will there be a bigger blunder for 2017?
Will there be a bigger blunder for 2017?
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That is fucking appalling.
holy shit
>store has an offer
>*we will break into your home and steal the game back after exactly 1 (ONE) month
Who cares a single stupid rehash of an old game with the promise of multiplayer doesn't justify a full console for us oldfags.
Leave it to nintendo to make the other sub offerings be angelical in comparison.
They'll be offering stuff that can be emulated on anyone's toaster so you won't be missing much if you aren't subbed.
What it sounds like is if you subscribe to this service they let you play a game to try it out for a month for *free
*other than paying for the subscription fee for the online service
which is kinda how PSN+ works anyway, except you also get deals on PSN+ too.
PS+ also doesn't take out the games after the month is over.
>which is kinda how PSN+ works anyway, except you also get deals on PSN+ too.
PSN+ allows you to retain access to downloaded games after they are cycled out
>see switch reveal
>not really feeling it but new splatoon is enough to make me think "yeah I should get this"
>but now it has paid online
>and with the actual presentation they didn't show a single other fucking thing worth buying either so I could at least feel excited about something else along with it
Splatoon was my second favorite game of 2015 and by far my favorite Nintendo game of the last decade and a half but I'm not buying a Switch just for the new one.
isn't that the same as ps plus? console fags are already used to it I'm sure
Oh, does it? Well, okay, then. I didn't know since I only just lately got into PSN+ for my PS4 which I recently purchased. I have no interest in buying a Switch, anyway.
No, you keep your PS+ games as long as you keep paying for PS+
PS+ isn't good either but there's a world of difference between "get some shitty indie game for staying subscribed each month" and "get some shitty NES game you can download off the internet in ten seconds for staying subscribed each month, but you lose it at the end of that month."
no it isnt. PS+ games dont expire when they get replaced with other complimentary games
this is measurably worse
Oh my god, that is honestly appalling.
They could at least give you new games and not just roms from 30 years ago.
Have they even commented at all about how they made the account system for no fucking reason
>Accounts on 3DS and Wii U are now linked
>You can look on the opposite system and it will totally show you that you DID buy one VC game on the other (i.e. you bought Zelda II on Wii U)
>However you still have to pay full price for that same game on the other system even though we show you that we know you bought it
At this point I have zero fucking faith that you will be able to download any of your goddamn VC games on to the Switch
>Bought Vita a couple years ago
>All those PS1 games I bought on PS3 years before that can be downloaded on to the Vita, I can even copy my save
>Can even copy my PSP saves over when I buy digital versions of those games on Vita
I'm not even a console war faggot but one is clearly fucking superior to the other
I think the most infuriating part of this is that Nintendo knows its worse, and they don't care, and nobody's gonna be happy about it, and they aren't going to bother changing it, and then when the Switch bombs and they have to kill it in three years again they'll just do the same shit anyway, and they probably still won't let you have a proper unified account system and keep your digital downloads across consoles.
>all the fucking sonyggers ITT
Back to neogaf you go faggots, no one wants you here
NES games are infinitely better than your fucking modern movie """""games"""", you filthy sonygger, because THEY'RE ACTUAL FUCKING GAMES
I am absolutely loving this. Nintendrones shitpost so much about how nintendo is your friend and there you have it, it is literally the most anti-consumer and jewish one of all big three.
It's like poetry.
crying over free shit, fuck off back to your sony land faget, like you even want to keep an 8-bit game after you played it for a few hours
holy fuck, how are there still bootlicking nintendrones like this still left?
this is an objectively bullshit policy and demonstrably worse than the competition. and thats notwithstanding that we're talking about 25 year old games that have been re-re-re-re-re-re-released to squeeze the last bit of blood from the stone.
>Old ass basic games
Geezer go away.
Even Namco puts better stuff on their loadscreens.
stop responding
>free shit
>spending money on a service makes it free
stop licking nintendo's boot
holy shit
>free shit
>that you have to pay for
>nintendo basically making you rent a shitty game every month before you can play online.
>this is an objectively bullshit policy and demonstrably worse than the competition
How the fuck is it worse when the games they're actually giving away are objectively better when you judge them as actual fucking GAMES? The shit that MUH SONY GOD gives away is worse than nothing because it uses up space on your system. Then again, there's nothing valuable that could take up space on the fucking thing so who cares
They're simple, yes, simple wholesome fun. Y'know, FUN? What games should be, not your emotional experience bullshit with objectively bad AI that doesn't even listen to you (B-B-BUT IT ON PURPOSE!!!!)
Is there a price difference between the two? (has the price even been released?)
If there's no price difference, that's absolutely appalling.
You can 100% literally any game in one month.
You need to play better games, geezer.
Hell even the ps4 has shit like Resogun, it plays like defender which is from your time, no?
Nice cherrypicking
And nice fucking assumption. SJW style, I like it. ANYONE WHO LIKES X MUST BE Y
>And nice fucking assumption
he says, after every single post assuming that the critics of nintendo's bullshit are sony fans
Well even upcoming stuff like Yakuza and Gravity Rush has arcade elements from your time, geezer.
Yakuza is pretty much a beat em up with a story on the side, you liked playing those games in the arcades, no? Life doesn't need to be viewed by the cherrypicked lens of emotional gaming.
How is that an argument? I sometimes play one short game over months simply because I have lots of other vidya or nonvidya stuff to do. Not to mention, as other drone keeps droning about ITT, Nintendo games sure are fun and are a thing you'll keep replaying over and over after finishing. Right?
>I don't wanna k-keep it a-anyways
How is this possible anons... When did Nintendo out Jew even Microsoft? Is the end?
>Yakuza is pretty much a beat em up with a story on the side
And that's why it's fucking shit. Did you know, that games aren't movies???
Because you are sonyggers. Are you denying that?
The Switch went from having the most potential for any console ever to being a likely blunder.
I remember posting "The Switch will be the best selling console of all time" after it was announced. After the shitty specs, weak third party support at launch and the paid online, I don't know how the fuck they can redeem this. They'd need Metroid Prime 4 and Goku in Smash at this point.
It's insulting, but we're talking about NES/SNES games, the things Nintendo used to give out for free as bonuses in their games.
You should be able to finish any of their games in an afternoon, or play a rom on the countless emulators.
It's not a defense of this, it's basically, this is trash
Go back to your fucking gulag and freeze to death shitbag
maybe you should stick to pong or board games, don't read any of the directions though, that might be too much of a story
You lose them if you don't renew your membership senpai
>Because you are sonyggers. Are you denying that?
nigger, I own a PC and a Wii U
Do you get triggered when arcade flyers tell too much story aswell, geezer?
>no one may speak out against our glorious corporate overlords!
please kill yourself at your earliest opportunity
What if it's $5 a month?
You're fucking lying, and it's blindingly obvious. Pathetic. What do you fucking pretendos gain from doing this? I can't imagine anything sadder than some fucking asshole who just wasted $400 on a PS4, who then realized that there were no games to buy, and just started shitposting the nintendo threads because he had nothing better to do. If I was that guy I would honestly just fucking kill myself
Funny you should say that, Pong is infinitely better than any wannabe movie shit the average sonygger """""""""""""plays""""""""""""""
I'd rather there be no story at all, but at least it was mostly kept external to the game and not shoved in my fucking face like modern """"""""""""games""""""""""" do
you mean, comparable to the competing services on xbox and playstation?
>literally half the price
>I'd rather there be no story at all, but at least it was mostly kept external to the game and not shoved in my fucking face
Oh man, never try finishing an arcade game then, geezer, your heart might fail one last time from seeing all the epilogue text.
so like
is paying for online a REQUIREMENT to play online? as in officially stated
or is it like, some bonus subscription thing you sign up for if you want?
>free rental of 20+ year old game for that month only
this is insipid
it has to be erroneous
comparable would be a ps1 game, for that month only
$5 would be a rip even then
>Online play will be free for Nintendo Account holders until our paid online service launches in fall 2017.
>free until fall
>no games until fall
Makes you think.
business suits and people like michael pachter probably loves and congratulates Nintendo for this great move having paid online
Iwata would most likely be very much opposed to this fucking idea since it would lock out the player from experiencing the full game, and Pachter hated Iwata and kept calling him a terrible president for having views like that
We don't know.
For all we know maybe the Nintendo online is 20 bucks a year only.
If you resub you get access to them all again. They are never "gone" like the Switch is going to be
How fucking stingy can they be? Not even fucking EA would do this.
Free game that you only get to play for the no the and its a shitty fucking nes or SNES game on top of it. That's bad business practices and if you support that you are a fucking lunatic. Just pre lube your own ass hole while you are at it so when Nintendo fucks you it will just slide right in.
These are bad business practices even compared to already shit standard.
Origin gives you free games and you dont even need to pay for a subscription. Thats how sad it is that nintendo cant even do what the turd known as Origin can
>How can we copy competing online models but make it even worse without adding a single redeeming benefit?
>What would Iwata-san do? He was a legend at fucking over yet to be jaded gamers.
>Lets have our own "free" digital download games for subscribers, except we'll put a time limit on titles so you can't keep playing them, even if you keep paying.
>West manbabies will eat it up.
>If they complain, we'll tell them to prease understanderu.
>They like what we tell them to like.
>[japanese laughing intensifies]
If only Sony stuck to that with the PS4 instead of this PS Now bullshit.
>print out of a wii u box with a sheet of paper on top
Wow, sonyggers are getting desperate huh?
>tfw fell for the wii-u meme
>not falling for this switch trash
>Cemu already so ludicrously far ahead that Breath of the Wild will run at 4k at release thanks to the "graphics packs"
This board is obviously nintendo heavy so I feel bad for everyone who is getting brainwashed by the extreme switch shilling
>this paranoid
Jesus Christ man.
People either care about it and want to own it permanently or they don't give a shit.
I can't imagine the person that want a rental of these old games and then is willing to pay the nostalgia gouging price to keep playing. Just lower the prices to something realistic and people can try whatever games they want for on cheap impulse.
This isn't even the illusion of value. It's nothing.
You do know what 5 x 12 is, right?
with Wiiu you can still play all the wii games you missed out on, the multiplayer is still free, and it has a few good games, and Zelda Breath of the wild will come out on it.
and it is the last time you will experience the Miiverse, the drawings and that community that will soon be relegated to the annals of history, because they sure as shit are not bringing it to the Switch.
I'll just use Dolphin for my Wii games since I can again play in upscaled resolutions and play multiplayer with friends. Miiverse is a meme
I wouldn't expect this kind of bullshit even from jews. Most of those games are fucking worthless even in physical form.
don't you want to own a physical original copy to collect, user?
it's a good meme, though.
what does Switch have, nothing
I hope to god you're just trolling and not as huge of an autistic sperg as you're coming across. Because if you are I legit feel sorry for you.
No shilling here. The library has me excited, and also it's obvious this thing is going to replace the Vita as the console that gets all the niche weeb games. Disgaea has already jumped ship.
If it were just a console I'd be more skeptical, but the idea of playing console-quality games on the go is very tantalizing and something the Vita never quite managed. Got a Wifi signal? Have a Splatoon match right there.
You have the advantages of a console and a handheld in one device, and I think the advantages of that haven't dawned on a lot of people yet. Just wait until this thing gets Pokemon or Monster Hunter.
Imagine the tears and laughter if it turns out that 1-2 Switch isn't even free with the console.
Goddamn 2017 is such a great year. What an amazing time to be alive.
>it's obvious this thing is going to replace the Vita as the console that gets all the niche weeb games.
Have you looked at the PS4 or even PC releases lately?
Too bad they've been recalled from stores
It's not. It's fifty dollars.
All of the PC ports of games that went to the Vita first? Yes. PS4 I'll give you, but I still do a lot of portable gaming.
>Niche weeb games
Most niche weeb games have lewd fanservice stuff like that one soldier girls game.
No way will those kinds of games be pushed by nintendo.
At most, you get the usual jrpg stuff that will eventually get ported to steam.
>mfw Sup Forums will still buy a switch no matter what while I have a giant pile of ps+ games I can play for eternity
might have to get a hold of one before Nintendo shuts it all down for good.
>>all the fucking sonyggers ITT
>And nice fucking assumption. SJW style, I like it. ANYONE WHO LIKES X MUST BE Y
Nintoddlers everyone.
That's not even close to niche, baka senpai.
>giant pile of ps+ games
Next you're going to tell me Neptunia isn't niche either. I don't need all those eyes on my waifus.
Now that Leltendo has finally caught up with the rest of the industry we can clearly see how fucking disgusting they really are.
This is why they hound fangame devs and go after rom distribution sites.
They are the worst of them all.
>play for eternity
Imagine this old geezer playing Final Fantasy 1
Nope, any games you get can be played forever.
>pay a membership for a monthly free game
>we take away the game after one month
so basically you are just throwing money away?
>EA does what Nintendon't
Nintendo, please fucking pull your heads out of your ass, I want to enjoy you again