"B...bu...but, its fine when Microsoft and Sony do it"

>"B...bu...but, its fine when Microsoft and Sony do it"

>so what if its paid this means it will be as good as xbox live and ps+

Said nobody fucking ever.

Msoft were the first ones to start this cancerous shit, sony thought "why the fuck not" and charged people in the end as well.

Now Nintendo has followed suit. Fuck em all.

It's not fine but it's a lot better than what Nintendo is offering

The ironic thing is that both xbl and ps+ is better than what nintendo offers

Nintendo online will still all be p2p garbage. Sony isn't much better.

It's all a shitty situation.

single handedly the reason why I didn't buy more games

Nintendo is going to have paid online too?

Who the fuck said that?

Where the fuck have you been the last few hours, are you blind?

Yes. And unlike PS+ and XBL, it gives you a free NES/SNES game each month, but you LOSE THAT GAME at the end of the month.

This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. At least the dumbest shit I've ever seen since I saw someone claim I should buy a Wii U so I can rebuy old games I already own on the virtual console.

You don't even know what Nintendo is offering. You're just sucking dick 'cause you like these two more.

No one defended sony and microsoft's paid online, no one nintoddler

They already announced the details. Did you not watch the stream or something?


I honestly can't see why people buy consoles anymore, they are so ridiculously shit now.

Oh boy. I can spend the next couple months spamming "ITS OKAY WHEN NINTENDO DOES IT". I was looking forward to this when the switch got a proper announcement.

As an avid consolefag up until the start of this generation, the only reason I can think for people to have not made the switch is Stockholm Syndrome

The live stream. I'm sure someone's written it up somewhere.

But it's not okay this time, not even the defense force is defending this stupid shit.

At least they give games, even if it's as long as you are subscribed. You may like them or not, but it's better than a fucking NES rom that you may only play for a month.

If they aren't defending it they'll try their hardest to never mention it and avoid talking about it or downplay it, I see a lot of
>so what, sony and microsoft do it too
in future console wars shitpost threads.

Is there actually a reason they charge for online other than that they can?

At least with Sony we get the free games permanently

Switch is going to have them for a month, then if you want them you have to pay full price... that's kind of nuts.

>Free games people want every month
>Decent servers
>Decent voice chat

>1 nes game rental per month
>voice chat app (for phone)
>calendar app (for phone)

Considering every thread I've seen talking about how great the switch is never even touched on it, I would say them glossing over it is close enough.

I get what you mean, but if you lose your sub, you lose the games. With Xbone you actually keep them and you are able to play them after your sub ends.

Still, Nintendo fucking sucks, and I can imagine it will cost even more than Plus and Live.

Sony makes more cash of psn plus subs than nintendo did selling all their games

Now nintendo will be reeling that shit in hard to make a shit load of cash

Stay mad

>if you lose your sub, you lose the games
only until you get your sub back

>store has an offer
>*we will break into your home and steal the game back after 1 (ONE) month


I don't defend it but at least xbox live was miles better than the competition (console wise).
Having 8 person party chat on xbox 360 was worth the price alone.
Nintendo wants to charge for a service that doesn't even rival PS2 online or OG xbox online.


No, it was never fine and now it's the standard because sony faggots didn't stop this shit when they could.

Who are you literally quoting?

Oh yeah they're going to improve their entire infraestructure by a tenfold and not show it at all right?
Also using chat through a phone app sure screams confidence.
Nintendo's online infraestructure is a fucking joke, and I'm not just talking about online play but everything including: store, adding friends, chat, having a single account.

>people make fun of Xbox Live and PS+ for years thinking thats as low as it gets
>then Nintendo comes along and shits all over its fans so hard PS+ and Xbox Live look good

They didn't for the first 10 years.

Oh, okay. I guess Nintendo will get good in 10 years then!

>mfw Nintendo's gift system

>>Free games people want every month
This almost never happens.

you're thinking of MS

ps+ always gave out games, but it wasn't always mandatory

>Nintendrones were cherrypicking their free online so hard to death and beyond
>Now is it gone and is more expensive with the worst of the very worst DRM mankind will have in his whole history they re butthurt because they can take any critisism
Seriously grow up manchilds

Man, I'm sure glad Microsoft and Sony don't take away my free games if I stop paying for their online service.

Oh wait...

>More expensive
We don't know the price yet faggot

Nobody fucking says this unless they have a brain tumor.

It's only for the 360 dude.
It's not like I'm gonna buy it ;^)

Better than them taking away the free games at the end of the month regardless of if you're still paying or not.

>can play any of the games i got during my subscription, so long as i have a subscription

>can play a game for exactly one month so long as i have a subscription

hm wonder which is better

its not fine when sony and microsoft do it, but the thing is that nintendo can't do online for shit, so you will pay for it and it will still be an absolute joke with friend codes and shit

tfw idorts will have to pay 180 dollars a year just to play online

at least nintendo gives me an amiibo

These. Paying for online is always shit, but Nintendo's offering is going to be even worse than what MS and Sony have to offer. Those two at least have generally usable online services and you get those subscription games "permanently" (not really permanent as you need the subscription, but still), Ninty's services are really barebones, clunky to use and getting games for one month is a joke.

Saying this isn't saying that charging for online is OK when others do it, it's saying that Nintendo is doing a bad thing and making it even worse.

I wonder what's the next thing people are going to have to pay for

I've been a Nintendo fanboy all my life. Eventually, to play fighting games, I bought a 360. I paid for online a couple of years and I fucking regret it. Never fucking again. I don't care about the free games in XBL or PSN+. I sure as fuck won't care about VC games (which I probably already have) for a single month. If I get the Switch, I will not be playing online. It's a shame, because I didn't get Splatoon, and apparently I won't get Splatoon 2 either.

10 shekels a month go check it

>only wireless
>thinks it will somehow be as good
Objectively wireless is worse than wired so it's already inferior out of the gate.

Sony and Microsoft at least were guaranteed to have games after the first year.

Paid online to play Splatoon and Street Fighter 2?

Microsoft and Sony give you more than a single 25+ year old game and they let you keep it at the end of the month.

well psn and xbl actually have people who play online

This, desu. At least LIVE works. PSN+ is still the same choppy shit it was on PS3, and from the looks of it, Nintendo isn't trying too hard either.

But yes, fuck all of them. I rather suck off everyone in Sup Forums than pay for something I'm already paying for.


I'm ok with MS because Live actually works and you can keep the games you get.

PSN is shit, but at least it WAS free, now they forcing you to play online, but at least sometimes to get good games. Too bad you can't keep the games

This is just retarded on every fucking level. Not only are they charging for shit wireless internet, you have to buy an adapter for wired play, you not only don't keep the games when your shit expires, you lose them at the end of the month even if you are still subscribed. The one saving grace is that the games or VC shit and not newer games, so you would be better off just playing them on the other nintendo consoles or just emulating them.

Never pointed out that it was fine.

Fuck off ive got great games with psn AND live. With swich you get old ass games you couod play for free on archive.org AND they get removed after a montg wtf fuck that noise.

It's only fine when Microsoft does it because they're the only ones who give quality servers, actually.

>tfw you will now be paying for Xbox Live, PS+, and NintendoNet


>xbox has pay2online
>ps2 and gamecube have a thing you buy and get free online for life
>xbots get laughed at

>xbox 360 has pay2online
>ps3 and wiis have free online
>xbots get laughed at

>xbone has pay2online
>ps4 has pay2online
>switch has pay2online
>"i-it's a business servers aren't free we should be thanking them for giving us a free trial"

Meanwhile, PC is still free.

>gamecube have a thing you buy and get free online for life
The only online game on the Gamecube was Phantasy Star Online and it was $9.99 a month

Which on Xbox cost an Xbox live subscription on top of that.

And fuck you, Kirby's Air Ride was GOAT.

It's fine when Microsoft and Sony give actual games -in plural- that you can play whenever you are suscribed, not one NES/SNES game that you can only play for a single month even if you keep paying online.

it was fucking horseshit when Microsoft then Sony started paid online, there is sitll nothing good about it.

Fuck that shit.

Now Nintendo is doing it? I'm sure its perfectly okay.

Granted Sony's PS+ was good when it wasn't a requirement because they gave all these great newish games every month to play.

Now with ps4 its a requirement and everyone has it, Sony has dropped the quality by a lot.

>And fuck you, Kirby's Air Ride was GOAT.
Kirby's Air ride wasn't online, ti supported lan. I used to play it in lan as I had 2 gamecubes with broadband adapters but it unfortunately was limited to 4 players regardless of whether you played with 1 gamecube or 2.

Mario Kart: Double Dash was awesome though in 8-player, even though the framerate was worse for some reason.

>Sony isn't much better.

He thinks Playstation's Online is better than Nintendo

Just think about it for a second.
For 5$ a month Nintendo will let you play a trial of a random 30 years old game.
Thirty. Fucking. Years
I just can't comprehend oh how many levels of greediness Nintendo is on right now.

>Nintendo Online so shit it makes ps+ and xbl look good

holy shit thank you nintendo for the laughs. Without the paid online shit this presentation would've been the usual boring nintendrone shilling, but the damage control is glorious

>b-b-but it's time to damage control when nintendo does it

all of /v.... /nintendogaf/ right now.

>PS/Nin: Lol you have paid online to play your popular online games
>Xbox: Do you even have online games?

it was never ok nigger

Why don't I have a free Mona Lisa? The painting is 5 centuries old. FIVE. CENTURIES.

you can literally google the mona lisa and look at it faggot.

>no parties
>no mics with voice chat
>horrible interface and menu system
>no free games, just monthly access to one for a month, then gets taken away
>shitty friend system

Yup, just as good as Xbox/ps4

Or, y'know...
>No online multiplayer payment at all
>Better graphical ability than consoles
>Never have to buy a new system

>post yfw you realize microsoft baited ninty and sony into paid online so they can look like the heroes when they announce theyre dropping the sub fee

have to constantly check game requirements
>have to constantly upgrade
>have to build yourself
>no good exclusives

I love videogames, but I wonder how the fuck so many of you are this dedicated to being butt fucked. I've played newer games by borrowing consoles, I refuse to buy any of the current generation. I guess I'll have to live with the handhelds and PC for an unforseen future. The Switch and PS4 might be nice after a few years.