goes to Sup Forums, everyone hates the Switch

> goes to Sup Forums, everyone hates the Switch
> leaves Sup Forums, everyone loves it

Why is this?

Also suddenly everyone here owns a Wii U? When did this happen?

Answer it honestly?
Do you really think the switch is a good idea?
Do you think anyone will ever play with the two mini controllers on the tiny screen?
Do you think any developers will ever make good use of all those gimmicks it's got?

>Do you really think the switch is a good idea?
Console-handheld hybrid? Yea

> Do you think anyone will ever play with the two mini controllers on the tiny screen?
Great for parties/gettys/long trips

> Do you think any developers will ever make good use of all those gimmicks it's got?
Some, yes. They all don't have to, and I'm fine with that

>Console-handheld hybrid? Yea
Why do people hate this concept? I thought everybody YEARNED for it when the Wii U launched. If you hate "muh tiny screen" then leave the Switch in it's dock forever and plugged to the TV. Problem solved.

What's the point of chromatic aberration in a piece of art like this?

I visit multiple sites and nobody is happy.

Sup Forums knows what major audience will know in 4 years: that Switch sucks and it won't get enough games.

>Also suddenly everyone here owns a Wii U?
All the Wii U owners came here today because they're interested in Switch. Isn't that obvious?

It adds no value but fools people to follow the artist because it stands out.

Well tough shit, it's already sold out in a lot of places

>If you hate "muh tiny screen" then leave the Switch in it's dock forever and plugged to the TV.

But what if I want an actual dedicated console that doesn't have to make concessions because of its portable gimmick?

ok shill, ill bite. I had lunch with about 8 people today and we all shat on the switch for about an hour and a half. you have your arguments from personal experience and i have mine

> Sup Forums knows what major audience will know in 4 years

because kronprinz cocksuckers

For a console that you all hate so much, you seem to enjoy talking about it a lot

We know better

Sup Forums thought the Vita would overtake the 3DS.

I always owned a WiiU though

>If you hate "muh tiny screen" then leave the Switch in it's dock forever and plugged to the TV.
you're paying extra for a screen you're never going to use
they should have another model that's just a home console and 50-100 dollars cheaper

Artificial scarcity.

what's the point of anything?

I don't have a problem with it, but if it only has a 3hour charge while playing most games, then it's not really any more of a handheld than it is a "I can keep playing while I go to take a shit" device.

The bigger gripe is that they put the charger cord at the bottom of the device, which means the cord will offset the balance of the device while it's on a desk, meaning even if you take advantage of the fact it's a literal screen more than one person can use, you're still tied to a charge.

if it fools people then it adds value

it is the day after the announcement. we all watched and were all disappointed. are you dense? why are you being purposefully obtuse?

I've also had a talk with multiple friends of mine and it lasted for a minute

"it's shit"

That is all

Sup Forums hates everything, if you claim to like something you're a fucking shill

Them's the rules.

I'm not at all excited for the switch, but I do want to play the newest Zelda. I heard that there will be a port for the Wii U, so maybe I won't have to buy another console.

sounds like your "friends" dont like talking with you. that is all

... You take 3 hours to take a shit?

Nah, we had better topics to talk about. What's there to discuss about fecal matter anyway?

HA! It takes me longer to clean my ass than to take a dump - I got healthy bowels. And all that in under 4 minutes.

user has a point Sup Forums.
If you hate it so much, why the fuck are you all going


I mean you all have the right to express your hatred for it but, don't you think you're all wasting your time shouting like the autists you all are when in the end you're not even going to buy it?

Then again it IS Sup Forums I don't know what the fuck I should expect from it.

>a port for the Wii U
You got it backwards, the Switch version is the port

Some of the threads are usually shitposters who just want to cause argument for shits and giggles.

The only thing people are complaining about are the paid online features and the prices on the seperate hardware.

See you in 4 years, chump.

Really? We'll were better at making pessimistic quesses.

Plebs will eat up anything as long as they show Mario and Zelda.

The rest of us have been down this road before with Wii and Wii U and we know how this will turn out. Hint: not well.

As long as I don't have to buy a Switch to play it, I'm fine.

Look l, i personally think nintendo is thinking ahead. The switch will become an accessory in a year or two when they release a dedicated console that they can connect to. This will allow all players to have a gamepad screen and all users to use the tv (due to hardware this couldn't have been done with the wii u). Having a tablet for a controller lets devs do processing on the controller as well for better graphics and more hardware intensive games.

If nintendo doesn't do this they just don't like money.

mainly no 2D metroid, no hardware specs, horrendous controllers, weird mario IRL game (looks like sonic 2006), paid online, buy zelda for wii u instead, nintendo should go third party. I'm sorry i didnt record a transcript for you and our conversations arent up to par. if youre done derailing the thread, wanna get back on topic?

whats the source on this image

> leaves Sup Forums, everyone loves it
In your dreams and on mynintendonews.com maybe.

then maybe get a thing called a PS4

>The only thing people are complaining about are the paid online features and the prices on the seperate hardware.

And the lack of games, and the fact that you have to use a smartphone app for party chat, and that the """"""""free"""""""" games they give you disappear after a month.

Nintendo likes money, that's why they're specifically avoiding the muh graphics retardation.

All those people in that hour of Asscreed credits don't work for free user, they have to be paid.

>Do you really think the switch is a good idea?
Its a good idea for only one reason. It forces third parties to make games for a Nintendo console because its also a handheld. Third parties ignored Nintendo consoles for 4 gens and just made games for the handheld. Now they're being forced to work on Switch since there's no dedicated handheld. We're already seeing companies that made games only for the 3DS supporting the Switch.

Everything else is very questionable and I will have to try the system to see if its worth it.

>See you in 4 years, chump.

Remember when the 3DS was supposedly doomed?

When is that happening again?

Sup Forums has always been nintendogaf

>lack of games
Didn't they mention that there was around 80 games in development from the partners?

Plebs will like anything

You guys don't really know how normies are ABSORBED by this kinda stuff, they love it for that lapse of time they have "silly" fun with other people.

There's a reason shit like Just Dance sells a shitload, because when you play with other people there's a perfect reason why you're dancing Barbie Girl as a full grown man.

I remember when i had Kinect on my 360, people invited me to their party just to take my stuff there and let people play Sounds bad but i ended up selling that fucker for about $500 to the same people

Sup Forums was 100% right about WiiU

remember when they had to drop 3DS price 80 dollars after 6 months
remember when 3DS sold 100 million less than DS

> goes to Sup Forums, everyone hates the Switch
> leaves Sup Forums, everyone loves it

This is so true. Really Sup Forums is the last shithole in the planet. Still it's fun.

>Why is this?
No More Heroes 3.

>Sup Forums being a bunch of contrarian cunts
What else is new?

>remember when 3DS sold 100 million less than DS

Remember when the 3DS was and still is the best selling system this generation?

I'll wait until people start talking with their wallets to see if they love it or not. I know I'm definitely not buying that shit.

>Leave Sup Forums
>A shitload of normies who won't buy the fucking thing love it
Really gets my noggin joggin

But this generation has been dogshit. Even on PC.

It's not tough to sell out on Switches when you put only 100 of them in each store

Sup Forums has a very good grasp of what will and won't be popular in video games.

We knew The Wii U would flop. We predicted the death of the Xbox One. We hit the mark with the PS4.

There's really nowhere Switch can go but down. a 2.5 hour battery life, paid online, and halfassed 3rd party support will not last long.

>We predicted the death of the Xbox One
Only when it was failing

> We hit the mark with the PS4.

Sup Forums actually hated the PS4 during it's first year

Sup Forums is just another name for Sonygaf

Prediction is not about liking or hating. I hated the PS4 but I knew it would be successful the moment Sony did that game sharing commercial.

those same people also praised bioshock infinite as a revolutionary game with a deep and compelling, are you really gonna trust em?

I don't hate it, the fact that it's a hybrid is the reason why i'm considering buying it

>2.5 hour battery life
It's actually 2.5 - 6 hours

> paid online
Like every other console? But much cheaper? (Nintendo's charging only 5 bucks)

> halfassed 3rd party support will not last long.
The 3rd parties that supported the 3DS will now move to Nintendo's new handheld/console

Typical Sup Forums mentality. OP is starting to make more sense

>Nintendo's charging only 5 bucks
not that guy but source, i've heard this twice now on Sup Forums but everytime i look it up i can't find a solid number or many details.

Don't forget that the paid service is starting in Fall so we have two seasons (half a year) before it gets integrated

>no games, you know, the thing YOU BUY THE FUCKING CONSOLE FOR until next year or later, just like WiiU
>Nintendo's finally hopped on the Paid Online Model, which in itself opens a can of worms for future kikery from Microsoft, which Sony will then follow, then Nintendo, repeating Ad Nauseum until the end of time
>controller is Wii 2.0 in all ways possible, meaning there's bound to be heaps of gimmicks and plenty of shovelware
>it doesn't even appeal to normies correctly since most of them care about shit like Netflix over the actual games that aren't EA rehashes

>leaves Sup Forums, everyone loves it
Bull fucking shit. There are plenty of people who are upset by Nintendo's massive jewery with the switch, and the complete lack of anything at launch that isn't a Wii U port or Bomberman.

> it's a Wii U port

I guess the 10 people who own a Wii U, AND who don't mind playing the inferior version with worse graphics and frame-rate issues are in luck!

Scalpers and early adopters mean nothing.

Unless "leaves Sup Forums" means "goes to neogaf" that's bullshit, everyone I've talked to in person either doesn't care or think it's dumb or won't buy it because it has nothing to play.
No normal human being cares about splatoon or gta mario.

>make 2 million for a worldwide launch in a month and a half
>they sell out globally within the day
WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, who could have seen this coming?

The Wii U sold out too. People literally bought a dozen at once thinking they could scalp them like the Wii.

>I guess the 10 people who own a Wii U, AND who don't mind playing the inferior version with worse graphics and frame-rate issues are in luck!
I thought graphics didn't matter and the human eye can't perceive certain things when clogged up with a sufficient amount of nintendroning.
Besides just judging by how shitty this game looks right now it'll run better on a wiiu emulator within a month of launch.

Literally only want it for NMH3 and SMT, but I've learned my mistake buying a system too early, especially considering that there will probably won't be many launch titles asidw from Zelda. $300~ isn't too bad, but idk I feel I could buy something better, or invest it into something more worth while. This is Sup Forums we're talking about, always looking for the next TORtanic, it's to be expected to see more critical arguments against the system rather than positive, but I'd rather have it that way than mindless praise and dick sucking.
I'm midly interested yet cautious for the Switch as there is almost nothing too worth while for me to go " yeah, I need this system". I didn't even buy a WiiU and that system has yet to really grab my interest aside from a couple games where as the PS4 and PC have lots of games I want, and even then I've yet to get a PS4 and it's still probably not worth it.
Idk, we'll see.

Sup Forums isn't even an audience

people here are old losers with no money who don't even play games anymore outside indie shit on their pos laptops while claiming to be pc mustards

>video games at parties

yeah maybe for like 8 year olds.

does it make you feel better to justify Sup Forums disliking thhings you like by saying that it's all fanboys or poorfags?

Sup Forums is sonygger central.
What, you didn't know?

You do know that even complete dude-bro parties can enjoy video games, right? I like to go out riding and drinking with a bunch of 50 year olds and they ate up that Wii bowling and PSMove shit.

>tfw you are one of those people.

>Chromatic abberation
>on a drawn image
>a MONOCHROME drawn image

>dedicated console


Switch has no bowling games. It's all gay shit.

i like it enough, more than the wiiU for sure. I'm not really convinced to buy it though.. yet.

And people on Sup Forums love it too, just as they love consoleposting.

Sup Forums predicted the president elect over mass speculation otherwise, that should tell you something

dude I brought the Wii U at launch pretty much exclusively for Zelda I'm not making the same mistake again with the Switch

>be outside of Sup Forums and everyone is really nice and optimistic
>come back to Sup Forums and everyone is really tribal and mean

Really made me think.

it's just a fact, Sup Forums doesn't like anything

Because Sup Forums is currently plagued by about 50 Sony shitposters who spend their entire day on the site spouting bullshit and completely drowning out everyone else. Literally every time a thread shows up polling people over what consoles they have or think are the best, pc always wins, and Sony always has 50-60 votes. They are the vocal minority that shit up the entire board and turn it into neogaf 2.0

Even on Sup Forums most people either like the switch or are indifferent to it/couldn't care less. Only a handful of shitposters are creating this false image of the whole board hating it.

post yfw the 9th generation Zelda and Mario will be on Sony hardware

>worst part of the Zelda clip they showed
>generic animu wailing
>there's fan art of that part

what the fuck is wrong with people

oh yeah.. it's the same "people" that buy Nintendo garbage

Sup Forums isn't one person, but even if you don't understand that there are plenty of games Sup Forums can agree are good.

don't answer to bait

How is that bait? What kind of parties do you go to where people play pin the tail on the donley tier children's games?

baby showers

>Look at all the times Sup Forums was right!
>If you don't count the infinite times it wanted games to be the next TORTanic/was completely wrong/was being contrarian for contrarian's sake.

>Generic animu wailing
>human emotions need to be original
Actual autism.

I think it's a good idea in that it's a portable sort-of console. I doubt anyone will really focus on playing with the mini-controllers, but I'm sure the opportunity will come up a few times. I could care less about the gimmicks. I just want games that play regular games, which hopefully is what we get with ports.

>pin the tail on the donley tier children's games?

Yes because that's why people are getting the Switch
