What went right?

What went right?


haha this thread

Nothing honestly

literally nothing

patiently waiting for atlus to confirm SMT being a multiplat so i can finally be done with this awful fucking company

Games look fun. First time in forever I can remember any Nintendo console having something I'm interested in at launch, so there's that I guess.

It gave us some meme material.

Breath of the Wild for launch which should have been obvious
Sonic Mania confirmed for Switch
Finally a good 3D Mario again

Exposed Nintendo for the jews that they are.

3d mario in the first year

Region free

How do you know its good?

snipperclip & zelda look alright.

>he thinks it won't be delayed

What's smt?

Now they'll be bleeding their fanbase for money all the time instead of some of the time.

Zelda and Mario. Only took them 22 years.

literally the greatest mario and zelda in years

Mario and Zelda look fantastic.

Splatoon 2 will probably be fun.

that's about it

It's not the Wii U


SMT being an exclusive with no chance for being multiplat

shin megami tensei

>No region locking
>HD Rumble might actually turn out cool
>New Mario is finally a return to the best 3D mario games
>that ping pong example with the joycons better fucking show up somewhere
>Fixed all of Mario Kart 8's problems
>Has-Been Heroes looks pretty fun/addicting

Why didn't they even mention monster hunter? Capcom's showing was pretty lame up in here, just a new version of a shitty port of an old ass game and they didn't bother to bring in any newer characters. If they had taken some people from the alpha 3, IV and V rosters and put them in the USFII engine it would be totally awesome.