>People are actually console warriors because they're too poor to afford more than 1 (ONE) (SINGULAR) console
>LITERALLY can't afford to be part of the Switch + PC + PS4 master race
Who /truemasterrace/ here? Feels good to be able to play every great game this generation.
People are actually console warriors because they're too poor to afford more than 1 (ONE) (SINGULAR) console
I play PC and Nintendo consoles, Playstation has usually had one or two games that interested me but it was never enough reason to buy the console, I'm not gonna buy a PSP just for Megaman Powered Up no matter how much I wanted to play it.
ya i got that combo, probly will buy a scorpio. pc still crushes all tho just emulate old shit if u can only have one
>tfw bought a ps4 and didn't buy any games for it
Op is a smart nigga
This is what the real Niggas who aint poor do
I want to do things to that boy
Oh is this another "if people don't want X it must mean they can't afford it" thread?
People are console warriors because their mom will only buy them one console.
That's 120 dollars in online fees per year
>tfw 3DS + PS4 + PC master race
>literally had every single good game I wanted
>tfw gonna add a Switch to that list
Feels GOOD to have a decent paying job.
same here OP. Can't blame them though most of Sup Forums are still piss-poor basement dwellers
Everyone can. Shitposting is just fun for some.
If you're going that far, why not go full idort and get an Xbone?
Because he already has a PC. No matter how rich you are you won't pay $250 for something you will literally never use.
this, fucking, even with bills just eat out a little less or have some self control.
$300 is literal shit. I lose that in a pair of pants and get mildly annoyed. Its nothing.
fuck yeah McDonalds for life
xbone a shit
Console wars are the weirdest thing to me. They make no sense.
I have MGSV, Bloodborne, and Dead Rising HD.
After 2 fucking years.
>tfw planning to buy a PS4 and preorder a Switch next month
I own a PC, PS4, Wii U, and 3DS and will be getting a switch Day 1. I will love playing all the games and I love watching people on Sup Forums bicker because they are poor.
I have MGS V, Bloodborne, Gravity Rush, Last Guardian, and FFXV
Pretty sparse really. I have PT and the PS plus games too.
Your fault for having shit taste and not importing weebshit.
This has to be one of the most retarded statements I've ever read on Sup Forums. It's like you live in your own vacuum.
Because everyone wants to believe that they made the right purchase because otherwise the buyer's remorse sets in.
Pc (gtx1070) + wii u + 3ds here
Id get the ps4 if it had games
you dont have to be a console warrior to point out the switch is crap
>owning any console past the ps1 generation, with ps2 getting a special pardon
more like casual race my man lmao
I'm not crazy about my PS4 purchase but when Nioh and Persona 5 come out I'll feel better about it.
Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming to Switch so I'll get that on there. Actually Switch will make me get most of my third party games on that just for mobility. Couldn't give a shit if everything is 720p considering the screen size. 60 FPS is more important though, I'd like that.
PC of course ain't going anywhere. Not super excited for PC focused upcoming games though.
Post the cute chicken loli
PC, ps4, 3ds, and vita here. Will be forced to buy one if SMT is exclusive. Hopefully it has a decent library by then. There wasn't anything else they showed during the presentation that interested me.
>Making a point to only own consoles that are easily emulatable, and not owning consoles that aren't.
I have every console, and the only ones I regret buying are the Bone and Vita. It doesn't make a difference in the greater picture, though, cuz I made that money back in a couple of days.
I have a PC, I have the money to buy a console whenever I want, I don't see any reason to do it.
The switch looks DOA for good reason, the xbone was DOA and has no games, the wiiu was DOA and is a piece of shit, the ps4 has not nearly enough games I want to dilute the price.
>PC + PS4 being master of anything besides terrible decision making
everyone knows master race is PC + 3DS
i don't understand
3DS successor is Switch so same difference either way.
>implying the consoles that aren't easy to emulate have anything worthwhile
>implying it's not satisfying to be playing classic vidya on their original hardware
as i said, casual race my man lmao
>waiting for bundle to buy the Switch
This is the life.
There are good games in both 7th and 8th gen no matter how hard you try and meme. I agree about using the original hardware though.
PC, bomber, ps4, 3ds, vita and switch master race here
i wouldn't buy a PS4 even if i had a billion dollars
I envy poor people
I wish I had the time to be arguing about consoles. I hate that I'm always playing these good GAMES on my CONSOLES
I'm only gonna pay for Nintendo online play though, PS4 is just for single player exclusives
Its two sets of people.
Children, who can only afford one console per gen or actual autists who have some sort of consumer allegiance to a company for whatever retarded reason.
Whats the point of the PS4 if you have a PC? PC and Nintendo stuff is all you ever needed.
What is the point of Nintendo if Switch emulator exists?
Weeb games.
I just do it for fun.
>mfw pc, ps4, switch, 3ds, vita elder god race
feels good to be a wealthy old fag
>There are good games in both 7th and 8th gen
true, but not enough to warrant buying any of the hardware to play them. Find a friend who is a stupid enough cuck to buy said hardware, and play the games on his system.
Xbone Exclusives that aren't literally valueless shovelware
>Rare Replay (a collection game)
>Sunset Overdrive
>Some Halo games
note that even though I'm generously saying these games aren't shovelware, I'm not saying they're any good.
>loli and shota
>cheese pizza with pineapples
what did they mean?
Maybe one day. The fuckers sold out thats my only excuse
why do people have ps4s and pcs
it seems redundant
i want pizza now, fuck.
What about xbox?
i own a wii u and i think the switch looks like shit.
Because you can't play bloodborne on pc
for the odd ps4 exclusive
no point in a bone because MS is doing the whole on bone on Win 10 thing
> mfw Switch + PC + PS4 won't be affordable for me anymore when the Switch paid online comes out
that emulators take a generation to even run
Still the best Pheromosa pic. Pics where her eyes are looking at nothing like the main artwork and aren't cute and sweet are the good ones.
>playing multiplayer games
Xbox exclusives are shit and the system runs worse than PS4 and PC
I have multiple PCs and laptops. Consoles have been trash for at least two gens.
you're not wrong but why both
I don't want to start a thing but I keep looking at the selection and besides bloodborne there is nothing I want to play
who are the people that bought one and what are they doing with it
it just baffles me I can't wrap my head around it
Ace Combat, Bloodborne, EDF, God of War, Gravity Rush, Horizon, Infamous, KoF, Kingdom Hearts, The Last Guardian, The Last of Us, Ni-Oh, Ni no Kuni, Uncharted, and Yakuza are a few games/series with games that are PS4 exclusive I selected based on having appeal to some not-completely-niche tastes. If you're not interested in any of these then I wouldn't begrudge not getting a PS4, especially given a bunch of these aren't out yet, but it has more going for it than the Xbox.
>what are you looking at fag?
Get a second job, the global economy needs you!
>owning a PC
>that can only play western games
>which are universally garbage
y tho
its easy to trigger autists and jobless manchildren
which now that I think about it is a redundant statement
>console cucks so cucked that they have to pay for free ware
>they have to "pay" for "free" shit
>they have to pay just to use the full extent of their consoles
>this is what some anons actually believe.
>there are people who have gaming PCs and cant find anything else to spend their time and money on besides another console with a bunch of redundant games and one or two shitty exclusives that run at sub 30fps
fucking l m a o
>owning consoles and not owning a PC to gain access to the "shitposting on Sup Forums" feature of all your favourite games
I was close to getting a PS4, then DQ11 was announced for Switch, so I'll be going PC + Switch master race.
I'd rather just live in a pot and publicly masturbate while yelling at liberal philosophers desu senpai
>being so devoid of taste and preference that you buy everything and brag about it
The lounge of tasteless shits is over there. I just sent an "i listen to all genres of music" guy over there a moment ago, I'm sure you'll get along just fine.
Do you have autism or something? I'm genuinely curious. Just because you may not like something doesn't mean that everybody doesn't like it.
the new god of war is fucking insulting to anyone that tipled their toe into the series
bloodborne and yakuza are kinda interesting
I dunno man I don't think the games are bad, well except final fantasy and kingdom hearts but thats personal bias against the franchise, but I'm not feeling it
whats wrong with me
also this i mean if you're going to get a console nintendo is the only ones that arent the same old shit thats already available on any other platform, and their games actually run at a decent framerate usually, at least on wii u with the few games i care about
whatever that cutiefly is looking it ;)
Why does he look so mad?
I wonder how smooth it is?
>not having enough money to afford extravagant purchases
you obviously haven't played the game.
its pretty much his default look.
L I T E R A L L Y the Bloodborne box
Also Nioh I guess
I think the new God of War looks like shit too. But I always thought God of War looked like shit. It's AAA and has normie appeal though, so I listed it anyway.
Nothing wrong with not liking those games bro.
it made sense when it was genesis vs snes, 64 vs ps1, xbox vs ps2, 360 vs ps3. now everything is multiplat and you should just get a pc and everyone should unanimously be upset when they have to spend 500 dollars to play 1 or 2 titles on some shitty console.
I'm asking WHY they like it there usually is a reason especially in entertainment
I can understand other people liking things but there are so many units sold that I honestly feel like I missed something
What is this meme?
Sony + PC
>Sony Exclusives: (Nioh, Bloodborne, Ratchet and Clank, Crash Bandicoot, Last Guardian, Persona 5, Yakuza, FF7, Gravity Rush 2, God of War, Last of Us 2, Spiderman, Ace Combat, EDF, Horizon, Infamous, Ni-Oh, Ni no Kuni, Uncharted)
> Console Exclusives: (FFXV, KH3, Red Dead Redemption 2 etc)
If I gave that much of a shit about Nintenshit I could just emulate all of their games through Cemu/Dolphin etc.
PS4 + PC is OBJECTIVELY the best combination
ps4 isn't part of the master race but you're pretty close
maybe they can join once they have games
No Gardevoir waifu
Remove PS4 and we are in agreement
>Persona 5