Does anyone else think that the new mario game is anticlimathic as fuck?

Does anyone else think that the new mario game is anticlimathic as fuck?

The game looks like a UE4 fan made game, is even cringy seeing Mario in a real city like a fucking GTA.

And why Nintendo made the enviroments realistic but still keep Mario like a cartoon?

>made the enviroments realistic but still keep Mario like a cartoon?
But they didn't faggot. One level has a 'realistic' aesthetic. The rest are pretty cartoony

Thank god it's not the final product, right?

He's realistic, but in different places, like his hair.

Nintendo is taking the Sonic route with Mario. Putting an iconic character is a cringe-fest of a "real world" situation. Seriously, the ways this game parallels Sonic's most recent abominations is astounding.

This type of environment just doesn't work for Mario, this was a mistake. Not saying it couldn't become a good game, but the aesthetics is not Mario. Maybe they just wanted to do something different, and I guess that's alright, but it just looks silly. At least it looks like we will still get some areas that look like a classic Mario game.

>is even cringy seeing Mario in a real city like a fucking GTA.

It's just a fucking level, not a hubworld
but fucking thankful they did something interestion with the art direction for once, once that level we can all go back to the stale fisher price toy art.

At least Kirby and Yoshi does the storybook thing and yarn and clay and stuff.

Doesn't look anything like a UE4 fan made game.

>Being this negative
You're a sonygger aren't you?

>Seriously, the ways this game parallels Sonic's most recent abominations is astounding.

You know they stopped going for realistic environments and serious stories after 06 and (arguably Unleashed) right?

Literally samefags

Anticlimactic wouldn't even begin to describe one of the dullest franchises in the history of gaming franchises. Seriously, each game following the royal plumber and his pals from the mushroom kingdom as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the garish imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make platforms unplatform, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Myiamoto vetoed the idea of others directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody? Just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Mario series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Nathan Drake series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the handhelds were good though
The writing is dreadful; the games was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the creator programmed a star that need to be found.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time a star was found. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Miyamoto's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of creating. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Mario by the same Yuji Naka. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Mario at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Sonic Hedgehog." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Super Mario" you are, in fact, trained to play Sonic Hedgehog.

That's some uncanny valley shit right there.

It's supposed to look weird. It's an intended fish out of water effect.

reminds me of eggman's nose hair

More detailed doesn't always mean more realistic.

Wathever, just replace the word with cuck if you like that one better

Harold Bloom is that you?

The game comes out in a few months, it's in late beta by now. You won't see a complete restructuring in a matter of months because that's not how long games take to make. What you see is what you get.

I deleted one of the posts due to misspelling a word.

>beggining of the video has a taxi go through a moving sewer hole cap just like sonic adventure
>tiny main character with normal sized people on the big city
>character looks completely out of place, just like in sonic
>Mario gets a redesign, just like sonic did in sonic adventure

too much coincidences

No. Anticlimactic would be Galaxy 3 or 3D World 2. I'm glad the series is actually innovating again.

Eventually this is what Mario will look like and retards will still defend it.

New Donk City looks like a 'UE4 fan made game' because it's SUPPOSED to look realistic and jarring. That's the point of the level, Mario in a strange new world. This autistic crying is getting ridiculous.

They said it isn't on a playable state yet, they probably will delay it

>The game comes out in a few months
>Coming to Nintendo Switch Holiday 2017.
That's almost a year.

The game isn't even ready to be demoed.

>The game looks like a UE4 fan made game
This is the best description of it I've read so far.
It looks sterile, shit and out of place.
Just like the OoT ROM hacks where they simply replace the old textures with shitty high-res ones which don't fit the game AT ALL.

>The game looks like a UE4 fan made game,

the only time i see anyone say this is on neogaf

Trust me, i know what a fan made UE4 games looks like, and it sure as hell ain't this.

>Seriously, the ways this game parallels Sonic's most recent abominations is astounding
It's been, like, a decade since Sonic last made these mistakes. Do you Sonic haters actually keep up with Sonic or do you just get your opinions from Game Grumps?

I'm so glad the majority of people doesn't share your deduction skills. How do you get through daily life

I like that it's back to open world, 3DW was stale as fuck
But I don't like the artstyle because it reminds me too much of 3DW

It would be better if the city had toads, koopas and goombas in business suits and other outfits instead of actual people.

Well, to be fair, what else were they going to do?
It's not like they were going to purposely make a polygonal game like 64.

>nintendo doing realism
He looks like he's made of yarn

this game looks unfinished as fuck. I'm gonna have a good laugh if they decide to shit it out in this rushed state

It it wouldn't, it would be boring compared to what we got. It's a different world dammit, it's not the mushroom kingdom.
Let go of the Toads for one minutes jeez.

I mean in the sense that everything looks plasticy and fake
Just because you have shaders doesn't mean you have to make everything look like happy meal toys

>Sonic's most recent abominations
>a handful of games that came out a decade ago are "recent"
You can't be this fucking stupid. At least TRY to have some knowledge of a video game franchise before you decide to talk shit about one next time.

>Almost a year away
>Looks unfinished

What a surprise.

>mario is uncomfortable around mexicans

It's a perfect flawless sheen like playing a pixar movie, what's not to love?

I'm impressed at the Armond White/Harold Bloom combo. Good effort man

Actually this looks like the first semi interesting mario game since what, sunshine? Something different at least

do you think they made 3D World underwhelming on purpose so that people would be more excited for this

I have to admit the running animation looks weirdly janky and not as smooth as 64/Sunshine

You didn't think the Galaxies weren't different?

I feel like Mario is more stubby than usual or something.

>fan made
that NYC level definitely looks fan made

that's clearly one of dozens of worlds

It's obviously called "new donk city" is probably has 5 starts to get. It's a gimmick stage so contain your autism.


Why do people talk about this game as if all the levels were realistic? Did they only see the city screenshot and think that's all there was? I'd expect more from this board.

this is a game where I feel like I would get bored within 20 minutes..

That entire zone reminds me of Samba de Amigo

>Did they only see the city screenshot and think that's all there was?
>I'd expect more from this board.

I found some leaked gameplay!

It's probably the dia de los muertos aesthetic.

I can tell by your posts that you're just an angry Mexican upset that everyone in the Mexico level is dead.

definitely has not been a decade. Sonic Boom was easily as of a flop as 06 was. just instead of a game that wasn't finished, we get one with even less functionality/enjoyment

tl;dr metacritic says it all

I think it looks pretty incredible.

If this place isn't a hat store where you can TF2 the fuck out of Mario I will be upset.

mark my words the humans are placeholer models. It will actually be Kongs in the city.

He looks like half a spooked merchant

eh not really, despite the theme it felt like they were playing it rather safe

Except I'm not talking about games being shitty. Nobody's doubting that Sonic Boom was shit - although as a non-Sonic Team/Dimps/Retro-Avengers game, I choose to ignore it - the other user was making a reference to how this game is making the same mistakes, aesthetically, as the Sonic Adventures, Sonic 2006 and Sonic Unleashed. The "mistake" in question is not gameplay based, but aesthetic - the mistake of putting a cartoon character into a realistic world. It's been 8 or more years since Sonic last tried a realistic setting like New Donk City.

I dunno in that case why would they model crappy humans instead of just modelling crappy kongs? I think it'll be like the Wonderful 101 trailer where it's the same shit but better in the release.

So it's harlem?

>Super Mario Odyssey
>Supposed to take you to places where you don't feel at home
>Like when you're travelling and everything around you feels different
>They literally said this
>1 level is a semi-realistic Earth-like environment that feels out of place

>yfw Donkey Kong is the boss of the level

Why the fuck can't they record any new voices? I swear I've heard all of Mario's, Peach's, and Bowser's lines already, and they're just re-using them now. I seriously hope this is like the Twilight Princess trailer that re-used OoT's voices and they're not actually THAT lazy.

Why you guys gotta bitch about the first proper 3D Mario since Sunshine?

How many variation of woo hoo and wah haa do you need

Enough where you can actually tell which game they're from, like Mario 64 and Sunshine.

Mario looking out of place is the point of the level


Into the fucking folder

Sunshines artsyle is perfect. Go back to that, Mario looks like a man not a big headed bouncy marshmallow.

Looks fucking fine to me.

What dumb nigga decided it was taboo for mario to be around leafs and trees

Each one of the four worlds shown have their own art direction and aesthetics.

These faggots going
>woah muh single realistic city level = Sonic06
are absolutely fucking retarded. Just hope they regurgitate the shitpost enough so it becomes more of a meme argument.

do keep in mind these are the same autists that screamed about BoTW having no towns/npcs
i'm also suprised no one talks about all the mechanics either brought back or added for this game, but I wouldn't be suprised if everyone complained about graphics or compares this to SA never played a main-series mario platformer