Is this a new meme?
Next you guys will be angry at having to buy food from the supermarket.

Not to say you don't have valid complaints about the Switch but I'm seriously befuddled why you guys expected something that one typically pays for in life to be free?

Since when are Next Gen online services free? I'm literally confused by you guys and your memery.

Other urls found in this thread:


Stage 5: Acceptance


How many hypocrites live on this forum?

Sup Forums will bend their asses for anything that triggers them or produce spite

its not Sup Forums its fantards

>food example
spotted the nintencuck

>Sup Forums

>something that one typically pays for in life to be free?

You already pay your provider for online connection.

>defending paid online anything

Years ago I made fun from xbawks, not so long ago I started to make fun from sony, now it's time to laugh at nintendo.

*food analogy

>everyones defending paid online shit
how low have we fallen?

it's treated as one