Who is your favorite demon Sup Forums and what is your favorite SMT game?
Are you getting the Switch to play the new SMT?
Shin Megami Tensei thread
Here, you tried, OP
What happened to Kaneko? Is he dead?
Probably Nocturne.
No I think it will be on PS4 as well.
He is one with nature now.
Check out the IV:A ending
I can't do mainline smt, so persona 3. I'm sorry.
Thor is the dude though
I want another DeSu badly
Moe shuvuu
No, apocalypse was too much for me. I will only play spinoffs now.
Desu3 when?
>Are you getting the Switch to play the new SMT?
Not if it's butchered like #FE was.
he's still with us
I'll buy one if it's not coming on PS4
Here's hoping it will be the 3DS project
It will be on ps4?
I'm more hyped for the 3DS game desu. The switch is an overpriced piece of trash, just like the 3ds but I already have one and it was cheaper.
One game is called "3DS project" while the other is called "HD project" and not "Switch project" so maybe?
The trailer Atlus uploaded to their channel doesn't even mention the Switch, nor is there any info saying it's exclusive from either them or Nintendo.
The site for it only refers to it as "HD Project", and the game is also using UE4 which makes it seem like they want to port it, and with how PS4 won the survey Atlus held last year asking fans what system they want the next SMT on, I'd say it's pretty likely.
Dengeki PlayStation's next issue is teasing something from Atlus as well.
As long as it doesn't have the shit art of the first 2
>Devil Survivor 3 as an anniversary project
sounds like a waste
Atlus would be crazy not dropping SMTV on the platform P5 drops on. The fanbase is already there. I'm willing to bet that a few Megaten fans like myself own a 3DS and a PS4 already, so there's nothing to lose.
very nice tummy
>Dengeki PlayStation's next issue is teasing something from Atlus as well.
Wouldn't that just be more info on Re Fantasy?
>Wouldn't that just be more info on Re Fantasy?
I would assume so if they hadn't announced that already. They've already stated there'll be a column on Re Fantasy, but they're saying there's something from Atlus too.
Aw m8, I'd love to play SMT I and II remade. I can't really think of anything else the 3DS project can be - it has to relate to mainline cos of the 25th anniversary and all. Hyped for both.
IVA's Odin being featured
HD project looks like a sequel to Nocturne (III)
3DS game are remakes to I and II
There, that explains everything in the anniversary logo without being SMT V.
Could also be an SJ remake or SJ-like spinoff by Ishida (I'm hoping for the latter)
Probably Daisoujo and probably Nocturne.
I'm hoping ti's not a Switch exclusive, but if it is, then yes, eventually. Also, does anyone have any idea what the petals in the trailer might have meant, if anything?
What makes you think it's a Nocturne sequel?
I'm in the same boat. Waiting to see some actual footage, not a teaser, before I buy anything. This is the only thing that would sway me toward buying a Switch.
The teaser cuts from a peaceful tone to post-apocalyptic
Isn't SJ not all that liked in Japan? If so, I can't see it being remade. Another spinoff in the same vein would be great though.
>What makes you think it's a Nocturne sequel?
Not him, but it looked a lot like the hospital from Nocturne. Still that's not really much ground to come to that assumption.
I have a 3DS and Wanna try this series. What's a good jumping on point for a noob?
remade SMT II would be great. They could really benefit from using IV:A's battle system, which has flaws but still better than I & II's.
Strange Journey
IV then IVA is fine.
If you have a PC, emulating III is also a nice place to start.
First SMT had a hospital as well
What's your least favorite SMT game, Sup Forums?
Persona and #FE excluded.
I'm aware, I meant that this one looks really similar to the one from Nocturne in particular, not just that it was a hospital
The sound effects and the first half of the song that plays also seemed inspired by Nocturne, along with the demons in a huge crowd with eyes glowing like the title screen.
Everyone says IV, but it's better to suffer and play Strange Journey
>along with the demons in a huge crowd with eyes glowing like the title screen.
Nocturne's title screen is just a callback to SMT I
>petals in the trailer
Honestly, reminded me of Raidou. I don't know if any of you faggots played the Raidou games, but the menus are very elaborate and have tradiitonal Japanese-esque paintings at the back and 2 had animated cherry blossoms or something blowing around. Having elaborate menus was never a Persona-only thing.
I'm not saying the petals are hinting at Raidou (we're never getting another Raidou) but they aren't a new motif.
I agree, SMT remade in that style could really work.
Persona 4 is the weakest for me. Not an exciting answer, but I thought they could've done a lot more wiith Izanami.
IV, the lack of long dungeons really hurt it and the story didn't really amount to anything special after you enter Tokyo.
IVA at least made the battle system the best, most balanced Press Turn yet.
I. Dungeon crawlers in the 90's were a mistake, but at least it has a nice aesthetic to it.
Bells at the end are a callback to the first 2 games as well
SMT4, they removed all form of challenge
The demons in the crowd certainly reminded me of Nocturne, but that was it for me. I wasn't getting that feeling from the music, sounds or building though, and it strikes me as odd to make a sequel to Nocturne11 yeas later and after another mainline game has released.
Alice, she's always in my final party
>favorite game
That's hard since each spinoff brings something different, I really liked DeSu1 and SJ, the Raidou games were cool for the real time combat, and as for mainline probably Apocalypse.
>Are you getting the Switch to play the new SMT?
Probably, depends on what the game actually is, it's still in early development and only has a WIP Title right now
IV or DeSu2
>Who is your favorite demon Sup Forums and what is your favorite SMT game?
Skull Trumpet man.
Probably Nocturne, though I was really pleasantly surprised at just how fucking good the dungeon crawling in Persona 5 was.
>Are you getting the Switch to play the new SMT?
God no, the system looks awful.
The Atlus/SEGA label at the very end seemed to be in the same font as the writing in the Raidou games.
In any case, it was the perfect trailer I wanted to see to show they want to bring back the PS2 style. Everyone's complaining about the Switch conference but if this is indeed an exclusive, they really delivered for SMT fans.
Why do people want to remake Nocturne so much
IV was the weakest mainline game, Apoc fixed almost all of my gripes though. I fucking loved the boss design in Apoc.
Mostly to have it on a platform that's not a relic
Because it's really good. Though, I really don't think it needs a remake, to holds up perfectly well. 1 or 2 would benefit a lot from one though, a port would be fine for Nocturne.
>playing persona 4 on ps2
>it's pretty easy so far (at least compared to P3:FES)
>get to bath house
>be overleveled
>fight my way through, beat the sub boss
>low on SP but still trucking
>come across an enemy that wipes out my entire party from full HP in one turn
I stopped playing after that.
Maga is #AreGuy
Best game is IV Apocalypse
There are games much older that would benefit more from a remake
>In any case, it was the perfect trailer
Completey agree with this.
>the heartbeat from SMT I
>SMT 25th anniversary symbol (always makes me kek how they get away with an inverted pentagram nowadays)
>petals and vines
>ruined city outside
>the black silhouettes of the demons with their glowing eyes
>the crescendo of music as you turn to look at Odin
Just a fantastic teaser, and I'm excited. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on it the next few years.
Nocturne doesn't need a remake, it's perfect as it is. A lot of people would like to see a modern SMT made in the style of Nocturne though. Imagine seeing those HD 3D models in your party, like in Nocturne, and not just 240p sprites. Fully animated.
Good thing Atlus has multiple projects for the anniversary and not just two
>tfw they're advertising the next SMT as part of the 25th anniversary
>it won't release until the 30th anniversary
Only SMT games I hate are DDS2 and Raidou 1.
>Persona and #FE excluded.
#FE is a decent game and P4 is a great game.
Didn't like Nocturne. Felt like they didn't even try to mask the SMT formula
>Liking P4 over P3
Shit taste detected.
I'd say Nocturne's Reasons and TDE are very different from the Law and Chaos stuff which is the 'SMT formula', along with the 3D exploration making it feel unique in terms of game design as well.
Not him, and while I think both are mediocre on the gameplay front, P4's dungeons and combat improvements make it easily the better game.
Apocalypse by a big margin. Shit story, shit characters, even though it's based in IV's world it somehow has a shitter world than IV, Safety nets out the arse in the gameplay department, and issues that should've been fixed from IV were not fixed.
Anyone else concerned that they showed itty bitty mandrake titty on a Nintendo conference? Pretty sure I've had posts deleted for less.
P4 does everything P3 does better.
>inb4 da man's a dick to you for like a week
They got away with mara and cat buldge
Dude, there was clearly a large green penis gentleman in the teaser. Did you miss him?
If you think they are both mediocre, then why are you posting in a SMT thread? Or are you just a neckbeard?
>dungeon improvements
But that's wrong. P4's dungeons are terrible. Worse than tartarus by far.
Except story, and dungeon pacing. The dungeons in p4 look nicer, but they are more of a chore. P3's dungeons are more accessible for farming/looting. I found the design overall more satisfying. I will give you actual combat, but only slightly.
Yes but they're demons. Mandrake is just my 5-year old nephew with a dumb hat.
I like Persona and don't care about #FE, I just excluded them because I knew it's what most people would answer.
>P4's dungeons are terrible. Worse than tartarus by far.
>Tfw just can't get into SJ
Everyone here loves it so much but I just don't get anything special out of it
>Worse than tartarus by far
How to spot a p3 baby
They are both literally the same thing
P3. Every time Aigis was onscreen i couldn't help but cringe.
MC's dialogue options were pretty boring too.
Nice argument faggot. If you seriously think there is that big of a difference between them, or that making dungeons more of a slog and slightly more pleasing to the eye is a big deal, then you need to re-evaluate your opinions.
I played p4 first, and still think it's an ok game. But people are definitely retarded when they compare it to p3 like it's some kind of masterpiece. They are both solid. I think p3 is slightly better and more replayable. P3 also has a better story and characters.
2 didn't live up to the hype. I prefer even SMT1 to it.
Nah 4's have added backtracking.
That's cool and all, but tartarsauce is one of the blandest most boring dungeons ever.
Tartarus is bland, boring and throws free money and equipment at you. If you ever buy shit from the police station you're an idiot.
>more of a slog
By making them less floors or by actually attempting to limit your SP consumption?
How is it more bland than P4's dungeons which were just copy and pasted like tartarus? They have slightly more themed variation. That's it. That isn't worth them being more of a chore to deal with via backtracking and being more spaced out. From a design and gameplay standpoint, tartarus is better.
I wanna fuck Alice while Moh Shuvuu rides my face
>By making them less floors or by actually attempting to limit your SP consumption?
By spacing everything way the fuck out and forcing you to backtrack more often. Limit SP consumption? That isn't even a thing. If you need to use SP you use it. If I want to limit SP consumption I'll just avoid encounters as it's easy to do in both games (as it should be).
>its an SMT thread turning into Persona discussion edition
I guess you would rather be here by yourself with no one discussing anything? Why are you such a faggot?
What? You backtrack once in the whole game.
>theme variation
I'll take that over just a color variation.
Varying themes
Bigger floors
Dialogue every now and then
>he says while posting Makoto
To be fair, "turning into Persona" is exactly what the SMT series is doing too.
>You backtrack once in the whole game.
Uh, no. If you need SP you have to backtrack unless you have items.
>I'll take that over just a color variation.
Of course but that isn't the point. The point is that themed variation isn't worth tedious bullshit being added to the dungeons.
bestiality is worse than Persona
i meant it as P5's dungeons are the best in a while and actually worth discussing compared to P3/4 and SMT IV/IVA hallways
>If you need SP you have to backtrack unless you have items.
I think you might be exaggerating the problem a little.
>tfw P5's side dungeon is better than P3/4's story dungeons
The story dungeons are just downright god-tier though, yeah.