over the past few years. More or less paying for the same shit with a new coat of paint year in and year out.
They've actually regressed in terms of mechanics and gameplay in favor of graphics and muh online only for max normie appeal.
Sad af.
These were either ports or not worth mentioning.
after game cube nintendo gave up with graphics and tried to innovate.
this is both bad and good when you think about it.
If nintendo managed to get by with innovation alone, it screams miles about what little the competition offered.
>Born retarded.
>Best Silent Hill.
>Best Resident Evil.
>Best Metal Gear.
>Best DMC.
>Workable Final Fantasy titles.
>God tier fighting games from Bloody Roar, VS, Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, Virtua Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur, anything SNK, etc.
>All kinds of oddities and hidden gems like Haunting Ground, Shinobi, etc.
>All kinds of great first party games.
Just PS2 was goat console. Alone it was better than the last two gens and having more groundbreaking, stimulating, and adventurous games than the previous gens. I didn't even own a xbawk or cube.
Where the FUCK is the dreamcast??? how come barely anyone on Sup Forums remembers it?
Every kid on my block that had a dreamcast came our as gay
People remember it but naturally you'd want to hide it
no, this was the pinnacle
Xbox was garbage and the beginning of the decline of video games.
GC and PS2 were great though yea
i'm 33 fag
that was 10 years ago
not sure what your point even is
This was the beginning of the end
>we're finally getting the people who are nostalgic for 6th generation consoles
It's been a problem on /vr/ since about a month after the board was created.
>tfw thinking about the day we will get 7th gen nostalgiafags
>Xbox was garbage
It wasn't. People get that idea because it was mostly dudebros buying the console, and all they played was sports, halo, and military shooters. It had plenty of good exlusives that get completely overlooked.
And it was the best console for multiplats (somehow, the PS2 always gets credit for those).
Yep, kiddo.
i swear 6th gen is so fucking overrated on this board
No matter what, I think we can all agree that anything made by Sega has always been complete shit.
that's because the 6th gen is retro by now.
Stupid people have always liked it for muh grafix
I think now we're hitting the nostalgia wave
Its a shame what has happened to the games industry.
Fresh creativity and gameplay have been put aside for shallow visuals.
>best console for multiplats
No it wasn't. Ps2 had better load times, graphics, UI, and controller.
The e-reader was a GBA thing dude the fuck are you talking about.
Don't start with me
That enabled stuff on GC games, kiddo.
I rather doubt it was better for multiplats than ps2.
I never made much experience with it but it's more that Microsoft existing in the console market has actively ruined the industry since.
When they started paid online and people were stupid enough to do it then Sony joined in and now Nintendo's joined the jew train too.
They might not be directly responsible but the "modern console war" shit that's gone on since like 2006 and all the graphics shitposting seemed focus around them vs sony.
>better graphics
blatantly wrong. It was the weakest console that generation.
>there no commonalities shared with 1st through 5th gen and not 6thgen and later
I'll never understand this illusion you retards tell yourself.
How is it not retro
>the truth hurts this much
Oh boy.
older than ten year = retro
>let this small inconveniences or good thing that became bad in the future negate the array of godly games of the gen
The era they were made and the way they were made. Different audiences. And many objective commonalities with retro consoles that 6th gen and later don't share.
modern gaming started with 6th gen, kid
>it has to share commonalities with other retro consoles to be considered retro
what the fuck am I reading?
imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past.
Guess what? 6th gen is considered retro by now.
The 2003 article didn't offer anything larger. You don't need a large image to see that the PS2 version has no shadows.
>online gaming that killed couch co-op!
>when this generation had probably the best couch co-op of any
If "modern gaming" (it didn't, retard) started with the 6th gen, then it's considered retro.
maybe if you replace that useless Microsoft box with a real console, like the Dreamcast.
Listen I can make a smart arguments and type paragraphs. I've done it on /vr/ many times. You're cancer generation doesn't do logic though.
So I have the best argument that is also very easy for me to type.
If you think 6th gen is retro then you're saying Master Chief is retro. You are literately putting Master Chief with retro icons like pacman. If you think that you're a fucking retard.
that doesnt make any sense
>Better graphics
>than anything ever
That would be the 4th gen, it's undeniable. 6th gen was great though.
I just want a revival of those glorious days
If you think 3nd gen is retro, then you're saying that mario is retro. You are literately putting Mario with retro icons like pacman.
Now try making a real argument.
Good thing its making a comeback
Yes that is exactly what I'm saying, kid.
You're honestly saying Mario isn't a retro icon? Now that is some underageb& revisionist history.
>You're honestly saying Master Cheif isn't a retro icon? Now that is some underageb& revisionist history.
>make generalization fallacy
I swear to god you're probably the same fat retard I argued with a couple months ago that couldn't accept 6th gen was retro by now.
You mean the one before it.
Old man yells at cloud etc. etc.
It always comes to halo in these arguments. I think these people just hate halo.
Even Nintendo themselves lumped Mario as a retro icon, along with Mega Man and Donkey Kong, in their most recent Smash modes/trailers. They rightfully put Pac-Man first on the timeline but there's no doubt that third gen is retro.
You're not helping your argument much.
I haven't posted on /vr/ in almost year. I do lurk and am glad to see 6th gen isn't allowed there. Like it should be.
Why are you even fucking bothering
It always comes down to one the 6th generation's defining games and best selling games on the Xbox? I'm shocked!
>You're not helping your argument much.
The point is that you aren't making an argument. I'm just parodying you to make it obvious what a retard you are.
Halo 1 and 2 are considered retro by now.
No I honestly think you and anyone else that puts Master Chief with Pacman as retro icons is a fucking retard.
The point is that retro isn't a discrete time period, but if this were just said people like you would quibble endlessly over individual games
good thing you made yourself look like a retard and no one cares what you think.
Which is entirely subjective. Any argument you have against master chief can be used equally against Mario from the perspective on an old arcade gamer.
>Why isn't X like Y?
>Well Y is clearly different
>Ya well you're retarded
What an argument.
Nigga please. You and everyone else is quibbling over what is retro.
>pretending you had an argument to start with
Oh my god you are that fat retard, I fucking knew it. Unless all /vr/ fags are this dumb.
I don't know if you know this or not kid. But Mario is pretty fucking old.
>Tfw you realize that people want to consider 6th gen retro because most of the kiddies on this board started with the Ps2
I don't think you know what quibbling is
Pong is older.
>if I throw more names and assume he's the /vr/ bogyman I'll win the argument
Like I said. Haven't posted on /vr/ in almost a year.
>can be used equally against Mario from the perspective on an old arcade gamer.
Guess where Mario's from you dense fuck.
>Unless all /vr/ fags are this dumb
Not all of them but quite a bit. They just don't want 6-gen and make up all kinds of bullshit to justify it.
Ps2 had some great exclusives, but Everyone knows Xbox had the best versions of multiplats, and the best graphics.
Load times? Wtf determines load times? -And gamecube had the best load times because the discs spun so fast, and held less data.
WTF does UI have to do with which console a game is played on?
But yes, ps2 had the best controller.
that settles it then, you're all just that stupid. what a shock.
>the consoles I grew up with are retro
uh huh
I don't think you have read this thread.
I think a better metric for arguing whether or not a game console is retro or not is judging mainstream adoption. Hardware is going to continue to progress, so it's sort of arbitrary to pick a generation based on graphics capability alone.
It's much easier to think in terms of a console generation's adoption by the general population. That which is retro has to be at risk for falling out of the public consciousness and into obscurity for a long enough time such that it needs to be "rediscovered" by enthusiasts/nostalgia-seekers and thus termed "retro."
My point is that the 6th generation penetrated so deep into the market internationally with tens of millions of units sold that surely many of the games played on those consoles still remain very much a part of current day discussion of video games. The same can't be said for the second or third generation, at least in 2017.
Maybe in another 20 years we can look back at Playstation 2/XBOX/GC and feel as though they are then obscure enough by then to be considered "retro" but it's too soon to do that now.