Suggest me some good obscure PS4 games. The PS2 had a lot of hidden gems and I would think the PS4 would too.
Suggest me some good obscure PS4 games. The PS2 had a lot of hidden gems and I would think the PS4 would too
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Nothing is obscure anymore.
Most of those PS2 hidden gems were low-budget games with not a lot of marketing.
Those don't exist anymore.
You either get zero-budget low quality indie shit, or AAA-budget mass marketed crap.
There is no middle ground in gaming anymore.
Hard Hitter Tennis by Atlus
Dragon quest builders maybe
but Is right
That's because the PS2 had like 1000 games.
I love that game, I still have it.
Tasteful anime girls playin tennis
SuperTime Force Ultra
Wrong, a lot of Japanese games still are in the middle ground
That's the only one I've found that not many have played. For sure will be getting that.
Any hidden gems would be moon only.
There were a lot of those on PS3.
Aside from Gust's recent death throes, name a single worthwhile "obscure gem" series on PS4.
That would make sense, before they could experiment because 3D gaming was so new and people would buy anything.
But now it's too established and people aren't going to take a gamble on a shit game. I suppose that's where download only games come in.
Putty Squad
I took it to a band trip in high school because someone was bringing a PS2 and we ended up playing only that game all night
Just noticed OP used PS2 games as an example. Is Sengoku Basara on PS4 good? Thinking of importing it sometime. Also High School Zombie Slayer Girls or whatever it's called
That looks like a sega genesis game but I'll go for it, only $15.
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Hotline Miami
>That's because the PS2 had like 1000 games.
PS4 has over 1000 games already. PS2 library is over 3000.
How obscure do you consider EDF to be? Because goddamn, get on that shit
Only big "Triple Gay" game developers make games anymore. All the big fish ate all the little fish.
So, you know how the PS2 had all of those quirky, little known, hidden gems?
You know how there were all those rarely discussed niche games?
Remember all of those games made by developers who cared more about writing their love-letter to a genre than selling zillions of copies?
How about all those games with interesting or unique settings/mechanics?
All of those are gone now.
Holy shit, I'm a big fan of Godzilla and mecha. Thank you for the suggestion.
Very sad.
Not him but how new are you? Sup Forums had a boner for this game since day 1. There are a lot more players on Steam now
high school zombie slayer girls might get localized, I would hold off on importing it just yet
I've been here on and off for years. I guess I just missed it. Never saw discussions about it.
Beware though, in steam there are hackers that can fuck up your progression
I won't have to worry about that because I'm switching from pc to PS4.
Been playing PC for a loooooooong time and am kind of getting bored of it. Not very many good PC exclusive story driven games. PS4 is exactly what I'm looking for.
Also sitting at a desk has fucked my back so it'll be nice to just chill out in front of a TV with controller instead.
Not particularly obscure, but Yakuza 0, 6, Ishin, and Kiwami are great.
Nice, i did the same thing, since PC misses out on a lot of japanese games and PS4 gets multiplats either way
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Had this on my wishlist, completely missed this one during PS2 era and it looks beautiful.
bought the vita version on playasia for 25 bucks on sale. NA version too
Bloodborne and indie shovelware
Have you ever emulated? Why not string HDMI and just do that? I have a PS4 but the only game I've played on it is Gravity Rush, nothing else is worth the time imho.
Instead I just emulate, mostly PS2 games.
I have emulated, and it looks a lot better. But I like the nostalgia factor of playing my older games. It's retarded but I love playing on a crt, taking the disc out, etc.
Also I play a lot of horror games and CRT's can achieve completely dark pictures whereas my LED monitor has a bluish light dark hue in the darks.
Silent Hill and games like it just don't have the same effect being emulated.
Why not plug PC into CRT?
Are you planning on plugging a PS4 into one? I feel like that would look awful. Getting some Dead Rising flashbacks.
>Why not plug PC into CRT?
Not him but that's not possible
Anything is possible user. You just have to use adapters if necessary.
That's the problem adapters add lag and fuck with the image, PS2 can natively output analog signal
I am, but for the PS4 I'm gonna get one of those PS4 link things that allows you to stream to other TV's in your house.
I have a big flat screen in the living room but I have a room mate, so instead of unhooking my PS4 and bringing it to my room when they're home I can just use the streaming service.
But someone suggested that to me and that's not a bad idea at all. I should try and emulate and HDMI it to my CRT. Thank you for reminding me.
I've tried streaming over network using Steam link which worked good but streaming using PS4's service was not good, I even got the fan made thing that is supposedly better but it also was not good. Low quality and input lag for days. Keep your receipt if it doesn't work for you and make sure you're over ethernet and not wifi as well.
But I'd skip this gen at least until it's over. Like I said only Gravity Rush is a good time imo.
Why would they fuck with the image? Even lag I don't know about, I've been using adapters for monitors for years but I guess rgb might be different than DVI>hdmi or VGA>DVI?
I did the exact same thing for the exact same reasons few months ago and didn't regret it. Already finished three games.
When an adapter has to convert from digital to analog or viceversa it's not worth it, shitloads of lag
>I have emulated, and it looks a lot better. But I like the nostalgia factor of playing my older games. It's retarded but I love playing on a crt, taking the disc out, etc.
It's not retarded at all, physical games add to the experience.
(And after hunting down physical items for millions of years, human brain isn't suddenly adjust to "digital" within a decade.)
I have the steam link and steam controller and now it's mostly become the way I stream Mobile Suit Gundam to my living room. I barely play games with it, just way cheaper and easier than paying for a rasberry pi or something like that.
But I'm not sure about that, I haven't played a console game since 2010 so all those games like uncharted, last of us, and whatever console exclusives interest me. I'm really far behind because all I've been playing is either PS1/PS2 games, or PC MMO's and 3DS rpg's.
Time for me to upgrade.
Also another big thing for me to play physical games is the thrift store hunting part of it.
Love going to the thrift store and finding a shit ton of PS2/PS1 games to add to my collection. It's pretty addicting.
Wild Guns: Reloaded
I really enjoy visiting the electronics store (doesn't have to be Lamestop) to browse through games and picking up new ones to immediately take them with me. Checking out a Steam cart and watching a download progress bar is not really satisfying.
Yeah, exactly. More of an excuse to go out and do shit once in a while. Just feels nice to get some games and come home to play them.
Like you said, downloading just doesn't bring the same satisfaction.
The quirky games are on PC now, but they're half finished Greenlight shit
Disgaea 5
DQ Builders
Gundam Breaker 3
Atelier Sophie
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
Yakuza 0 (western version coming out soon)
Sophie is trash.
i enjoyed it
The Talos Principle
Do you like RPGs user? Exist Archive is like the valkyrie profile sequel I always wanted
what game
Gravity Rush!
then you enjoy trash
i will, thanks
Way of the samurai
does she really bang a dude at the end of GR2
It's good to see they are getting inclusive and diverse with their main characters. Never thought I'd see the day when a openly autistic protag would be featured.